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Cannot connect remotely with TLS on Windows (GHC bug...) #5

dmjio opened this issue Jul 1, 2014 · 9 comments

Cannot connect remotely with TLS on Windows (GHC bug...) #5

dmjio opened this issue Jul 1, 2014 · 9 comments


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dmjio commented Jul 1, 2014


I have a client who is attempting to connect to an acid TLS server. A query is submitted by the client, but never makes it back from the server. Here is the client's debug output. The server hangs with Partial Input, never returning Done.

vagrant@VAGRANT-2008R2 /c/Users/dmj/SolidTranslate/packages/ST-Worker
$ dist/build/worker/worker.exe
"actorThread: waiting for something to do."
opened acid
"listener: listening for Response."
"listener: ccGetSome"
"actorThread: waiting for something to do."
"actor: begin."
"listener: listening for Response."
"actor: end."
"listener: ccGetSome"
"actorThread: sending command."
(RunQuery ("ST.DB.Ops.GetAWSKeys","\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL"),"<-- CMD")

Here is the servers output:

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/Users/dmj/SolidTranslate/packages/ST-DB$ rundb
("db -- ekg | db","localhost",8097,8098)
acidServerTLS: listenOn PortNumber 8098
acidServerTLS: initSSLContext
"processing state"
(Partial _,"<-- input")
"processing state"
(Partial _,"<-- input")

I've added debug statements to the code.

process :: SafeCopy st =>
           CommChannel  -- ^ a connected, authenticated communication channel
        -> AcidState st -- ^ state to share
        -> IO ()
process CommChannel{..} acidState
  = do chan <- newChan
       debugStrLn "processing state"
       forkIO $ forever $ do response <- join (readChan chan)
                             ccPut (encode response)
       worker chan (runGetPartial get Strict.empty)
  where worker chan inp
          = do
            debugStrLn (inp, "<-- input")
            case inp of
              Fail msg _    -> throwIO (SerializeError msg)
              Partial cont  -> do bs <- ccGetSome 1024
                                  if Strict.null bs then
                                      do debugStrLn "its null!"
                                         return ()
                                  else do
                                    debugStrLn "not null, got some"
                                    worker chan (cont bs)
              Done cmd rest -> do debugStrLn ("processing command", cmd)
                                  processCommand chan cmd
                                  worker chan (runGetPartial get rest)
        processCommand chan cmd = do
          debugStrLn (cmd, "<-- CMD")
          case cmd of
            RunQuery query -> do result <- queryCold acidState query
                                 writeChan chan (return $ Result result)
            RunUpdate update -> do result <- scheduleColdUpdate acidState update
                                   writeChan chan (liftM Result $ takeMVar result)
            CreateCheckpoint -> do createCheckpoint acidState
                                   writeChan chan (return Acknowledgement)
            CreateArchive -> do createArchive acidState
                                writeChan chan (return Acknowledgement)
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dmjio commented Jul 1, 2014

I've narrowed it down to the bs <- ccGetSome 1024 function. Seems that is blocking.

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dmjio commented Jul 1, 2014

read :: SSL -> Int -> IO B.ByteString
read ssl nBytes = sslBlock (`tryRead` nBytes) ssl

Which goes back to

-- | Block until the operation is finished.
sslBlock :: (SSL -> IO (SSLResult a)) -> SSL -> IO a
sslBlock action ssl
    = do result <- action ssl
         case result of
           SSLDone r -> return r
           WantRead  -> threadWaitRead  (sslFd ssl) >> sslBlock action ssl
           WantWrite -> threadWaitWrite (sslFd ssl) >> sslBlock action ssl

Think threadWaitRead isn't implemented on Windows.

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dmjio commented Jul 1, 2014

According to this ticket it has been a bug for 8 years.

@dmjio dmjio changed the title Cannot connect remotely with TLS on Windows Cannot connect remotely with TLS on Windows (GHC bug...) Jul 1, 2014
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stepcut commented Jul 1, 2014

Here is the implementation in base

says you need to compile with -threaded for it to work. Are you compiling with -threaded? In theory it should be raising an error if you are not..

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dmjio commented Jul 1, 2014

Yea, looks like I have -threaded on

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dmjio commented Jul 1, 2014

One of two things could be happening.

  • An asynchronous exception is thrown (throwTo) and is never unmasked, causing indefinite thread blocking -- UPDATE: can't find throwTo anywhere so ruling this out
  • io never returns, so putMVar never happens, causing takeMVar to block the thread indefinitely.

threaded = withThread (waitFd fd 0) -- This code gets called since -threaded is enabled

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
foreign import ccall unsafe "rtsSupportsBoundThreads" threaded :: Bool

withThread :: IO a -> IO a
withThread io = do
  m <- newEmptyMVar
 -- if the exception is asynchronous with throwTo mask_ will block is indefinitely
  _ <- mask_ $ forkIO $ try io >>= putMVar m -- io here isn't happening, or an exception is being raised
  x <- takeMVar m -- this blocks indefinitely
  case x of
    Right a -> return a
    Left e  -> throwIO (e :: IOException)

waitFd :: Fd -> CInt -> IO ()
waitFd fd write = do  -- this code must be the culprit, fdReady might never return
   throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "fdReady" $
        fdReady (fromIntegral fd) write iNFINITE 0

iNFINITE = 0xFFFFFFFF -- urgh -- "dmjio: this is actual code in base I didn't write urgh"

foreign import ccall safe "fdReady"
  fdReady :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

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dmjio commented Jul 1, 2014

So, it must be the ssl file descriptor never enters the ready state. threadWaitRead (sslFd ssl) via the call to fdReady, only thing I can think of. The network library calls ThreadWaitRead a lot, and I'm able to connect to a remote state w/o SSL. @stepcut have you ever used happstack over ssl on windows?

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dmjio commented Jul 2, 2014

I went into HsOpenSSL and started adding print statements. Strange part is that both client and server seem to be communicating initially, just that a query / update will not return to client entirely. This means the issue probably isn't threadWaitRead

("in ssl block",WantRead)
("in ssl block",WantRead)
("in ssl block",SSLDone ())
("in read",1024)
("in ssl block",SSLDone "password!@#$")
("in ssl block",SSLDone ())
"processing state"
(Partial _,"<-- input")
"getting some"
("in read",1024)
("in ssl block",WantRead)
("in ssl block",WantRead)
("in ssl block",WantRead)
("in ssl block",SSLDone ())
("in read",1024)
("in ssl block",SSLDone "password!@#$")
("in ssl block",SSLDone ())
"processing state"
(Partial _,"<-- input")
"getting some"
("in read",1024)
("in ssl block",WantRead)
acidServerTLS: shutdownClose. -- client disconnected here
acidServerTLS: shutdownClose.
("in ssl block",SSLDone ())
("in ssl block",SSLDone ())
("in ssl block",WantRead)
("in ssl block",WantRead)
("in ssl block",SSLDone ())
("in read",1024)
("in ssl block",WantRead)
("in ssl block",SSLDone "password!@#$")
("in ssl block",SSLDone ())
"processing state"
(Partial _,"<-- input")
"getting some"
("in read",1024)
("in ssl block",WantRead) -- blocks here for good

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dmjio commented Jul 2, 2014

The blocking occurs on the linux server... so it absolutely couldn't be threadWaitRead. Maybe the data sent by the client is malformed due to hsopenssl on windows.

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