A bunch of recipes for University of Michigan's CAEN Linux.
- Recipes
CAEN says you can't change your shell from Bash, and you're not allowed to run chsh
. But you can run ZSH on CAEN! All you have to do is run ZSH within Bash.
Add the following line to ~/.bashrc
# Start ZSH and exit when ZSH exits
exec zsh
Then add the following to your ~/.zshrc
# Tell ZSH not to exit when an error happens; only exit on quit
setopt no_err_exit
That's it!
Like the above, you can run CSH from within Bash. Add the following line to ~/.bashrc
# Start CSH and exit when CSH exits
exec csh -l
We don't get root access on CAEN computers - so no, we can't use existing package managers such as RPM.
So basically every package you need - compile it yourself and add to path!
I like to approach this by creating a new install location under user's $HOME.
mkdir $HOME/usr
Then add the following to your shell startup script:
export $PATH="$PATH:/home/[uniquename]/usr/bin/"
export $LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/[uniquename]/usr/lib/"
When you install a library:
# CMake example:
make install
# Configure example:
./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr
make install
We can install Node.js without root privileges using the Node Version Manager.
First, we'll need to install NVM:
# If you're using Bash...
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.17.3/install.sh | bash
# If you're using ZSH...
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.17.3/install.sh | PROFILE=~/.zshrc bash
Then we'll start it up. You can also do the below by restarting your terminal.
source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
Next, install your desired version of Node and set it as the default:
nvm install v0.10
nvm alias default v0.10
# You can also install v0.11 or other versions
Now you should be able to use Node, NPM, and more!
Note: Virtualenv is already installed on CAEN, so unless you need to install packages globally, you don't need to do this.
We can install Pip (and then Python packages) by making a "dummy" virtualenv, because Pip lives inside these virtual environments.
First, create your dummy virtualenv wherever you like:
virtualenv ~/my-dummy-venv # Feel free to put this somewhere else.
Next, add it to your PATH. Add this to your ~/.bashrc
or your ~/.zshrc
export PATH="~/my-dummy-venv/bin:$PATH"
Restart your terminal or reload your rc
file, and then you can install things as you please!
# For example, install Flake8.
pip install flake8
flake8 my_file.py
CAEN comes with Ruby 1.8.7, which is several years old. We can use RVM to install newer versions.
# Install RVM
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
# Start RVM (you can also do this by restarting your shell)
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
# Ignore missing dependencies
rvm autolibs read-only
# Install Ruby 2.1.x! This takes awhile because it has to compile.
rvm install 2.1
Now you'll have the newest Ruby!
ruby --version
gem install rails
First, go to golang.org/dl and download the latest 64-bit Go distribution for Linux. Put it wherever you want, but we'll be adding the folder to your PATH so we can run Go. Then extract it:
cd /path/to/wherever/you/wanna/install/golang
tar xvzf GO_TARBALL.tar.gz
Next, add the following to your ~/.bashrc
(or zshrc
, or whatever):
export GOROOT=/path/to/wherever/you/wanna/install/golang/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
Re-source your rc
or restart the terminal. Now you'll have the go