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Example Project from A First Look at create-t3-app

create-t3-app is a fullstack React framework and CLI that has emerged as an evolution of the T3 stack recommended on Theo Browne's website It's described by its creators as "kind of a template," which is meant to stress that it is "NOT a template".

Clone Repo and Navigate to Project

git clone
cd backend/t3

Install Dependencies and Setup Database

Install dependencies with pnpm and create a new .env file from the example provided:

pnpm i
cp .env.example .env

I recommend using a Postgres database and connection string for the DATABASE_URL variable in .env. There are two easy ways to accomplish this with Railway.

Railway CLI

If you have the Railway CLI installed you can run the following set of commands:

railway login # or railway login --browserless
railway init
railway add
echo DATABASE_URL=`railway variables get DATABASE_URL` > .env

Railway Dashboard

Alternatively, go to and click Provision PostgreSQL database and find the connection string under the Connect tab in the dashboard.

Run Database Migrations

pnpm prisma migrate dev --name init
pnpm prisma generate

Start Development Server

pnpm dev

Deploy to Vercel


Add GraphQL Cause Why Not

If you're starting a new t3 app from scratch, run pnpm add @graphql-yoga/node graphql and create a file called graphql.ts in src/pages/api/.

// src/pages/api/graphql.ts

import { createServer } from '@graphql-yoga/node'

const typeDefs = /* GraphQL */ `
  type Query {
    users: [User!]!
  type User {
    name: String

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    users() {
      return [{ name: 'nexxel' }]

const server = createServer({
  schema: {
  endpoint: '/api/graphql',
  // graphiql: false // uncomment to disable GraphiQL

export default server

Start the development server and open localhost:3000/api/graphql. Run the following query:

query GET_USERS {
  users {

Screenshot of GraphQL Yoga's GraphiQL Explorer with a GET_USERS query executing and returning a JSON object with a user named Nexxel

Alternatively, you can query the API directly with cURL:

curl 'http://localhost:3000/api/graphql' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"query":"{ users { name } }"}'

This should return the following response:
