package provides utilities to background task management.
A tasker.Task
, at its core, is nothing more than a synchronous function.
func(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
Working with synchronous functions removes the complexity of thinking about how to run your application in your main. Your components become more stateless and focus on the domain rather than the lifecycle management, such as implementing a graceful async shutdown. This less stateful approach can help to make testing also easier.
If your Job is a short-lived interaction, which is meant to be executed continuously between intervals,
then you can use the tasker.WithRepeat
to implement a continuous execution that stops on a shutdown signal.
task := tasker.WithRepeat(tasker.Every(time.Second), func(ctx context.Context) error {
// I'm a short-lived task, and I prefer to be constantly executed,
// Repeat will keep repeating to me every second until the shutdown is signalled.
return nil
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Hour)
defer cancel()
if err := task(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, err.Error())
In the schedule
package, you can choose from various options on how would you like to schedule your task.
- Schedule by time duration interval
tasker.Every(time.Second) // schedule every second
- Schedule on a Daily basis
tasker.Daily{Hour:12} // schedule every day at 12 o'clock
- Schedule on a Monthly basis
// schedule every month at 12 o'clock on the third day
tasker.Monthly{Day: 3, Hour:12}
If you wish to execute Jobs in a sequential order, use tasker.Sequence
It can express dependency between tasks if one should only execute if the previous one has already succeeded.
s := tasker.Sequence(
func(ctx context.Context) error {
// first task to execute
return nil
func(ctx context.Context) error {
// follow-up task to execute
return nil
err := s.Run(context.Background())
If you need to execute tasks concurrently, use tasker.Concurrence
It guarantees that if a task fails, you receive the error back.
It also ensures that the tasks fail together as a unit,
though signalling cancellation if any of the tasks has a failure.
c := tasker.Concurrence(
func(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil // It runs at the same time.
func(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil // It runs at the same time.
err := c.Run(context.Background())
You can model dependency between tasks by mixing "Sequence" and "Concurrence".
task := tasker.Sequence(
tasker.Concurrence( // group 1 which is a prerequisite to group 2
func(ctx context.Context) error { return nil /* some migration task 1 */ },
func(ctx context.Context) error { return nil /* some migration task 2 */ },
tasker.Concurrence( // group 2 which depends on group 1 success
func(ctx context.Context) error { return nil /* a task which depending on a completed migration 1 */ },
func(ctx context.Context) error { return nil /* a task which depending on a completed migration 2 */ },
func(ctx context.Context) error { return nil /* a task which depending on a completed migration 3 */ },
tasker.Main(context.Background(), task)
If your task requires continuous work, you can use the received context as a parent context to get notified about a shutdown event. This allows simplicity in your code so you don't have to differentiate if you need to cancel operations because of a request cancellation or because of a shutdown event. You can still separate the two cancellation types by using background context.
func MyJob(signal context.Context) error {
<-signal.Done() // work until shutdown signal
return signal.Err() // returning the context error is not an issue.
If you need cron-like background tasks with the guarantee that your background tasks are serialised across your application instances, and only one scheduled task can run at a time, then you may use tasker.Scheduler, which solves that for you.
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
db, err := sql.Open("driverName", os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL"))
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "error during postgres db opening", logging.ErrField(err))
scheduler := tasker.Scheduler{
LockerFactory: &postgresql.LockerFactory[string]{DB: db},
Repository: &postgresql.TaskerScheduleStateRepository{DB: db},
task1 := scheduler.WithSchedule("my scheduled task", tasker.Monthly{Day: 1}, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// this task will only run in one instance every month, on the first day.
return nil
if err := tasker.Main(ctx, task1); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "error during the application run", logging.ErrField(err))
If your application components signal shutdown with a method interaction, like how http.Server
then you can use tasker.WithShutdown
to combine the entry-point method and the shutdown method into a single tasker.Job
lambda expression.
The graceful shutdown has a timeout, and the shutdown context will be cancelled afterwards.
srv := http.Server{
Addr: "localhost:8080",
Handler: http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
httpServerTask := tasker.WithShutdown(
tasker.IgnoreError(srv.ListenAndServe, http.ErrServerClosed),
The tasker.WithSignalNotify
will listen to the shutdown syscalls, and will cancel the context of your Task.
Using tasker.WithSignalNotify
is most suitable from the main
// The task will be notified about shutdown signal call as context cancellation.
task := tasker.WithSignalNotify(MyTask)
if err := task(context.Background()); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, err.Error())
The most convenient way to run your tasks in your main is by using tasker.Main
It combines Concurrent task execution with shutdown cancellation by signals.
tasker.Main(ctx, task1, task2, task3)