Cryptographic services library
Project Info | |
License: | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
Build: | CocoaPods |
Languague: | Objective-C |
Documentation: | |
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Mailing lists: | aerogear-users (subscribe) |
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- A Symmetric encryption interface
- An Asymmetric encryption interface
- Password based key generation using PBKDF2
- Generation of Cryptographically secure random numbers.
- Digital signatures support interface
- Hashing functions interface
In your Podfile
pod 'AeroGearCrypto'
and then:
pod install
to install your dependencies
AGPBKDF2 *pbkdf2 = [[AGPBKDF2 alloc] init];
NSData *rawKey = [pbkdf2 deriveKey:@"passphrase"];
//Generate the key
AGPBKDF2 *pbkdf2 = [[AGPBKDF2 alloc] init];
NSData *privateKey = [pbkdf2 deriveKey:@"passphrase"];
//Initializes the secret box
AGSecretBox *secretBox = [[AGSecretBox alloc] initWithKey:privateKey];
NSData *nonce = [AGRandomGenerator randomBytes:32];
NSData *dataToEncrypt = [@"My bonnie lies over the ocean" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *cipherData = [secretBox encrypt:dataToEncrypt nonce:nonce];
AGSecretBox *pandora = [[AGSecretBox alloc] initWithKey:privateKey];
NSData *message = [secretBox decrypt:cipherData nonce:nonce];
//Create a new key pair
AGKeyPair *keyPairBob = [[AGKeyPair alloc] init];
AGKeyPair *keyPairAlice = [[AGKeyPair alloc] init];
//Initializes the crypto box
AGCryptoBox *cryptoBox = [[AGCryptoBox alloc] initWithKey:keyPairAlice.publicKey privateKey:keyPairBob.privateKey];
NSData *nonce = [AGRandomGenerator randomBytes:32];
NSData *dataToEncrypt = [@"My bonnie lies over the ocean" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *cipherData = [cryptoBox encrypt:dataToEncrypt nonce:nonce];
//Create a new box to test end to end asymmetric encryption
AGCryptoBox *pandora = [[AGCryptoBox alloc] initWithKey:keyPairBob.publicKey privateKey:keyPairAlice.privateKey];
NSData *message = [pandora decrypt:cipherData nonce:nonce];
// create an SHA256 hash
AGHash *agHash = [[AGHash alloc] init:CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
NSData *rawPassword = [agHash digest:@"My bonnie lies over the ocean"];
// create an SHA512 hash
AGHash *agHash = [[AGHash alloc] init:CC_SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
NSData *rawPassword = [agHash digest:@"My bonnie lies over the ocean"];
NSData *message = [@"My bonnie lies over the ocean" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
AGSigningKey *signingKey = [[AGSigningKey alloc] init];
AGVerifyKey *verifyKey = [[AGVerifyKey alloc] initWithKey:signingKey.publicKey];
// sign the message
NSData *signedMessage = [signingKey sign:message];
// should detect corrupted signature
NSMutableData *corruptedSignature = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:64];
BOOL isValid = [verifyKey verify:message signature:signedMessage];
// isValid should be YES
BOOL isValid = [verifyKey verify:message signature:corruptedSignature];
// isValid should be NO
NSData *random = [AGRandomGenerator randomBytes:<length>];
For more details about that please consult our documentation.
Take a look in our demo apps:
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