- Retrive data from the CDC website
- convert html doc to markdown doc (Done)
- extract the data from the markdown doc
- store the data in a vector database pgvector of Postgresql to perform vector searches in LlamaIndex
- RAG model
- RAG model for epidemiology
- Named Entity Recognition(NER) for epidemiology
- Improve search and generation(KNN,ANN,PCA, LDA etc)
- knowledge graph for epidemiology
- Agentic-flow model for epidemiology
- Help RG to setup the environment
- Save data into local or container during develop stage
- How to split (chunk) the text? split based on title would always work (eg too long or too short)
- Embedding models for the text
docker \
run \
--name epimind \
-d \
-v <YOUR LOCAL CODE PATH>:/root/ \
-p 5432:5432 \
-p 8888:8888 \
Try to access: http://localhost:8888
You can interact with docker container with:
docker exec -it epimind /bin/bash
Also, you can build with the image locally:
You can build the image locally with:
docker build -t epimind:lastest .
the local building would much smaller.