React Docs Summary By: Alan Nguyen A - INSTALLATION 1. Getting Started 2. Add React to a Website 3. Create a New React App 4. CDN Links B - MAIN CONCEPTS 1. Hello World 2. Intro JSX 3. Rendering Elements 4. Components and Props 5. State and Lifecycle 6. Handling Events 7. Conditional Rendering 8. Lists and Keys 9. Forms 10. Lifting State Up 11. Composition vs Inheritance 12. Thinking in React C - ADVANCED GUIDES 1. Accessibility 2. Code-Splitting 3. Context 4. Error Boundaries 5. Forwarding Refs 6. Fragments 7. Higher-Order Components 8. Integrating with Other Libraries 9. JSX In Depth 10. Optimizing Performance 11. Portals 12. Profiler 13. React Without ES6 14. React Without JSX 15. Reconciliation 16. Refs and the DOM 17. Render Props 18. Static Type Checking 19. Strict Mode 20. Typechecking With PropTypes 21. Uncontrolled Components 22. Web Components D - API REFERENCE 1. React 2. React.Component 3. ReactDOM 4. ReactDOMServer 5. DOM Elements 6. SyntheticEvent 7. Test Utilities 8. Test Renderer 9. JS Environment Requirements 10. Glossary E - HOOKS 1. Introducing Hooks 2. Hooks at a Glance 3. Using the State Hook 4. Using the Effect Hook 5. Rules of Hooks 6. Building Your Own Hooks 7. Hooks API Reference 8. Hooks FAQ F - TESTING 1. Testing Overview 2. Testing Recipes 3. Testing Environments G - CONCURRENT MODE