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Releasing Velocidi Objective-C SDK

This is still a draft of the process, it needs verification and a test run in a clean environment to verify everything is in place.

  1. Make sure travis build passed and that the coverage is at an acceptable level.

  2. Choose the version number. Both CocoaPods and Carthage use a form of Semantic Versioning.

  3. Go to VelocidiSDK folder.

    $ cd VelocidiSDK

  4. Edit the version number and increment the build number using agvtool (more info here):

    1. Version number:

      $ agvtool new-marketing-version <your_specific_version>

    2. Build number:

      $ agvtool next-version -all

  5. Go back to the project's root folder.

    $ cd ..

  6. Edit the file VelocidiSDK.podspec with the chosen version number:         = ...
    spec.version      = 0.0.1 # New version number
    spec.summary      = ...
  7. Edit the

  8. Edit the install instructions in so that the example version matches the new version.

  9. Commit the changes. git commit -m "Release v0.1.0"

  10. Tag the commit.

    $ git tag v0.1.0 && git push --tags

  11. Head over to Github Releases, select the pushed tag, and add the copy for the new release from the Changelog to the release body. Give it the title of vX.Y.Z and click "Publish Release".

  12. Deploy the library to CocoaPods. $ pod trunk push VelocidiSDK.podspec

  13. Update the version in .jazzy.yaml

    module_version: 0.1.0 
  14. Deploy the documentation. $ .scripts/