Fuzzinator is a framework helping you to deal with the common fuzzing tasks, like running fuzz jobs, updating the targets, and reducing the inputs that induced failures. The figure below shows a high-level overview of the components of the framework.
The red line represents an API boundary. Everything below it is part of the core infrastructure, while boxes above it are user-defined. However, you don't (necessarily) need to write a single line of code to describe your needs, since Fuzzinator can be configured through configuration ini files and it comes with several built-in building blocks that cover the most common scenarios and can be used out of the box.
In the next paragraphs, we will use the JerryScript project as our running example and we will incrementally build a configuration file to setup a fuzzing infrastructure for it. We will start from an absolute minimum configuration that will be extended step-by-step.
Although, the examples cover only a small subset of the provided building blocks, you can find the full list in the API Reference (under sub-packages with descriptive names). If none of them fits your needs, then you can still write your own snippet ... or submit a feature request ;-)
Let's start with the minimum configuration example that defines one SUT with :func:`fuzzinator.call.StdinSubprocessCall`, expecting input from stdin and one test generator with :func:`fuzzinator.fuzzer.RandomContent` that simply produces random strings.
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/configs/jerry_minimal.ini :language: ini :lines: 9-
Now, if you would like to fine-tune error detection to do more than simply checking for a non-zero exit-code, then you can use two built-in solutions (or, again, you can implement your own version):
- :class:`fuzzinator.call.ExitCodeFilter` for keeping issues only if the SUT exited with specific exit codes, and
- :class:`fuzzinator.call.RegexFilter` for keeping issues only if the SUT printed messages on either stdout or stderr that matches some specific patterns.
We can extend the original example as follows:
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/configs/jerry_issue_filters.ini :language: ini :lines: 9-
However, issues not only can be filtered but also extended with arbitrary information that helps describing the circumstances of the failure. This extension can also happen with the above shown decorator approach. The next example shows how platform, git version, and ID information can be added using:
- :class:`fuzzinator.call.PlatformInfoDecorator` adds an extra
field to the issue dictionary, filled with OS information, - :class:`fuzzinator.call.SubprocessPropertyDecorator` adds a user-defined field with the output of a user-defined script, and
- :class:`fuzzinator.call.UniqueIdDecorator` combines existing fields into an ID to help detect whether an issue is unique or a duplicate of an already known one.
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/configs/jerry_issue_extensions.ini :language: ini :lines: 9-
Similarly to the above, we can have control over SUT update and test reduce jobs as well. The following final example uses built-in building blocks again:
- :class:`fuzzinator.update.TimestampUpdateCondition` for triggering the update based on the last modification time of the target binary,
- :class:`fuzzinator.update.SubprocessUpdate` for updating the target via a script, and
- :class:`fuzzinator.reduce.Picire` for reducing the size of test cases with Picire.
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/configs/jerry_update_and_reduce.ini :language: ini :lines: 9-
There is more, e.g.:
- SUTs can take their input from files instead of stdin.
- Reducers are highly parametrizable.
- Test reduce jobs can deviate from fuzz jobs in the way their SUT is called.
- Fuzzers can be decorated the same way as SUT calls.
- Etc...
More complex configuration files are available in the examples/configs
directory of the project (e.g., for WebKit, too).