- im going to seduce your
- mom and give her first
- good lokoking child
- for every entry that
- looks like this <div
- class="mx-auto max-w-7xl
- px-6 lg:px-8">
- <div class="mx-auto
- max-w-2xl lg:mx-0">
- <p class="text-lg
- font-semibold leading-8
- tracking-tight
- text-indigo-600">
- John Gottman </p>
- <h1 class="mt-2
- text-3xl font-bold
- tracking-tight
- text-gray-100
- sm:text-4xl" > A
- better understanding of
- relationships
- </h1> <p
- class="mt-6 text-xl
- leading-8
- text-blue-100"> John
- Gottman is a renowned
- psychologist known for
- his work on
- relationships and
- marriage stability. His
- research spans over four
- decades, where he
- conducted in-depth
- studies to predict the
- success or failure of
- marriages. Gottman is
- best known for
- identifying the "Four
- Horsemen of the
- Apocalypse," which are
- behaviors—criticism,
- defensiveness, contempt,
- and stonewalling—that
- signal the breakdown of
- a relationship. His
- approach to relationship
- counseling is based on
- identifying these
- patterns early and
- promoting positive
- communication between
- partners. </p>
- </div> <div
- class="mx-auto mt-16
- grid max-w-2xl
- grid-cols-1 gap-x-8
- gap-y-16 lg:mx-0
- lg:mt-10 lg:max-w-none
- lg:grid-cols-12" >
- <div class="relative
- lg:order-last
- lg:col-span-5">
- <svg class="absolute
- -top-[40rem] left-1
- -z-10 h-[64rem]
- w-[175.5rem]
- -translate-x-1/2
- stroke-gray-900/10
- [mask-image:radial-gradient(64rem_64rem_at_111.5rem_0%,white,transparent)]"
- aria-hidden="true" >
- <defs> <pattern
- id="e87443c8-56e4-4c20-9111-55b82fa704e3"
- width="200" height="200"
- patternunits="userSpaceOnUse"
- > <path d="M0.5
- 0V200M200 0.5L0
- 0.499983"></path>
- </pattern>
- </defs> <rect
- width="100%"
- height="100%"
- stroke-width="0"
- fill="url(#e87443c8-56e4-4c20-9111-55b82fa704e3)"
- ></rect>
- </svg> <figure
- class="border-l
- border-indigo-600
- pl-8"> <blockquote
- class="text-xl
- font-semibold leading-8
- tracking-tight
- text-gray-100" >
- <p> “Gottman's
- method emphasizes
- emotional attunement and
- the importance of
- building what he calls
- the 'Sound Relationship
- House.' This is a
- framework where couples
- work to strengthen their
- friendship, manage
- conflict, and build a
- shared meaning in their
- lives together. He
- advocates for couples to
- practice 'emotional
- bids' to connect with
- each other, fostering a
- positive atmosphere that
- helps prevent the Four
- Horsemen behaviors. His
- research has led to the
- development of the
- Gottman Method, a widely
- used approach in
- marriage counseling.”
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- <figcaption
- class="mt-8 flex
- gap-x-4"> <img
- src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1502685104226-ee32379fefbe?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&auto=format&fit=facearea&facepad=2&w=256&h=256&q=80"
- alt="photo-1502685104226-ee32379fefbe"
- class="mt-1 h-10 w-10
- flex-none rounded-full
- bg-gray-50" />
- <div class="text-sm
- leading-6"> <div
- class="font-semibold
- text-gray-100">John
- Gottman</div>
- <div
- class="text-blue-100">@johngottman</div>
- </div>
- </figcaption>
- </figure>
- </div> <div
- class="max-w-xl
- text-base leading-7
- text-blue-100
- lg:col-span-7">
- <p> Gottman also
- highlights the
- significance of small,
- everyday moments in
- maintaining relationship
- health. He believes that
- relationships are built
- or broken based on how
- couples respond to each
- other's emotional needs
- over time. By being
- present and engaged in
- each other's lives,
- partners can build
- resilience and intimacy,
- even in the face of
- conflict or difficulty.
- </p> </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- if you want to see abuse
- watch what i do to your
- friends
+ I'm a Staff Tools Engineer at
+ Zoox
+ on safety and verification of perception algorithms.
+ I created this blog, because I told my dreams to coworkers,
+ psychologists, and my family. They tried to medicate me. They
+ tried to erase the possiblities. Now lets see what's more
+ real, my fantasies or your illusions. They thought i was
+ rorschach. But maybe together we'll sacrifice the gods of
+ apathy and ignoracne you pray to. and then we will surpass
+ manhattan.
I live in San Francisco.
+ I’m on Twitter and I use email - adnan.f.wahab at gmail dot
+ com. I’d love to hear from you about anything that’s on your
+ mind.
+ Crafting a design system for a multiplanetary future
+ Most companies try to stay ahead of the curve when it
+ comes to visual design, but for Planetaria we needed to
+ create a brand that would still inspire us 100 years
+ from now when humanity has spread across our entire
+ solar system.
+ I knew that to get it right I was going to have to
+ replicate the viewing conditions of someone from the
+ future, so I grabbed my space helmet from the closet,
+ created a new Figma document, and got to work.
Sermone fata
+ Lorem markdownum, bracchia in redibam! Terque unda puppi
+ nec, linguae posterior in utraque respicere candidus
+ Mimasque formae; quae conantem cervice. Parcite
+ variatus, redolentia adeunt. Tyrioque dies, naufraga sua
+ adit partibus celanda torquere temptata, erit maneat et
+ ramos, iam ait dominari potitus! Tibi
+ litora matremque fumantia condi radicibus opusque.
+ Deus feram verumque, fecit, ira tamen, terras per
+ alienae victum. Mutantur levitate quas ubi arcum ripas
+ oculos abest. Adest
+ commissaque victae in gemitus nectareis
+ ire diva dotibus ora, et findi huic invenit; fatis?
+ Fractaque dare superinposita nimiumque simulatoremque
+ sanguine, at voce aestibus diu! Quid veterum hausit tu
+ nil utinam paternos ima, commentaque.
+ Sit volat naturam; motu Cancri. Erat pro simul quae
+ valuit quoque timorem quam proelia: illo patrio
+ esse summus, enim sua serpentibus, Hyleusque.
+ Est coniuge recuso; refert Coroniden ignotos manat,
+ adfectu.
diff --git a/web-ui/views/_/cgi-tools.html b/web-ui/views/_/cgi-tools.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/web-ui/views/_/chat-bot.html b/web-ui/views/_/chat-bot.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..210ba411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/views/_/cognition_engine.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+about to be genned by llama
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/views/_/con.html b/web-ui/views/_/con.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/web-ui/views/_/connectivity.html b/web-ui/views/_/connectivity.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ceef5fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/views/_/connectivity.html
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
diff --git a/web-ui/views/_/debug-auto-swarm-console-clarity-terminal-android-studio.html b/web-ui/views/_/debug-auto-swarm-console-clarity-terminal-android-studio.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8144878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/views/_/debug-auto-swarm-console-clarity-terminal-android-studio.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Sure! Below is an HTML document that leverages Tailwind CSS to create a similar `
` component as described in your original example. This example includes a header and a paragraph and demonstrates how to use Tailwind CSS classes for styling.
+ Tailwind CSS Example
This is a simple div element styled with Tailwind CSS.
+### Description:
+- This HTML document includes the Tailwind CSS CDN link for easy styling.
+- The `` utilizes Tailwind utility classes to center the content vertically and horizontally, set a light gray background, and ensure full height.
+- The `
` has a light blue background with a blue border, rounded corners, and a shadow effect. It is also styled to be of fixed width and height.
+- Inside the `
`, there is an `
` element with bold text and a `
` element with gray-colored text that describes the content.
+### Instructions:
+1. Copy and paste this code into a text editor.
+2. Save it with the `.html` extension (for example, `script_obs.html`).
+3. Open the file in a web browser to see the styled component.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-ui/views/_/decoration.html b/web-ui/views/_/decoration.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac1797b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/views/_/decoration.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3105 @@
+ integer
+ 2
+ 16
+ date
+ Jun '12
+ Jan '13
+ integer
+ 1
+ 15
+ string
+ 14 unique values
+ string
+ 14 unique values
+ integer
+ 0
+ 440k
+ integer
+ 0
+ 44
+ 1812-06-25
+ By crossing the Niemen, Napoleon declares war on Russia
+ At the head of his Grand Army, composed of more than 450,000
+ European soldiers, Napoleon invaded Russia in June 1812 by
+ crossing the Niemen River. His goal was to rout the Russian
+ Imperial Army and force Czar Alexander I to enforce his
+ Continental System (which was designed to keep British goods
+ out of Europe), force the Czar to negotiate a peace treaty,
+ and end Russian support for Napoleon's enemies in Europe. His
+ plan was to quickly confront the Russian troops before they
+ had time to concentrate and defeat them in less than three
+ weeks (the equivalent of what he had in provisions).
+ 422,000
+ 1812-06-28
+ Russian troops prefer scorched earth approach to confrontation
+ in Wilna
+ Tsar Alexander I has been in Wilna since April. His troops
+ being too dispersed to face the Grande Armée, he decided to
+ leave the city and ordered to burn the stocks, the bridge and
+ the military reserves. Napoleon entered the city without
+ fighting and was surprised by the abandonment of the Russians.
+ His troops had been suffering from the heat and lack of water
+ since they entered Russian territory, but found very few
+ supplies in the city. In addition, a violent storm had also
+ wreaked havoc with the horses (up to 40,000 animals perished),
+ greatly affecting logistics.
+ 422,000
+ 1812-07-28
+ Armies clash for the first time near Vitebsk
+ The first confrontation of the campaign took place near
+ Vitebsk. However, Napoleon decided not to fight on July 27 and
+ to wait until the next day, which allowed the Russian troops,
+ who were not ready, to withdraw, led by General Barclay. The
+ forced march in the heat (32°C), for many soldiers barefoot,
+ the lack of water and the little food continued to decimate
+ the Napoleonic troops (which would have been reduced by a
+ third by reaching Vitebsk). Relying on his initial judgment,
+ Napoleon decided to continue the campaign and bet on a
+ confrontation with the Russian troops at Smolensk.
+ 230,000
+ 1812-08-18
+ Napoleon makes one of his biggest mistake at Smolensk
+ According to the military theorist Karl von Clausewitz, who
+ took part in the campaign on the Russian side, Napoleon made
+ his biggest mistake in the campaign at Smolensk. Indeed,
+ having failed to cross the Dnieper, he should have sought a
+ passage further upstream and thus forced the Russians to
+ fight. Instead, he lost men in the capture of Smolensk, which
+ the Russians set on fire before they left, setting fire to the
+ remaining stores. The Russians applied a scorched earth
+ policy, clogging the roads, leaving the dead behind and
+ burning farms and villages. Many of the senior officers in the
+ French camp begged Napoleon to stop there, but their request
+ went unheeded.
+ 200,000
+ 1812-09-07
+ One of the biggest massacres in history takes place in
+ Borodino
+ The Battle of Borodino was the worst recorded massacre in
+ history and would only be surpassed by the first day of the
+ Battle of the Somme in 1916. Indeed, two huge armies were
+ massed on a narrow territory. It has been estimated that 100
+ cannon shots were fired per minute, as well as 2,300 musket
+ shots. The French and Allied soldiers were outnumbered by the
+ Russians before the battle. In addition, the French troops had
+ been decimated and disorganized, with many soldiers going
+ barefoot and not being properly fed for several days. Napoleon
+ himself was ill and less lucid. The battle of Borodino caused
+ 10 to 20% of losses on the French side and destroyed almost
+ all his cavalry.
+ 155,000
+ 1812-09-14
+ General Kutuzov abandons Moscow to save his army
+ The Russian army needed rest and reinforcement. General
+ Koutouzov decided to sacrifice Moscow to save his army. When
+ the French troops entered Moscow, they found the city
+ abandoned by its inhabitants. Its reserves of wheat and
+ victuals had been burned on the orders of Governor
+ Rostopchine. The pumps had been evacuated, which made it
+ impossible to fight the fires. The French believed that the
+ war was over and Napoleon waited for Tsar Alexander I to sign
+ a peace treaty that never came.
+ 155,000
+ 1812-10-09
+ Napoleon stays too long in Moscow
+ Napoleon's military success in the past was based on his
+ ability to assess a situation quickly and react intelligently
+ and decisively. In Moscow, he had difficulty understanding his
+ opponent's strategy. The French troops remained in Moscow for
+ five weeks, losing more than 15,000 men, in a context of
+ serious shortage of fodder and fresh food. On the other hand,
+ the Russian troops received numerous reinforcements composed
+ of regular soldiers, militiamen and Cossacks. If Napoleon had
+ stayed two weeks less in Moscow, he could have stormed the
+ Tarutino camp, where General Koutouzov had no more than 60,000
+ men, or taken up his winter quarters in Kaluga, Medyn or
+ Smolensk before the winter became severe.
+ 155,000
+ 1812-10-24
+ The victory of Maloyaroslavets weakens the Napoleonic army
+ Napoleon wanted to seize the small town of Maloyaroslavets
+ which controlled the passage on the Louja. The battle raged
+ between the two camps, the Napoleonic camp led by Prince
+ Eugene. Although outnumbered, Napoleon's troops were
+ victorious, but human losses were heavy and the victory was
+ tactically meaningless. Napoleon ordered a retreat through
+ Borovsk and Vereia to Mojaïsk, then on the main road to
+ Smolensk. General Koutouzov's army moved in the opposite
+ direction, resulting in one of the strangest episodes in
+ military history where two armies are now moving away from
+ each other.
+ 151,000
+ 1812-11-02
+ The Russians miss an opportunity to destroy Napoleon's army in
+ Viazna
+ The retreat of the troops was slow and took place on crowded
+ roads, littered with abandoned carts, dead bodies and dead
+ horses, and the road was shared with a crowd of tens of
+ thousands of civilians, deserters and wounded officers. On
+ November 2, Russian troops attacked the French at Viazna,
+ killing and wounding more than 6,000 people and taking 2,000
+ soldiers prisoner. However, the Russians missed an opportunity
+ to destroy four enemy corps and reduce Napoleon's army to his
+ Guard.
+ 110,000
+ 1812-11-07
+ The French and Allied soldiers are feeling down in Smolensk
+ Temperatures dropped sharply from November 6. Although this
+ drop did not exceed 10°C, the French army was not dressed for
+ the cold: There was no winter uniform, since at that time,
+ armies did not fight in winter. Tens of thousands of underfed
+ horses were killed partly because of the cold and partly
+ because they were poorly shod. The loss of these animals was
+ decisive in the army's chances of survival, as thousands of
+ vehicles had to be abandoned, some of them loaded with
+ essential equipment and food. Napoleon's troops entered
+ Smolensk on November 7 and the toll was heavy since the
+ departure from Moscow. Nearly 60,000 casualties have been
+ recorded. In Smolensk, food distribution was disorganized and
+ warehouses were attacked by deserters and stragglers.
+ Civilians were reduced to begging. On November 12,
+ temperatures dropped to -23.75°C.
+ 79,000
+ 1812-11-19
+ Napoleon's troops escaped from the Russian army on the road to
+ Krazny and Orcha
+ On the way to Orcha, Napoleon and his Guard managed to reach
+ Krazny, while other units were stopped by the Russian army.
+ Prince Eugene supported the fight during the day, but at night
+ he bypassed the Russian army to escape and reach Krazny.
+ Napoleon led his troops out of Krazny, calm under the fire of
+ Russian shells. In order to repel their attackers, 460 Dutch
+ grenadiers out of 500 died, as well as the Young Guard. They
+ succeeded in reaching Orcha on November 19. Ney's troops,
+ having been the last to leave Smolensk, were assaulted by
+ troops under General Miloradovitch, engaging in a "fight of
+ giants" according to Colonel Wilson. The French were beaten.
+ To escape from the Russians, Ney decided to cross the Dnieper
+ river, which was covered with a layer of ice that could
+ support the weight of men and horses. Ney’s troops reached
+ Orcha on November 20.
+ 75,000
+ 1812-11-26
+ Napoleon's troops manage to cross the Berezina and escape the
+ Russians
+ In late November 1812, the French army led by Napoleon was
+ retreating from Moscow, pursued by Russian forces under
+ Admiral Tchitchagov. The only crossing over the Berezina River
+ was the wooden bridge at Borissov, which the Russian troops
+ set on fire as they were driven out by Oudinot's troops.
+ Napoleon managed to deceive Tchitchagov into believing that he
+ would cross the river further south, giving time for a new
+ bridge to be constructed by Dutch pontoon-boatmen under
+ Captain Benthien. Despite being outnumbered, French troops
+ defended the bridges from Russian attacks, allowing stragglers
+ and civilians to make the crossing. Many perished in the
+ chaotic crossing, and although the event was a true military
+ exploit, it became known in French as "La Bérézina",
+ synonymous with disaster.
+ 54,000
+ 1812-12-08
+ The cold takes its toll on the survivors
+ Napoleon intended to defeat Tchitchagov in Minsk, but he
+ realized that his army was overwhelmed and that he had to
+ reach Vilna as soon as possible, in order to find food. Facing
+ extremely harsh weather conditions with temperatures dropping
+ to -30°C and then to -37.5°C, Napoleonic troops struggled for
+ survival, adopting all kinds of behavior, some succeeding in
+ keeping their human dignity and showing solidarity, while
+ others killed and devoured each other. Napoleon decided to
+ return to Paris to raise a new army, while the troops made
+ their way back to Vilna. As the soldiers found warmth, food
+ and relaxation in Vilna, many refused to move to Kowno,
+ arguing they did not have the strength to go further. On the
+ Russian side, General Koutouzov lost almost two thirds of his
+ men since Taroutino and the rest of the army was in bad shape.
+ 14,000
+ 1812-12-12
+ The Russian campaign puts an end to Napoleon's aura of
+ invincibility
+ Arriving in Kovno on December 12, many men rushed for food and
+ alcohol, then froze to death at night. The survivors began to
+ cross the frozen Niemen under the protection of Marshal Ney,
+ soon threatened by Cossacks and bombarded by Russian
+ artillery. Among the survivors, both military and civilian,
+ who crossed the Niemen, many died after a month or two, from
+ typhus, tuberculosis or the nervous effects of the campaign.
+ The cold was not the first or major cause of the disaster, but
+ it was what prevented the Napoleonic army from being saved.
+ According to Clausewitz, the only contribution of General
+ Koutouzov to the victory was his refusal, born of fear, to
+ confront Napoleon. This campaign showed the other European
+ monarchs that Napoleon was not invincible after all and
+ contributed greatly to his downfall.
+ 10,000
+ 14 rows
+ events
+ Type Table, then shift-return. control-space for more options.
+ https://robotics-journey.com
+ Leilah fed 1 million familes in 2016. I was just her foot Solider. (my bad for
+ not telling you about it in 2016, i did not know i was too busy speed learning
+ computer vision + cgi 4 simulation / localizaiton ) In 2026, hashirama will
+ feed 1 billion families by revolutionizing supply chains and building a
+ https://dynamicland.org/ in every library, neighborhood, school, hospital and
+ robotic command center. (its not a robotics demo, theres 100s of those. its a
+ window / portal gun that everyone can use - click the cartoon and see a camera
+ follow a robot around the house - Masively multiplayer robotic teleop - ) i
+ dont care about anything else Sincerely
+ silent_protagonist
+ you have no idea what actually happend and i dont care anymore
+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAtZoIFW2Uw&t=24s
diff --git a/web-ui/views/_/import_docs.html b/web-ui/views/_/import_docs.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75911886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/views/_/import_docs.html
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Sure! Below is an HTML component using Tailwind CSS to create a simple yet
+attractive file import section, similar to what you might find in an
+`import_docs.html` file. This setup includes an input field for file uploads and
+a styled button. Make sure you have Tailwind CSS included in your project. You
+can do this by adding a CDN link in the `
+ ` section of your HTML file. ```html
+ Import Documents
Import Documents
+ ``` ### Explanation: 1. **Tailwind CSS CDN**: The link to the Tailwind CSS CDN
+ is included in the `
+ ` section to enable Tailwind’s utility classes. 2. **Styling**: The main
+ body uses `bg-gray-100` for a light background, while the form container has
+ a white background, rounded corners, and shadow for a card-like aesthetic.
+ 3. **Form Layout**: The form includes a file upload input and a button, both
+ styled using Tailwind’s utility classes for padding, colors, and hover
+ effects. 4. **Accessibility**: The input field is associated with a label
+ for better accessibility. You can further customize the styles, sizes, or
+ functionality as needed!
diff --git a/web-ui/views/_/index.html b/web-ui/views/_/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..053264f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/views/_/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
API Documentation
Welcome to the API documentation for our application.
GET /api/data - Retrieve data from the server.
POST /api/data - Send data to the server.
diff --git a/web-ui/views/_/invert-black-hole.html b/web-ui/views/_/invert-black-hole.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..345968c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/views/_/invert-black-hole.html
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ {{template "threejs.html" .}}
+ {{if false}}
+ Latest Updates
+ All the latest Tailwind CSS news, straight from the team.
diff --git a/web-ui/views/_/livekit_audio.html b/web-ui/views/_/livekit_audio.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed074adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/views/_/livekit_audio.html
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Certainly! Below is an HTML component styled with Tailwind CSS that mimics the filename `livekit_audio.html`. This example creates a simple layout suitable for an audio session interface, containing controls for audio playback.
+Make sure to include the Tailwind CSS CDN link in your HTML file to apply the styles.
+ LiveKit Audio
LiveKit Audio Session
Welcome to the audio session!
+### Explanation:
+- **HTML Structure**: The layout contains a title, an audio player, and action buttons for joining and leaving an audio session.
+- **Tailwind CSS Classes**: Used for styling components like the container, buttons, and text.
+- **Audio Element**: The `