r2pm -i f2frida
r2 frida://Twitter
r2 frida://<pid>
r2 frida://<deviceID>/Twitter
r2 frida://<deviceID>/<pid>
r2 frida:///usr/bin/ls
r2 "frida:///usr/bin/ls -al"
r2 frida://<device_name>//your.package.name
When spawning a process it's started in suspended mode. It must be resumed using the \dc
Is recomended to activate ESIL emulation anotations using e asm.emu=true
All r2frida commands are precedded with a \
\? Show help
.\i* To tell radare2 the arch of the process (useful for remote devices)
\/[x][j] <string|hexpairs> Search hex/string pattern in memory ranges (see `search.in=?`)
Don't use aaa
, is too time consuming and complex for large apps!!!
Use frida inspect capabilities instead
\i Show target information
\ii[*] List imports
\il List libraries
\is[*] <lib> List symbols of lib (local and global ones)
\i; echo *****; \il List target info and list libraries
\is target.o List sections for target.o
\is target.o ~ f Same but for functions only
\is target.o ~ f~ someF[0] Extract function address
s `\is target.o ~ f~ someF[0]` Jump to function
af; pdf Analyze and disassembly
\dtf `s` ^x Trace the function using frida, print one argument as hex value
\dxc `s` 0xffffffff Call the funtion with the param 0xffffffff
\db (<addr>|<sym>) List or place breakpoint
\db- (<addr>|<sym>)|* Remove breakpoint(s)
\dc Continue breakpoints or resume a spawned process
\dm[.|j|*] Show memory regions
\dpt Show threads
\dt (<addr>|<sym>) .. Trace list of addresses or symbols
Example: \dt <address> Triggers every time the address is executed
\dtf <addr> [fmt] Trace address with format (^ixzO) (see dtf?)
Example: \dtf 0x00000010bb7777 xzOO
\dtr <address> <format> Trace registers values
\. script Run script
\eval code.. Evaluate Javascript code in agent side
\eval new ApiResolver('objc').enumerateMatchesSync('*[* sharedTwitter]')
This will resolve the class names+methods+address that matches the provided query
(all methods matching 'sharedTwitter' from all classes)
\dd[j-][fd] ([newfd]) List, dup2 or close filedescriptors (ddj for JSON)
Replace file descriptors (change input and output destinations of ANY function)
- Start the target app
- While suspended:
\dmas output.txt Allocates the string "output.txt" in the heap
\dxc open <addres from prev command> 0x202 Call open with given permissions
\dd <fd from prev command> 1 Replace the fd=1(stdout) with the result of the previous command
\dc Resume. Now all the output goes to the specified file!