The Mechanical Node API is composed of:
- HITType - create, setNotification
- HIT - create, get, getReviewable, getAssignments
- Assignment - approve, reject
- Price - new
- Notification - build
Listen to events: assignmentAccepted, assignmentAbandoned, assignmentReturned, assignmentSubmitted, HITReviewable or hITExpired.
var config = {
url: "",
receptor: { port: 8080, host: undefined },
poller: { frequency_ms: 10000 },
accessKeyId: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
secretAccessKey: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
var mturk = require('mturk')(config);
- url: The base URL for all API calls. Should be either
- For testing
- posts HITs to worker sandbox
- manage HITs at requester sandbox
- Posts HITs to Mechanical Turk
- receptor: Configure the express instance that will wait for notifications set up using hitType.setNotification
- poller: set up the timed event that actively asks MT for reviewable hits
- frequency_ms defaults to 60000
- accessKeyId and secretAccessKey: You can find your acessKeyID and secretAccessKey in your AWS account under security credentials.
For more information about the MT API, check out the Developer Guide and the API Reference.
var HITType = require('mturk').HITType;
Creates a HITType. This is the starting point. When creating a HIT you need a HITTypeId (
- title - The title for HITs of this type
- description - A general description of HITs of this type
- reward - The reward. Should be of type model/Price
- assignmentDurationInSeconds - The amount of time a Worker has to complete a HIT of this type after accepting it. integer. in seconds. between 30 (30 seconds) and 3153600 (365 days)
- options.keywords - One or more words or phrases that describe a HIT of this type, separated by commas. string < 1000 chars. Optional.
- options.autoApprovalDelayInSeconds - An amount of time, in seconds, after an assignment for a HIT of this type has been submitted, that the assignment becomes Approved automatically, unless the Requester explicitly rejects it. integer. Optional. Default is 2592000 (30 days)
- options.qualificationRequirement - A QualificationRequirementDataStructure Optional. Default is no requirements.
- callback - function with signature (Array errors || null, HITType hitType)
// For adult-only tasks...
var options = {
keywords: "video, dvd covers",
autoApprovalDelayInSeconds: 3600,
qualificationRequirement: {
QualificationTypeId: "00000000000000000060",
Comparator: "EqualTo",
IntegerValue: 1,
RequiredToPreview: true
Sets the notification for a HITType. Essential when you want to be informed in "real time" by Amazon of the changes in assignment state.
- notification - the Notification structure
- active - (the lifetime, in seconds (int))bookean
- callback - function with signature (error)
var HIT = require('mturk').HIT;
Creates a HIT
- hitTypeId - the HIT type id (string)
- questionXML - the question (string)
- lifeTimeInSeconds - the lifetime, in seconds (int)
- options.maxAssignments - the maximum number of assignments. defaults to 1 (int). Optional.
- options.requesterAnnotation - annotations only viewable by the requester (you). (string with max 255 chars). Optional.
- callback - function with signature (Array errors || null, HIT hit)
The question must be a well-formed XML string; either a QuestionForm file or an ExternalQuestion. You can find the appropriate Schema URLs in the WsdlLocationArticle.
Retrieves the details of the specified HIT.
- hitId - The ID of the HIT to retrieve (String)
- callback - function with signature (Error error || null, HIT hit)
dispose of a HIT
- hitId - The ID of the HIT to retrieve (String)
- callback - function with signature (Error error || null)
Disables specified HIT.
- hitId - The ID of the HIT to retrieve (String)
- callback - function with signature (Error error || null)
Force expire specified HIT.
- hitId - The ID of the HIT to retrieve (String)
- callback - function with signature (Error error || null)
Retrieves the reviewable HITs.
- options.hitTypeId - the HIT type id (string), not required
- options.status - the status of the HITs to retrieve (string). Can be "Reviewable" or "Reviewing" Default: "Reviewable"
- options.sortProperty - can sort by title | reward | expiration | creationTime. Defaults to "expiration"
- options.sortDirection - can sort by Title | Reward | Expiration | CreationTime. Defaults to "Expiration"
- options.pageSize - The number of HITs to include in a page of results (int). Defaults to 10. Maximum is 100
- options.pageNumber - The page of results to return (int). Defaults to 1
- callback - function with signature (error, int numResults, int totalNumResults, int pageNumber, Array hITs)
Gets the assigments for a HIT
- options.assignmentStatus - The status of the assignments to return (string). Valid Values: Submitted | Approved | Rejected. Default: None
- options.sortProperty - The field on which to sort the results returned by the operation (String). Valid Values: AcceptTime | SubmitTime | AssignmentStatus. Default: SubmitTime
- options.sortDirection - The direction of the sort used with the field specified by the SortProperty parameter (string). Valid Values: Ascending | Descending. Default: Ascending
- options.pageSize - The number of assignments to include in a page of results (int). Default: 10
- options.pageNumber - The page of results to return (int). Default: 1
- callback - function with signature (error, int numResults, int totalNumResults, int pageNumber, Array assignments)
HIT.getAssignments({}, function(err, numResults, totalNumResults, pageNumber, assignments) {
assignments.forEach(function(assignment) {
- requesterFeedback - A message for the Worker, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site. (string max 1024 characters). Optional
- callback - function with signature (error)
- requesterFeedback - A message for the Worker, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site. (string max 1024 characters). Optional
- callback - function with signature (error)
var Price = require('mturk').Price;
var amount = 0.15;
var currencyCode = 'USD';
var price = new Price(amount, currencyCode);
Creates a new Price structure.
Here is an example of creating a HITType, then rendering a question XML string using EJS, and finally creating a HIT.
// 1. Create the HITType
var price = new Price("2.50", "USD");
var title = "Touch Your Toes";
var description = "Exercise is good for you!";
var duration = 60 * 10; // #seconds Worker has to complete after accepting
var options = { keywords: "fitness, health", autoApprovalDelayInSeconds: 3600 };
HITType.create(title, description, price, duration, options, function(err, hitType) {
console.log("Created HITType ";
// 2. Render the Question XML
var options = {'question': "What's your favorite color?"};
var templateFile = __dirname+"/views/questionForm.xml.ejs";
ejs.renderFile(templateFile, options, function(err, questionXML) {
console.log("Rendered XML: "+questionXML);
// 3. Create a HIT
var options = {maxAssignments: 5}
var lifeTimeInSeconds = 3600; // 1 hour
HIT.create(, questionXML, lifeTimeInSeconds, {}, function(err, hit){
console.log("Created HIT ";
Then, somewhere else:
mturk.on('HITReviewable', function(hitId) {
console.log('HIT with ID ' + hitId + ' HITReviewable');
HIT.getAssignments(hitId, {}, function(err, numResults, totalNumResults, pageNumber, assignments) {
assignments.forEach(function(assignment) {
// review, then approve or decline
The notification mechanism sets up:
- Receptor a web server to serve as an endpoint to Amazon notifications. This is done with the SetHITTypeNotification API call. Note that this
- Poller A poller that actively polls Amazon MTurk API every X milliseconds. (Note: This value can be changed in the config)
Both of these mechanisms fire events as described below.
Creates a Notification structure to be used on the hitType.setNotification API call.
- destination - The destination for notification messages (string)
- transport - The method Amazon Mechanical Turk uses to send the notification (string). Valid values are: Email | SOAP | REST
- eventTypes - The events that should cause notifications to be sent. Array of strings. Valid Values: AssignmentAccepted | AssignmentAbandoned | AssignmentReturned | AssignmentSubmitted | HITReviewable | HITExpired
Amazon can inform us of the changed to the assignments in real time. To setup automatic notifications every time you create a HIT Type, you should call the hitType.setNotification method with the following arguments:
- transport: "REST" (we only support REST)
- destination: the URL of the endpoint to be called by Amazon. Amazon only accepts ports 80 and 443. This should be the public address that reaches config/mturk.js ->
The main "mturk" module is an EventEmitter that you can set up to listen to the following events:
- assignmentAccepted
- assignmentAbandoned
- assignmentReturned
- assignmentSubmitted
- HITReviewable
- HITExpired
- any - any of the events above
var mturk = require('mturk');
mturk.on('HITReviewable', function(hitId) {
console.log('HIT with ID ' + hitId + ' is now reviewable.');