The KontrollerLab is an IDE for developing software for Atmel(r) AVR(c) microcontrollers using the avr-gcc compiler, the uisp and the avrdude upload software.
This is an KDE4/Qt4 port of KontrollerLab developed by
KontrollerLab on github:
KontrollerLab on ArchLinux AUR
source code repositories: see Getting the source section, below
KontrollerLab's source code is located in GIT repositories.
The official repository is located on github:
the master branch contains the latest tested development code, while other branches might contain untested/unstable code
Checking out from GIT can be performed with the following commands:
git clone git://
cd kontrollerlab
git checkout -b master --track origin/master
Required dependencies
- KDE4 libraries -dev
- Qt4 -dev
- cmake
- automoc4
- glib -dev
By using a terminal, navigate to the top-level source-directory
Create the makefiles using cmake
cmake .
Compile the project
Install the project
make install
Run KontrollerLab
KontrollerLab should start running at this point.