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AsyncCalls - Delphi asynchronous function call framework

IAsyncCall interface

All AsyncCall functions return an IAsyncCall interface that is used to control the async. function. If the last reference to the interface is gone, the async. function will be synchronized to the thread that released the last reference unless Forget was called.

  IAsyncCall = interface 
    function Sync: Integer; 
    function Finished: Boolean; 
    function ReturnValue: Integer; 
    function Canceled: Boolean; 
    procedure ForceDifferentThread; 
    procedure CancelInvocation; 
    procedure Forget; 
  • Sync waits until the function is finished and returns the return value of the function. It is undefined for procedures.
  • Finished returns True when the async. function is finished. Otherwise it returns False.
  • ReturnValue returns the async. function's return value. It is undefined for procedures. If the async. function is still executing, it raises an EAsyncCallError exception.
  • Canceled returns True if the AsyncCall was canceled .
  • ForceDifferentThread tells AsyncCalls to not execute the function in the current thread.
  • CancelInvocation stops the async. function from being executed. If the function is already executing, a call to CancelInvocation has no effect and the Canceled method will return False.
  • Forget unlinks the async. function from the returned interface. This means that if the las reference to the IAsyncCall interface is gone, the async. function will still be executed. The interface's methods will throw an exception if called after Forget. The async. function must not call into the main thread because it could be executed after the TThread.Synchronize/Queue mechanism was shut down by the RTL what can cause a dead lock.

TAsyncCalls class (Delphi 2009 and newer)

  TAsyncCalls = class(TObject)
    { Invoke an asynchronous function call }
    class function Invoke<T>(Proc: TAsyncCallArgGenericProc<T>; const Arg: T): IAsyncCall; overload; static;
    class function Invoke<T>(Event: TAsyncCallArgGenericMethod<T>; const Arg: T): IAsyncCall; overload; static;
    class function Invoke<T1, T2>(Proc: TAsyncCallArgGenericProc<T1, T2>; const Arg1: T1;
	  const Arg2: T2): IAsyncCall; overload; static;
    class function Invoke<T1, T2>(Event: TAsyncCallArgGenericMethod<T1, T2>; const Arg1: T1;
	  const Arg2: T2): IAsyncCall; overload; static;
    class function Invoke<T1, T2, T3>(Proc: TAsyncCallArgGenericProc<T1, T2, T3>; const Arg1: T1;
	  const Arg2: T2; const Arg3: T3): IAsyncCall; overload; static;
    class function Invoke<T1, T2, T3>(Event: TAsyncCallArgGenericMethod<T1, T2, T3>; const Arg1: T1;
	  const Arg2: T2; const Arg3: T3): IAsyncCall; overload; static;
    class function Invoke<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Proc: TAsyncCallArgGenericProc<T1, T2, T3, T4>;
	  const Arg1: T1; const Arg2: T2; const Arg3: T3; const Arg4: T4): IAsyncCall; overload; static;
    class function Invoke<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Event: TAsyncCallArgGenericMethod<T1, T2, T3, T4>;
	  const Arg1: T1; const Arg2: T2; const Arg3: T3; const Arg4: T4): IAsyncCall; overload; static;

    { Invoke an asynchronous anonymous method call }
    class function Invoke(Func: TIntFunc): IAsyncCall; overload; static;
    class function Invoke(Proc: TProc): IAsyncCall; overload; static;

    class procedure MsgExec(AsyncCall: IAsyncCall; IdleMsgMethod: TAsyncIdleMsgMethod); static;

    { Synchronize with the VCL }
    class procedure VCLSync(Proc: TProc); static;
    class function VCLInvoke(Proc: TProc): IAsyncCall; static;
  • Invoke<T...> executes an anonymous method (TIntProc, TProc), a global function (TAsnyCallArgGenericProc) or an event (TAsyncCallArgGenericMethod) asynchronously. The specified arguments are transfered to the async. function.
  • MsgExec waits for the AsyncCall to finish. If there are any messages in the message queue and the function was called from the main thread, it will call IdleMsgMethod. You can specify Application.ProcessMessages as IdleMsgMethod (with all its implications).
  • VCLSync blocks the thread and returns after the anonymous method was executed in the main thread. If the current thread is the main thread, the anonymous method is executed directly.
  • VCLInvoke returns immediately. The anonymous method will be executed in the main thread.

AsyncCall functions

function AsyncCall(Proc: TAsyncCallArgObjectProc; Arg: TObject): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Proc: TAsyncCallArgIntegerProc; Arg: Integer): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Proc: TAsyncCallArgStringProc; const Arg: string): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Proc: TAsyncCallArgWideStringProc; const Arg: WideString): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Proc: TAsyncCallArgInterfaceProc; const Arg: IInterface): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Proc: TAsyncCallArgExtendedProc; const Arg: Extended): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCallVar(Proc: TAsyncCallArgVariantProc; const Arg: Variant): IAsyncCall; overload; 

function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgObjectMethod; Arg: TObject): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgIntegerMethod; Arg: Integer): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgStringMethod; const Arg: string): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgWideStringMethod; const Arg: WideString): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgInterfaceMethod; const Arg: IInterface): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgExtendedMethod; const Arg: Extended): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCallVar(Method: TAsyncCallArgVariantMethod; const Arg: Variant): IAsyncCall; overload; 

function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgObjectEvent; Arg: TObject): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgIntegerEvent; Arg: Integer): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgStringEvent; const Arg: string): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgWideStringEvent; const Arg: WideString): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgInterfaceEvent; const Arg: IInterface): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Method: TAsyncCallArgExtendedEvent; const Arg: Extended): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCallVar(Method: TAsyncCallArgVariantEvent; const Arg: Variant): IAsyncCall; overload; 

procedure AsyncExec(Method: TNotifyEvent; Arg: TObject; IdleMsgMethod: TAsyncIdleMsgMethod);
  • AsyncCall start a specified async. function.

  • AsyncCallVar like AsyncCall but expects a Variant argument.

  • AsyncExec calls the IdleMsgMethod in a loop, while the async. method is executed.

  • Arguments

    Proc/MethodFunction that should be executed async.
    Arg User defined argument that is copied to the async. function argument.


function TestFunc(const Text: string): Integer; 
  Result := TimeConsumingFuncion(Text); 

a := AsyncCall(TestFunc, 'A Text');

AsyncCallEx functions

function AsyncCallEx(Proc: TAsyncCallArgRecordProc; var Arg{: TRecordType}): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCallEx(Method: TAsyncCallArgRecordMethod; var Arg{: TRecordType}): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCallEx(Method: TAsyncCallArgRecordEvent; var Arg{: TRecordType}): IAsyncCall; overload;
  • AsyncCallEx starts the specified async. function with a referenced value type (record) that can be manipulated in the async. function.

  • Arguments

    Proc/MethodFunction that should be executed async.
    Arg User defined value type (record).


  TData = record 
    Value: Integer; 

procedure TestRec(var Data: TData); 
  Data.Value := 70; 

a := AsyncCallEx(@TestRec, MyData); 
{ Don't access "MyData" here until the async. function has finished. } 
// MyData.Value is now 70


  IAsyncRunnable = interface
    procedure AsyncRun;

function AsyncCall(Runnable: IAsyncRunnable): IAsyncCall; overload;
  • AsyncCall executes the Runnable asynchronously.

AsyncMultiSync - Thread synchronization

function AsyncMultiSync(const List: array of IAsyncCall; WaitAll: Boolean = True; 
  Milliseconds: Cardinal = INFINITE): Cardinal; 
function AsyncMultiSyncEx(const List: array of IAsyncCall; const Handles: array of THandle; 
  WaitAll: Boolean = True; Milliseconds: Cardinal = INFINITE): Cardinal; 
function MsgAsyncMultiSync(const List: array of IAsyncCall; WaitAll: Boolean; 
  Milliseconds: Cardinal; dwWakeMask: DWORD): Cardinal; 
function MsgAsyncMultiSyncEx(const List: array of IAsyncCall; const Handles: array of THandle; 
  WaitAll: Boolean; Milliseconds: Cardinal; dwWakeMask: DWORD): Cardinal;
  • AsyncMultiSync waits for the async calls and other handles to finish. MsgAsyncMultiSync() waits for the async calls, other handles and the message queue.

  • Arguments

    List An array of IAsyncCall interfaces for which the function should wait.
    Handles An array of THandle for which the function should wait.
    WaitAll=True The function returns when all listed async calls have finished. If Milliseconds is INFINITE the async calls meight be executed in the current thread. The return value is zero when all async. calls have finished. Otherwise it is WAIT_FAILED.
    WaitAll=FalseThe function returns when at least one of the async calls has finished. The return value is the list index of the first finished async call. If there was a timeout, the return value is WAIT_FAILED.
    Milliseconds Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait until a timeout happens. The value INFINITE lets the function wait until all async calls have finished.
    dwWakeMask See Windows.MsgWaitForMultipleObjects()
  • Limitation: Length(List)+Length(Handles) must not exceed MAXIMUM_ASYNC_WAIT_OBJECTS. (61 elements)

  • Return value

    WAIT_TIMEOUT The function timed out
    WAIT_OBJECT_0+index The first finished async call
    WAIT_OBJECT_0+Length(List)+index The first signaled handle
    WAIT_OBJECT_0+Length(List)+Length(Handles)A message was signaled
    WAIT_ABANDONED_0+index The abandoned async call
    WAIT_ABANDONED_0+Length(List)+index The abandoned handle
    WAIT_FAILED The function failed

LocalAsyncCall function (deprecated, Win32 only)

function LocalAsyncCall(LocalProc: TLocalAsyncProc): IAsyncCall; 
function LocalAsyncCallEx(LocalProc: TLocalAsyncProcEx; Param: INT_PTR): IAsyncCall; 
procedure LocalAsyncExec(Proc: TLocalAsyncProc; IdleMsgMethod: TAsyncIdleMsgMethod);
  • LocalAsyncCall executes the given local function/procedure in a separate thread. The result value of the async. function is returned by IAsyncCall.Sync and IAsyncCall.ReturnValue.
  • LocalAsyncCallEx is like LocalAsyncCall but you can specify am INT_PTR parameter for the local function.
  • The LocalAsyncExec function calls the IdleMsgMethod while the local procedure is executed.
  • LocalProc: A local function that should be executed asynchronously.


procedure MainProc(const S: string); 
  Value: Integer; 
  a: IAsyncCall; 

  function DoSomething: Integer; 
    if S = 'Abc' then 
      Value := 1; 
    Result := 0; 

  a := LocalAsyncCall(@DoSomething); 
  // do something 
  LocalAsyncExec(@DoSomething, Application.ProcessMessages); 

VCL synchronization (deprecated, Win32 only)

procedure LocalVclCall(LocalProc: TLocalVclProc; Param: INT_PTR = 0); 
function LocalAsyncVclCall(LocalProc: TLocalVclProc; Param: INT_PTR = 0): IAsyncCall;
  • LocalVclCall executes the given local function/procedure in the main thread. It uses the TThread.Synchronize function that blocks the current thread.
  • LocalAsyncVclCall execute the given local function/procedure in the main thread. It does not wait for the main thread to execute the function unless the current thread is the main thread. In that case it executes and waits for the specified function in the current thread like LocalVclCall.

The result value of the asynchronous function is returned by IAsyncCall.Sync and IAsyncCall.ReturnValue.


procedure TFormMain.MainProc; 

  procedure DoSomething; 

    procedure UpdateProgressBar(Percentage: Integer); 
      ProgressBar.Position := Percentage; 
      Sleep(20); // This delay does not affect the time for the 0..100 loop 
                 // because UpdateProgressBar is non-blocking. 

    procedure Finished; 

    I: Integer; 
    for I := 0 to 100 do 
      // Do some time consuming stuff 
      LocalAsyncVclCall(@UpdateProgressBar, I); // non-blocking 
    LocalVclCall(@Finished); // blocking 

  a: IAsyncCall; 
  a := LocalAsyncCall(@DoSomething); 
  a.ForceDifferentThread; // Do not execute in the main thread because this will 
                          // change LocalAyncVclCall into a blocking LocalVclCall 
  // do something 
  //a.Sync; The Compiler will call this for us in the Interface._Release method 

EnterMainThread/LeaveMainThread (deprecated, Win32 only)

procedure EnterMainThread; 
procedure LeaveMainThread;

EnterMainThread and LeaveMainThread can be used to temporary switch to the main thread. The code that should be synchonized with the main thread (blocking) has to be put into a try/finally block and the LeaveMainThread function must be called from the finally block. A missing try/finally will lead to an access violation.

  • All local variables can be used. (The CPU register EBP points to the thread's stack while ESP points the the main thread's stack)
  • Unhandled exceptions are passed to the surrounding thread.
  • The integrated debugger is not able to follow the execution flow. You have to use break points instead of "Step over/in". Nested calls to EnterMainThread and LeaveMainThread are ignored. But they must strictly follow the try/finally structure.


procedure MyThreadProc; 
  S: string; 
  Assert(GetCurrentThreadId <> MainThreadId); 
  S := 'Hallo, I''m executed in the main thread'; 

    Assert(GetCurrentThreadId = MainThreadId); 

  Assert(GetCurrentThreadId <> MainThreadId); 

AsyncCall with a variable number of arguments (deprecated, Win32 only)

function AsyncCall(Proc: TCdeclFunc; const Args: array of const): IAsyncCall; overload; 
function AsyncCall(Proc: TCdeclMethod; const Args: array of const): IAsyncCall; overload;
  • AsyncCall starts a specified async. function with a variable number of argument. The async. function must be declared with call call conventsion cdecl and the argument's modifier must be const for Variants. All other types can have the const modifier but it is not necessary.

  • Arguments

    Proc/MethodFunction that should be executed async.
    Arg An open array that specifies the async. function arguments. The values are either copied or the reference counter is increased during the execution of the async. function.

AsyncCalls internals - thread pool and waiting-queue

An execution request is added to the waiting-queue when an async. function is started. This request forces the thread pool to check if there is an idle/suspended thread that could do the job. If such a thread exists, it is reactivated/resumed. If no thread is available then it depends on the number of threads in the pool what happens. If the maximum thread number is already reached the request remains in the waiting-queue. Otherwise a new thread is added to the thread pool.

Threads that aren't idle/suspended take the oldest request from the waiting-queue and execute the associated async. function. If the waiting queue is empty the threads becomes idle/suspended.