diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
index dffe56163a0..2835d27efe8 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.json
+++ b/.eslintrc.json
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
   "rules": {
     "extends": ["eslint:recommended", "plugin:react/recommended", "google"],
     "max-len": [2, 80, 2, {
-        "ignoreComments": true,
-        "ignoreStrings": true
+        "ignoreComments": true
     "react/jsx-uses-react": "error",
     "react/jsx-uses-vars": "error",
@@ -36,14 +35,6 @@
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-      "files": ["modules/**", "htdocs/**"],
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diff --git a/htdocs/js/helpHandler.js b/htdocs/js/helpHandler.js
index db25385b53e..b9a846a3147 100644
--- a/htdocs/js/helpHandler.js
+++ b/htdocs/js/helpHandler.js
@@ -23,61 +23,73 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
     if (loris.Subtest !== '') {
       getParams.subtest = loris.Subtest;
-    $.get(loris.BaseURL + '/help_editor/ajax/help.php', getParams, function(content) {
-      let div = document.createElement('div');
-      let btn = document.createElement('BUTTON');
-      let edit = document.createElement('BUTTON');
-      let text = document.createTextNode('Edit');
-      let button = document.createTextNode('Close');
-      let wrap = document.createElement('div');
-      let markdownContent = document.createElement('div');
+    $.get(
+      loris.BaseURL + '/help_editor/ajax/help.php',
+      getParams,
+      function(content) {
+        let div = document.createElement('div');
+        let btn = document.createElement('BUTTON');
+        let edit = document.createElement('BUTTON');
+        let text = document.createTextNode('Edit');
+        let button = document.createTextNode('Close');
+        let wrap = document.createElement('div');
+        let markdownContent = document.createElement('div');
-      // Render Markdown in wrap div.
-      // If help content is from Markdown helpfile.
-      if (content.format === 'markdown') {
-        ReactDOM.render(RMarkdown({content: content.content}), wrap);
-      } else {
-        // If help content is from DB.
-        wrap.innerHTML = '<hr id=\'help-separator\'>';
-        if (content.topic) {
-          wrap.innerHTML = '<h3>' + content.topic + '</h3>';
+        // Render Markdown in wrap div.
+        // If help content is from Markdown helpfile.
+        if (content.format === 'markdown') {
+          ReactDOM.render(RMarkdown({content: content.content}), wrap);
+        } else {
+          // If help content is from DB.
+          wrap.innerHTML = '<hr id=\'help-separator\'>';
+          if (content.topic) {
+            wrap.innerHTML = '<h3>' + content.topic + '</h3>';
+          }
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+            RMarkdown({content: content.content}),
+            markdownContent
+          );
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+            wrap.innerHTML = wrap.innerHTML
+                             + '<hr>Last updated: '
+                             + content.updated;
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-        if (content.updated) {
-          wrap.innerHTML = wrap.innerHTML + '<hr>Last updated: ' + content.updated;
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+        edit.className = 'btn btn-default';
+        edit.setAttribute('id', 'helpedit');
+        div.appendChild(btn);
-      // If help content comes from DB `help` table and can
-      // be edited online.
-      if (loris.userHasPermission('context_help') && content.format !== 'markdown') {
-        div.appendChild(edit);
-        edit.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+        // If help content comes from DB `help` table and can
+        // be edited online.
+        if (loris.userHasPermission('context_help')
+            && content.format !== 'markdown'
+        ) {
+          div.appendChild(edit);
+          edit.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+            e.preventDefault();
+            window.open(loris.BaseURL
+                        + '/help_editor/edit_help_content/?section=' +
+              getParams.testName + '&subsection=' + getParams.subtest, '_self');
+          });
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+        div.appendChild(wrap);
+        document.getElementById('wrap').appendChild(div);
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+        btn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+          $(div).hide();
+          $('.help-button').removeClass('help-open');
-          window.open(loris.BaseURL + '/help_editor/edit_help_content/?section=' +
-            getParams.testName + '&subsection=' + getParams.subtest, '_self');
-      }
-      div.appendChild(wrap);
-      document.getElementById('wrap').appendChild(div);
-      div.setAttribute('class', 'help-content');
-      $(div).addClass('visible');
-      btn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
-        $(div).hide();
-        $('.help-button').removeClass('help-open');
-      });
-      e.preventDefault();
-    }, 'json');
+      },
+      'json');
diff --git a/htdocs/js/instrument_form_control.js b/htdocs/js/instrument_form_control.js
index 661cc8fa873..83111ef4ba2 100644
--- a/htdocs/js/instrument_form_control.js
+++ b/htdocs/js/instrument_form_control.js
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ function notAnswered() {
     } else {
       $('.' + name).prop('disabled', true);
-      $(this).after('<div class="col-xs-12 warning" id="' + name + '">Any entered data will not be saved</div>');
+      $(this).after('<div class="col-xs-12 warning" id="'
+        + name
+        + '">Any entered data will not be saved</div>');
   } else if (index === 0) {
     $('[name=' + name + ']').prop('disabled', false);
@@ -20,7 +22,9 @@ function notAnswered() {
   } else {
     $('[name=' + name + ']').prop('disabled', true);
-    $(this).after('<div class="col-xs-12 warning" id="' + name + '">Any entered data will not be saved</div>');
+    $(this).after('<div class="col-xs-12 warning" id="'
+      + name
+      + '">Any entered data will not be saved</div>');
diff --git a/htdocs/js/invalid_form_scroll.js b/htdocs/js/invalid_form_scroll.js
index 963052a7fe2..046cc86fcee 100644
--- a/htdocs/js/invalid_form_scroll.js
+++ b/htdocs/js/invalid_form_scroll.js
@@ -6,9 +6,12 @@
 $(document).ready(function bindInvalidFormListeners() {
     // This will make sure that the flag indicating whether we scrolled
     // to an invalid element when the form is submitted is reset
-  document.getElementsByName('fire_away')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {
-    bindInvalidFormListeners.scrollingDone = false;
-  });
+  document.getElementsByName('fire_away')[0].addEventListener(
+    'click',
+    function() {
+      bindInvalidFormListeners.scrollingDone = false;
+    }
+  );
     // Override default event handler for invalid input elements
     // This will make sure that the invalid element appears at the top
diff --git a/htdocs/js/jquery.csv.js b/htdocs/js/jquery.csv.js
index a48d588c3b8..0e1c87d6194 100644
--- a/htdocs/js/jquery.csv.js
+++ b/htdocs/js/jquery.csv.js
@@ -7,9 +7,15 @@
   csv: function(delim, quote, lined) {
-    delim = typeof delim === 'string' ? new RegExp('[' + (delim || ',') + ']') : typeof delim === 'undefined' ? ',' : delim;
-    quote = typeof quote === 'string' ? new RegExp('^[' + (quote || '"') + ']') : typeof quote === 'undefined' ? '"' : quote;
-    lined = typeof lined === 'string' ? new RegExp('[' + (lined || '\r\n') + ']+') : typeof lined === 'undefined' ? '\r\n' : lined;
+    delim = typeof delim === 'string' ?
+      new RegExp('[' + (delim || ',') + ']') :
+      typeof delim === 'undefined' ? ',' : delim;
+    quote = typeof quote === 'string' ?
+      new RegExp('^[' + (quote || '"') + ']') :
+      typeof quote === 'undefined' ? '"' : quote;
+    lined = typeof lined === 'string' ?
+      new RegExp('[' + (lined || '\r\n') + ']+') :
+      typeof lined === 'undefined' ? '\r\n' : lined;
     function splitline(v) {
       // Split the line using the delimitor
diff --git a/htdocs/js/jquery.fileupload.js b/htdocs/js/jquery.fileupload.js
index c0c4b906933..4d95b85a8d9 100644
--- a/htdocs/js/jquery.fileupload.js
+++ b/htdocs/js/jquery.fileupload.js
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
 (function($) {
   let inputGroup = '<div class="input-group file-upload"></div>';
-  let fileNameDisplay = '<div tabindex="-1" class="form-control file-caption  kv-fileinput-caption" title=""><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file kv-caption-icon" style="display: none;"></span><div class="file-caption-name"></div></div>';
+  let fileNameDisplay = '<div tabindex="-1" ' +
+        'class="form-control file-caption kv-fileinput-caption" ' +
+        'title="">' +
+      '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file kv-caption-icon" ' +
+        'style="display: none;"></span>' +
+      '<div class="file-caption-name"></div>' +
+    '</div>';
   let inputButtonGroup = '<div class="input-group-btn"></div>';
   let inputButton = '<div class="btn btn-primary btn-file"></div>';
-  let buttonText = '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open"></i>&nbsp;Browse …';
+  let buttonText = '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open"></i>'
+                   + '&nbsp;Browse …';
   let wrapper = function(element) {
@@ -18,7 +25,9 @@
       $(element).change(function() {
         let filename = $(this).val().split('\\').pop();
-        let placeHolder = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.file-caption-name');
+        let placeHolder = $(this)
+                          .parent().parent().parent()
+                          .find('.file-caption-name');
diff --git a/htdocs/js/util/queryString.js b/htdocs/js/util/queryString.js
index f9ce8da24aa..4791fad3069 100644
--- a/htdocs/js/util/queryString.js
+++ b/htdocs/js/util/queryString.js
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ let QueryString = {
     let queryStringObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentQuery));
     // Make sure that key is of string type and value is of string or object type
-    if (typeof fieldName !== 'string' || (typeof fieldValue !== 'string' && typeof fieldValue !== 'object')) {
+    if (typeof fieldName !== 'string'
+       || (typeof fieldValue !== 'string' && typeof fieldValue !== 'object')) {
         'Error in QueryString.set(): \n' +
         '\tfieldName must be of type string and' +
diff --git a/jsx/Form.js b/jsx/Form.js
index 91633ddbd91..9a89a602056 100644
--- a/jsx/Form.js
+++ b/jsx/Form.js
@@ -445,7 +445,9 @@ class SelectElement extends Component {
     // Add error message
-    if (this.props.hasError || (this.props.required && this.props.value === '')) {
+    if (this.props.hasError
+       || (this.props.required && this.props.value === '')
+    ) {
       errorMessage = <span>{this.props.errorMessage}</span>;
       elementClass = 'row form-group has-error';
@@ -905,7 +907,11 @@ class TextboxElement extends Component {
   handleChange(e) {
-    this.props.onUserInput(this.props.name, e.target.value, e.target.id, 'textbox');
+    this.props.onUserInput(
+      this.props.name,
+      e.target.value,
+      e.target.id, 'textbox',
+    );
   handleBlur(e) {
@@ -1039,7 +1045,12 @@ class DateElement extends Component {
   handleChange(e) {
-    this.props.onUserInput(this.props.name, e.target.value, e.target.id, 'date');
+    this.props.onUserInput(
+      this.props.name,
+      e.target.value,
+      e.target.id,
+      'date',
+    );
   render() {
@@ -1168,7 +1179,8 @@ class TimeElement extends Component {
-            title="Input must be in one of the following formats: HH:MM or HH:MM:SS"
+            title={'Input must be in one of the following formats: '
+                  + 'HH:MM or HH:MM:SS'}
diff --git a/modules/acknowledgements/jsx/acknowledgementsIndex.js b/modules/acknowledgements/jsx/acknowledgementsIndex.js
index 8b87fc6493e..b579589b9ab 100644
--- a/modules/acknowledgements/jsx/acknowledgementsIndex.js
+++ b/modules/acknowledgements/jsx/acknowledgementsIndex.js
@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@ class AcknowledgementsIndex extends Component {
         dataEntry: 'Data Entry',
         databaseProgramming: 'Database Programming',
         imagingProcessingAndEvaluation: 'Imaging Processing and Evaluation',
-        geneticAnalysisAndBiochemicalAssays: 'Genetic Analysis and Biochemical Assays',
-        randomizationAndPharmacyAllocation: 'Randomization and Pharmacy Allocation',
+        geneticAnalysisAndBiochemicalAssays: 'Genetic Analysis '
+                                             + 'and Biochemical Assays',
+        randomizationAndPharmacyAllocation: 'Randomization '
+                                            + 'and Pharmacy Allocation',
         consultants: 'Consultants',
         lpCsfCollection: 'LP/CSF Collection',
@@ -140,7 +142,11 @@ class AcknowledgementsIndex extends Component {
     .then((resp) => {
       if (resp.ok && resp.status === 200) {
-        swal.fire('Success!', 'Acknowledgement added.', 'success').then((result) => {
+        swal.fire(
+          'Success!',
+          'Acknowledgement added.',
+          'success'
+        ).then((result) => {
           if (result.value) {
@@ -312,7 +318,8 @@ class AcknowledgementsIndex extends Component {
             label='End date'
-            minYear={this.state.formData.addStartDate || this.state.data.minYear}
+            minYear={this.state.formData.addStartDate
+                    || this.state.data.minYear}
diff --git a/modules/behavioural_qc/jsx/behavioural_qc_module.js b/modules/behavioural_qc/jsx/behavioural_qc_module.js
index 87edeef59b6..d3644329509 100644
--- a/modules/behavioural_qc/jsx/behavioural_qc_module.js
+++ b/modules/behavioural_qc/jsx/behavioural_qc_module.js
@@ -449,7 +449,15 @@ class BehaviouralQCGraphics extends Component {
       <div className='col-sm-12 col-md-5'>
         <div className='panel panel-primary'>
           <div className='panel-heading'>
-            At A Glance: {pscidStatus} - {visitStatus} - {instrumentStatus} - {siteStatus} -{projectStatus}
+            {'At A Glance: ' +
+              [
+                pscidStatus,
+                visitStatus,
+                instrumentStatus,
+                siteStatus,
+                projectStatus,
+              ].join(' - ')
+            }
           <div className='panel-body'>
             <div id='completedChart'/>
diff --git a/modules/bvl_feedback/jsx/react.behavioural_feedback_panel.js b/modules/bvl_feedback/jsx/react.behavioural_feedback_panel.js
index f7507b9125a..e0bbc2cd4e0 100644
--- a/modules/bvl_feedback/jsx/react.behavioural_feedback_panel.js
+++ b/modules/bvl_feedback/jsx/react.behavioural_feedback_panel.js
@@ -548,9 +548,11 @@ class FeedbackSummaryPanel extends Component {
           <tr key={key}>
-              <a href={loris.BaseURL + '/instruments/' + row.Instrument + '/?candID=' +
-                row.CandID + '&sessionID=' + row.SessionID + '&commentID=' +
-                row.CommentID}
+              <a href={loris.BaseURL
+                      + '/instruments/' + row.Instrument
+                      + '/?candID=' + row.CandID
+                      + '&sessionID=' + row.SessionID
+                      + '&commentID=' + row.CommentID}
diff --git a/modules/candidate_list/jsx/candidateListIndex.js b/modules/candidate_list/jsx/candidateListIndex.js
index 2e669a748c1..faaa3ff99a8 100644
--- a/modules/candidate_list/jsx/candidateListIndex.js
+++ b/modules/candidate_list/jsx/candidateListIndex.js
@@ -344,7 +344,9 @@ class CandidateListIndex extends Component {
     // FIXME: move toggle button in the filter component next to the clear button
     const actions = [
-        label: this.state.hideFilter ? 'Show Advanced Filters' : 'Hide Advanced Filters',
+        label: this.state.hideFilter ?
+          'Show Advanced Filters' :
+          'Hide Advanced Filters',
         action: this.toggleFilters,
         name: 'advanced',
diff --git a/modules/candidate_list/jsx/openProfileForm.js b/modules/candidate_list/jsx/openProfileForm.js
index bc3586dc64e..597a1c03565 100644
--- a/modules/candidate_list/jsx/openProfileForm.js
+++ b/modules/candidate_list/jsx/openProfileForm.js
@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ class OpenProfileForm extends Component {
               className: 'alert alert-info text-center',
             if (this.props.betaProfileLink) {
-                window.location.href = loris.BaseURL + '/candidate_profile/' + state.CandID;
+                window.location.href = loris.BaseURL
+                                       + '/candidate_profile/'
+                                       + state.CandID;
             } else {
                 window.location.href = loris.BaseURL + '/' + state.CandID;
diff --git a/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/CandidateDOB.js b/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/CandidateDOB.js
index f46abba837a..0dde63fd908 100644
--- a/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/CandidateDOB.js
+++ b/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/CandidateDOB.js
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ class CandidateDOB extends Component {
-            text='Any changes to the date of birth requires an administrator to run the fix_candidate_age script.'
+            text={'Any changes to the date of birth requires an administrator '
+                 + 'to run the fix_candidate_age script.'}
             class='form-control-static text-danger bg-danger col-sm-10'
diff --git a/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/CandidateParameters.js b/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/CandidateParameters.js
index f44806d7a51..cf16a2308d6 100644
--- a/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/CandidateParameters.js
+++ b/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/CandidateParameters.js
@@ -16,8 +16,12 @@ class CandidateParameters extends Component {
   getTabPanes(tabList) {
-    const actionURL = `${loris.BaseURL}/candidate_parameters/ajax/formHandler.php`;
-    const dataURL = `${loris.BaseURL}/candidate_parameters/ajax/getData.php?candID=${this.props.candID}`;
+    const actionURL = loris.BaseURL
+                      + '/candidate_parameters/ajax/formHandler.php';
+    const dataURL = loris.BaseURL
+                    + '/candidate_parameters/ajax/getData.php'
+                    + '?candID='
+                    + this.props.candID;
     const tabPanes = Object.keys(tabList).map((key) => {
       const TabContent = tabList[key].component;
       return (
@@ -35,22 +39,50 @@ class CandidateParameters extends Component {
   render() {
     let tabList = [
-      {id: 'candidateInfo', label: 'Candidate Information', component: CandidateInfo},
-      {id: 'participantStatus', label: 'Participant Status', component: ParticipantStatus},
-      {id: 'candidateDOB', label: 'Date of Birth', component: CandidateDOB},
-      {id: 'candidateDOD', label: 'Date of Death', component: CandidateDOD},
+      {
+        id: 'candidateInfo',
+        label: 'Candidate Information',
+        component: CandidateInfo,
+      },
+      {
+        id: 'participantStatus',
+        label: 'Participant Status',
+        component: ParticipantStatus,
+      },
+      {
+        id: 'candidateDOB',
+        label: 'Date of Birth',
+        component: CandidateDOB,
+      },
+      {
+        id: 'candidateDOD',
+        label: 'Date of Death',
+        component: CandidateDOD,
+      },
     if (loris.config('useProband') === 'true') {
-      tabList.push({id: 'probandInfo', label: 'Proband Information', component: ProbandInfo});
+      tabList.push({
+        id: 'probandInfo',
+        label: 'Proband Information',
+        component: ProbandInfo,
+      });
     if (loris.config('useFamilyID') === 'true') {
-      tabList.push({id: 'familyInfo', label: 'Family Information', component: FamilyInfo});
+      tabList.push({
+        id: 'familyInfo',
+        label: 'Family Information',
+        component: FamilyInfo,
+      });
     if (loris.config('useConsent') === 'true') {
-      tabList.push({id: 'consentStatus', label: 'Consent Status', component: ConsentStatus});
+      tabList.push({
+        id: 'consentStatus',
+        label: 'Consent Status',
+        component: ConsentStatus,
+      });
     return (
@@ -89,6 +121,9 @@ window.addEventListener('load', () => {
-  ReactDOM.render(candidateParameters, document.getElementById('lorisworkspace'));
+  ReactDOM.render(
+    candidateParameters,
+    document.getElementById('lorisworkspace')
+  );
diff --git a/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/ConsentStatus.js b/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/ConsentStatus.js
index 52b21390193..5642689226c 100644
--- a/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/ConsentStatus.js
+++ b/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/ConsentStatus.js
@@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ class ConsentStatus extends Component {
             success: (data) => {
                 let formData = {};
                 let consents = data.consents;
-                for (let consentStatus in consents) {
-                    if (consents.hasOwnProperty(consentStatus)) {
-                        let consentDate = consentStatus + '_date';
-                        let consentDate2 = consentStatus + '_date2';
-                        let consentWithdrawal = consentStatus + '_withdrawal';
-                        let consentWithdrawal2 = consentStatus + '_withdrawal2';
-                        formData[consentStatus] = data.consentStatuses[consentStatus];
-                        formData[consentDate] = data.consentDates[consentStatus];
-                        formData[consentDate2] = data.consentDates[consentStatus];
-                        formData[consentWithdrawal] = data.withdrawals[consentStatus];
-                        formData[consentWithdrawal2] = data.withdrawals[consentStatus];
+                for (let cStatus in consents) {
+                    if (consents.hasOwnProperty(cStatus)) {
+                        let cDate = cStatus + '_date';
+                        let cDate2 = cStatus + '_date2';
+                        let cWithdrawal = cStatus + '_withdrawal';
+                        let cWithdrawal2 = cStatus + '_withdrawal2';
+                        formData[cStatus] = data.consentStatuses[cStatus];
+                        formData[cDate] = data.consentDates[cStatus];
+                        formData[cDate2] = data.consentDates[cStatus];
+                        formData[cWithdrawal] = data.withdrawals[cStatus];
+                        formData[cWithdrawal2] = data.withdrawals[cStatus];
@@ -155,7 +155,10 @@ class ConsentStatus extends Component {
                 if (date1 > today) {
-                    alert(label + ' withdrawal date cannot be later than today!');
+                    alert(
+                      label
+                      + ' withdrawal date cannot be later than today!'
+                    );
@@ -231,7 +234,8 @@ class ConsentStatus extends Component {
                     dateRequired[i] = true;
                     // If answer was previously 'yes' and consent is now being withdrawn, enable and require withdrawal date
                     // If consent was previously withdrawn and stays withdrawn, enable and require withdrawal date
-                    if (oldConsent === 'yes' || (oldConsent === 'no' && withdrawalDate)) {
+                    if (oldConsent === 'yes'
+                       || (oldConsent === 'no' && withdrawalDate)) {
                         withdrawalDisabled[i] = false;
                         withdrawalRequired[i] = true;
@@ -253,7 +257,8 @@ class ConsentStatus extends Component {
                 let consentDate = consentStatus + '_date';
                 let consentDate2 = consentStatus + '_date2';
                 let consentDateLabel = 'Date of ' + statusLabel;
-                let consentDateConfirmationLabel = 'Confirmation Date of ' + statusLabel;
+                let consentDateConfirmationLabel = 'Confirmation Date of '
+                                                   + statusLabel;
                 let consentWithdrawal = consentStatus + '_withdrawal';
                 let consentWithdrawal2 = consentStatus + '_withdrawal2';
                 let consentWithdrawalLabel = 'Date of Withdrawal of Consent';
@@ -321,14 +326,15 @@ class ConsentStatus extends Component {
         let formattedHistory = [];
-        for (let consentKey in this.state.Data.history) {
-            if (this.state.Data.history.hasOwnProperty(consentKey)) {
-                let consentLabel = this.state.Data.history[consentKey].label;
-                let consentType = this.state.Data.history[consentKey].consentType;
-                for (let field in this.state.Data.history[consentKey]) {
-                    if (this.state.Data.history[consentKey].hasOwnProperty(field)) {
+        const history = this.state.Data.history;
+        for (let consentKey in history) {
+            if (history.hasOwnProperty(consentKey)) {
+                let consentLabel = history[consentKey].label;
+                let consentType = history[consentKey].consentType;
+                for (let field in history[consentKey]) {
+                    if (history[consentKey].hasOwnProperty(field)) {
                         let line = '';
-                        let historyConsent = this.state.Data.history[consentKey][field];
+                        let historyConsent = history[consentKey][field];
                         for (let field2 in historyConsent) {
                             if (historyConsent.hasOwnProperty(field2)) {
                                 let current = historyConsent[field2];
@@ -354,7 +360,8 @@ class ConsentStatus extends Component {
                                             line += ' ';
                                         case consentType + '_withdrawal':
-                                            line += 'Date of Consent Withdrawal: ';
+                                            line += 'Date of '
+                                                    + 'Consent Withdrawal: ';
                                             line += current;
                                             line += ' ';
@@ -377,8 +384,14 @@ class ConsentStatus extends Component {
-                    <StaticElement label="PSCID" text={this.state.Data.pscid} />
-                    <StaticElement label="DCCID" text={this.state.Data.candID} />
+                    <StaticElement
+                      label="PSCID"
+                      text={this.state.Data.pscid}
+                    />
+                    <StaticElement
+                      label="DCCID"
+                      text={this.state.Data.candID}
+                    />
diff --git a/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/FamilyInfo.js b/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/FamilyInfo.js
index ab2b677e263..b6e3475ccca 100644
--- a/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/FamilyInfo.js
+++ b/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/FamilyInfo.js
@@ -84,7 +84,9 @@ class FamilyInfo extends Component {
       return (
         <button className="btn-info has-spinner">
-          <span className="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh glyphicon-refresh-animate">
+          <span
+            className="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh glyphicon-refresh-animate"
+          >
@@ -127,7 +129,12 @@ class FamilyInfo extends Component {
-              onUserInput={this.deleteFamilyMember.bind(null, candID, key, candidateList)}
+              onUserInput={this.deleteFamilyMember.bind(
+                null,
+                candID,
+                key,
+                candidateList
+              )}
diff --git a/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/ParticipantStatus.js b/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/ParticipantStatus.js
index c47f68aea93..e480d1d1ca5 100644
--- a/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/ParticipantStatus.js
+++ b/modules/candidate_parameters/jsx/ParticipantStatus.js
@@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ class ParticipantStatus extends Component {
             if (this.state.Data.history.hasOwnProperty(statusKey)) {
                 let line = '';
                 for (let field in this.state.Data.history[statusKey]) {
-                    if (this.state.Data.history[statusKey].hasOwnProperty(field)) {
+                    if (this.state.Data.history[statusKey]
+                      .hasOwnProperty(field)
+                    ) {
                         let current = this.state.Data.history[statusKey][field];
                         if (current !== null) {
                             switch (field) {
@@ -169,7 +171,9 @@ class ParticipantStatus extends Component {
             } else if (this.state.updateResult === 'error') {
                 let errorMessage = this.state.errorMessage;
                 alertClass = 'alert alert-danger text-center';
-                alertMessage = errorMessage ? errorMessage : 'Failed to update!';
+                alertMessage = errorMessage ?
+                  errorMessage :
+                  'Failed to update!';
diff --git a/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/CandidateConflictsWidget.js b/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/CandidateConflictsWidget.js
index 8318b1f4764..3786c5e8853 100644
--- a/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/CandidateConflictsWidget.js
+++ b/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/CandidateConflictsWidget.js
@@ -63,8 +63,14 @@ function CandidateConflictsWidget(props) {
     return <div>
         <div id='conflictschart' />
-            <li>Click on instrument in legend to visit conflict resolver for that instrument across all visits.</li>
-            <li>Click on bar in graph to visit conflict resolver for that visit and instrument combination.</li>
+            <li>
+              {'Click on instrument in legend to visit conflict resolver '
+                + 'for that instrument across all visits.'}
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              {'Click on bar in graph to visit conflict resolver '
+                + 'for that visit and instrument combination.'}
+            </li>
diff --git a/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/conflictResolverIndex.js b/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/conflictResolverIndex.js
index c6d14507fe4..7dc8bb474d6 100644
--- a/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/conflictResolverIndex.js
+++ b/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/conflictResolverIndex.js
@@ -72,8 +72,16 @@ class UnresolvedConflictsPane extends Component {
           <div className='pull-right'>
-            <input className='btn btn-sm btn-primary' name='fire_away' value='Save' type='submit'/>
-            <input className='btn btn-sm btn-primary' value='Reset' type='reset' style={{marginLeft: 3 + 'px'}}/>
+            <input className='btn btn-sm btn-primary'
+                   name='fire_away'
+                   value='Save'
+                   type='submit'
+            />
+            <input className='btn btn-sm btn-primary'
+                   value='Reset'
+                   type='reset'
+                   style={{marginLeft: 3 + 'px'}}
+            />
@@ -280,7 +288,8 @@ window.addEventListener('load', () => {
         base: loris.BaseURL,
         data: {
           unresolved: loris.BaseURL + '/conflict_resolver/?format=json',
-          resolved: loris.BaseURL + '/conflict_resolver/resolved_conflicts/?format=json',
+          resolved: loris.BaseURL
+                    + '/conflict_resolver/resolved_conflicts/?format=json',
@@ -291,7 +300,8 @@ window.addEventListener('load', () => {
     if (document.getElementById('tab-ResolvedConflicts')) {
       $('#tab-ResolvedConflicts').click(function(event) {
-        window.location.href = loris.BaseURL + '/conflict_resolver/resolved_conflicts/';
+        window.location.href = loris.BaseURL
+                               + '/conflict_resolver/resolved_conflicts/';
         return false;
diff --git a/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/resolvedConflictsIndex.js b/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/resolvedConflictsIndex.js
index ce128be1216..c36b6199544 100644
--- a/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/resolvedConflictsIndex.js
+++ b/modules/conflict_resolver/jsx/resolvedConflictsIndex.js
@@ -278,7 +278,8 @@ window.addEventListener('load', () => {
         base: loris.BaseURL,
         data: {
           unresolved: loris.BaseURL + '/conflict_resolver/?format=json',
-          resolved: loris.BaseURL + '/conflict_resolver/resolved_conflicts/?format=json',
+          resolved: loris.BaseURL
+                    + '/conflict_resolver/resolved_conflicts/?format=json',
diff --git a/modules/data_release/jsx/addPermissionForm.js b/modules/data_release/jsx/addPermissionForm.js
index 4dfd88686b0..b7904bce016 100644
--- a/modules/data_release/jsx/addPermissionForm.js
+++ b/modules/data_release/jsx/addPermissionForm.js
@@ -33,7 +33,12 @@ class AddPermissionForm extends Component {
   fetchData() {
     return fetch(this.props.DataURL, {credentials: 'same-origin'})
       .then((resp) => resp.json())
-      .then((data) => this.setState({data: data.Data, fieldOptions: data.fieldOptions}))
+      .then(
+        (data) => this.setState({
+          data: data.Data,
+          fieldOptions: data.fieldOptions,
+        })
+      )
       .catch((error) => {
         this.setState({error: true});
@@ -165,7 +170,9 @@ class AddPermissionForm extends Component {
       } else {
-        let msg = response.statusText ? response.statusText : 'Submission Error!';
+        let msg = response.statusText ?
+          response.statusText :
+          'Submission Error!';
         swal(msg, '', 'error');
diff --git a/modules/data_release/jsx/dataReleaseIndex.js b/modules/data_release/jsx/dataReleaseIndex.js
index 69884e9612b..0ad666b8e96 100644
--- a/modules/data_release/jsx/dataReleaseIndex.js
+++ b/modules/data_release/jsx/dataReleaseIndex.js
@@ -88,8 +88,9 @@ class DataReleaseIndex extends Component {
             || this.props.hasPermission('data_release_view')
             || this.props.hasPermission('data_release_upload')
             || this.props.hasPermission('data_release_edit_file_access')) {
-          const downloadURL = loris.BaseURL + '/data_release/ajax/GetFile.php?File=' +
-            encodeURIComponent(row['File Name']);
+          const downloadURL = loris.BaseURL
+            + '/data_release/ajax/GetFile.php?File='
+            + encodeURIComponent(row['File Name']);
           result = (
@@ -152,8 +153,14 @@ class DataReleaseIndex extends Component {
-          DataURL={`${loris.BaseURL}/data_release/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=getData`}
-          action={`${loris.BaseURL}/data_release/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=upload`}
+          DataURL={
+            loris.BaseURL
+            + '/data_release/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=getData'
+          }
+          action={
+            loris.BaseURL
+            + '/data_release/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=upload'
+          }
@@ -171,8 +178,14 @@ class DataReleaseIndex extends Component {
-          DataURL={`${loris.BaseURL}/data_release/?format=json`}
-          action={`${loris.BaseURL}/data_release/ajax/AddPermission.php?action=addpermission`}
+          DataURL={
+            loris.BaseURL
+            + '/data_release/?format=json'
+          }
+          action={
+            loris.BaseURL
+            + '/data_release/ajax/AddPermission.php?action=addpermission'
+          }
@@ -182,8 +195,14 @@ class DataReleaseIndex extends Component {
     const managePermissionsForm =
       this.props.hasPermission('data_release_edit_file_access') && (
-          DataURL={`${loris.BaseURL}/data_release/ajax/AddPermission.php?action=getPermissions`}
-          action={`${loris.BaseURL}/data_release/ajax/AddPermission.php?action=managepermissions`}
+          DataURL={
+            loris.BaseURL
+            + '/data_release/ajax/AddPermission.php?action=getPermissions'
+          }
+          action={
+            loris.BaseURL
+            + '/data_release/ajax/AddPermission.php?action=managepermissions'
+          }
diff --git a/modules/data_release/jsx/uploadFileForm.js b/modules/data_release/jsx/uploadFileForm.js
index c7252d6de9d..e0e81bd486c 100644
--- a/modules/data_release/jsx/uploadFileForm.js
+++ b/modules/data_release/jsx/uploadFileForm.js
@@ -129,7 +129,9 @@ class UploadFileForm extends Component {
     let fileSize = formData.file ? Math.round((formData.file.size/1024)) : null;
     const maxSizeAllowed = this.state.data.maxUploadSize;
     if (parseInt(fileSize, 10) > parseInt(maxSizeAllowed, 10)*1024) {
-      let msg = 'File size exceeds the maximum allowed (' + maxSizeAllowed + ')';
+      let msg = 'File size exceeds the maximum allowed ('
+                + maxSizeAllowed
+                + ')';
       errorMessage['Filesize'] = msg;
       hasError['Filesize'] = true;
@@ -180,7 +182,10 @@ class UploadFileForm extends Component {
         if (responseUrl.searchParams.has('duplicate')) {
             title: 'Are you sure?',
-            text: 'A file with this name already exists!\n Would you like to overwrite existing file?\n Note that the version associated with the file will also be overwritten.',
+            text: 'A file with this name already exists!\n '
+                  + 'Would you like to overwrite existing file?\n '
+                  + 'Note that the version associated with '
+                  + 'the file will also be overwritten.',
             type: 'warning',
             showCancelButton: true,
             confirmButtonText: 'Yes, I am sure!',
diff --git a/modules/dicom_archive/jsx/dicom_archive.js b/modules/dicom_archive/jsx/dicom_archive.js
index 8895bcd15a5..bf6bb318746 100644
--- a/modules/dicom_archive/jsx/dicom_archive.js
+++ b/modules/dicom_archive/jsx/dicom_archive.js
@@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ class DicomArchive extends Component {
         if (row.SessionID === null || row.SessionID === '') {
           result = <td>&nbsp;</td>;
         } else {
-          let mrlURL = loris.BaseURL + '/imaging_browser/viewSession/?sessionID=' +
-            row.SessionID;
+          let mrlURL = loris.BaseURL
+                       + '/imaging_browser/viewSession/?sessionID='
+                       + row.SessionID;
           result = <td><a href={mrlURL}>{cell}</a></td>;
diff --git a/modules/document_repository/jsx/childTree.js b/modules/document_repository/jsx/childTree.js
index 5be5fd7106b..0561df0fcfd 100644
--- a/modules/document_repository/jsx/childTree.js
+++ b/modules/document_repository/jsx/childTree.js
@@ -81,8 +81,9 @@ class ChildTree extends Component {
                   Object.values(node)[2] !== null &&
-                    <div style={commentStyle} className="tip">{Object.values(node)[2]}</div>
+                    <div style={commentStyle}
+                         className="tip">{Object.values(node)[2]}
+                    </div>
diff --git a/modules/document_repository/jsx/docIndex.js b/modules/document_repository/jsx/docIndex.js
index 7ecdea6d582..04d3a56f68f 100644
--- a/modules/document_repository/jsx/docIndex.js
+++ b/modules/document_repository/jsx/docIndex.js
@@ -126,11 +126,22 @@ class DocIndex extends React.Component {
     let result = <td>{cell}</td>;
     switch (column) {
       case 'File Name':
-        let downloadURL = loris.BaseURL + '/document_repository/Files/' + encodeURIComponent(row['File Name']);
-        result = <td><a href={downloadURL} target="_blank" download={row['File Name']}>{cell}</a></td>;
+        let downloadURL = loris.BaseURL
+                          + '/document_repository/Files/'
+                          + encodeURIComponent(row['File Name']);
+        result = <td>
+          <a
+            href={downloadURL}
+            target="_blank"
+            download={row['File Name']}
+          >
+            {cell}
+          </a>
+        </td>;
       case 'Edit':
-        let editURL = loris.BaseURL + '/document_repository/edit/' + row['Edit'];
+        let editURL = loris.BaseURL
+                      + '/document_repository/edit/' + row['Edit'];
         result = <td><a href={editURL}>Edit</a></td>;
       case 'Delete File':
@@ -159,7 +170,9 @@ class DocIndex extends React.Component {
-        result = <td><a style={{cursor: 'pointer'}} onClick={click}>Delete</a></td>;
+        result = <td>
+          <a style={{cursor: 'pointer'}} onClick={click}>Delete</a>
+        </td>;
     return result;
@@ -207,7 +220,11 @@ class DocIndex extends React.Component {
       {label: 'Date Uploaded', show: true},
       {label: 'Edit', show: true},
-      {label: 'Delete File', show: this.props.hasPermission('superUser') || this.props.hasPermission('document_repository_delete')},
+      {
+        label: 'Delete File',
+        show: this.props.hasPermission('superUser')
+          || this.props.hasPermission('document_repository_delete'),
+      },
       {label: 'File Category', show: false},
       {label: 'Category', show: false},
       {label: 'Data Dir', show: false},
@@ -263,8 +280,10 @@ class DocIndex extends React.Component {
-    const treeTable = (Object.keys(this.state.tableData.length).length === 0
-                        && Object.keys(this.state.childrenNode).length === 0) ? (
+    const treeTable = (
+      Object.keys(this.state.tableData.length).length === 0
+      && Object.keys(this.state.childrenNode).length === 0
+    ) ? (
diff --git a/modules/document_repository/jsx/uploadForm.js b/modules/document_repository/jsx/uploadForm.js
index 586b49bbdc4..265c40478de 100644
--- a/modules/document_repository/jsx/uploadForm.js
+++ b/modules/document_repository/jsx/uploadForm.js
@@ -172,7 +172,11 @@ class DocUploadForm extends Component {
           swal.fire('Could not upload file', data.error, 'error');
         }).catch((error) => {
-          swal.fire('Unknown Error', 'Please report the issue or contact your administrator', 'error');
+          swal.fire(
+            'Unknown Error',
+            'Please report the issue or contact your administrator',
+            'error'
+          );
diff --git a/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/components/SidebarContent.js b/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/components/SidebarContent.js
index a599b53593c..c7c144f7912 100644
--- a/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/components/SidebarContent.js
+++ b/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/components/SidebarContent.js
@@ -57,7 +57,11 @@ const SidebarContent = (props) => {
           &#171; Previous
-        <a id={'nav_next'} href={props.next} target={'_self'} style={styles.sidebarLink}>
+        <a id={'nav_next'}
+           href={props.next}
+           target={'_self'}
+           style={styles.sidebarLink}
+        >
           Next &#187;
diff --git a/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/components/electrophysiology_session_panels.js b/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/components/electrophysiology_session_panels.js
index d7b9935d5e8..8e123ab3c76 100644
--- a/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/components/electrophysiology_session_panels.js
+++ b/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/components/electrophysiology_session_panels.js
@@ -162,83 +162,170 @@ class FilePanel extends Component {
           <div className={'row'}>
             <div className={'col-sm-6'} style={stylesFile.div.container.table}>
               <table style={stylesFile.table.style}>
-                <caption style={stylesFile.table.caption}>Acquisition Summary</caption>
+                <caption style={stylesFile.table.caption}>
+                  Acquisition Summary
+                </caption>
                 <tr style={stylesFile.table.row}>
-                  <th scope='row' style={stylesFile.table.header}>Sampling Frequency</th>
-                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>{this.state.data.task.frequency.sampling}</td>
+                  <th scope='row'
+                      style={stylesFile.table.header}
+                  >Sampling Frequency</th>
+                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>
+                    {this.state.data.task.frequency.sampling}
+                  </td>
                 <tr style={stylesFile.table.row}>
-                  <th scope='row' style={stylesFile.table.header}>{this.state.data.task.channel[0].name}</th>
-                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>{this.state.data.task.channel[0].value}</td>
+                  <th scope='row'
+                      style={stylesFile.table.header}
+                  >{this.state.data.task.channel[0].name}</th>
+                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>
+                    {this.state.data.task.channel[0].value}
+                  </td>
                 <tr style={stylesFile.table.row}>
-                  <th scope='row' style={stylesFile.table.header}>{this.state.data.task.channel[1].name}</th>
-                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>{this.state.data.task.channel[1].value}</td>
+                  <th scope='row'
+                      style={stylesFile.table.header}
+                  >{this.state.data.task.channel[1].name}</th>
+                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>
+                    {this.state.data.task.channel[1].value}
+                  </td>
                 <tr style={stylesFile.table.row}>
-                  <th scope='row' style={stylesFile.table.header}>{this.state.data.task.channel[2].name}</th>
-                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>{this.state.data.task.channel[2].value}</td>
+                  <th scope='row'
+                      style={stylesFile.table.header}
+                  >{this.state.data.task.channel[2].name}</th>
+                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>
+                    {this.state.data.task.channel[2].value}
+                  </td>
                 <tr style={stylesFile.table.row}>
-                  <th scope='row' style={stylesFile.table.header}>{this.state.data.task.channel[3].name}</th>
-                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>{this.state.data.task.channel[3].value}</td>
+                  <th scope='row'
+                      style={stylesFile.table.header}
+                  >{this.state.data.task.channel[3].name}</th>
+                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>
+                    {this.state.data.task.channel[3].value}
+                  </td>
                 <tr style={stylesFile.table.row}>
-                  <th scope='row' style={stylesFile.table.header}>EEG Reference</th>
-                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>{this.state.data.task.reference}</td>
+                  <th scope='row'
+                      style={stylesFile.table.header}
+                  >EEG Reference</th>
+                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>
+                    {this.state.data.task.reference}
+                  </td>
                 <tr style={stylesFile.table.row}>
-                  <th scope='row' style={stylesFile.table.header}>Powerline Frequency</th>
-                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>{this.state.data.task.frequency.powerline}</td>
+                  <th scope='row'
+                      style={stylesFile.table.header}
+                  >Powerline Frequency</th>
+                  <td style={stylesFile.table.data}>
+                    {this.state.data.task.frequency.powerline}
+                  </td>
-            <div className={'col-sm-6'} style={stylesFile.div.container.download}>
+            <div className={'col-sm-6'}
+                 style={stylesFile.div.container.download}
+            >
               <div className={'form-group row flex-v-center'}>
-                <div className={'col-xs-5'} style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}>All Files</div>
+                <div className={'col-xs-5'}
+                     style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}
+                >All Files</div>
                 <div className={'col-xs-2'}>
-                  <a id='download_all_files' href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file=' + this.state.data.downloads[4].file} target='_blank' download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}>
-                    <button id='btn_download_all_files' style={stylesFile.button.download}>Download</button>
+                  <a id='download_all_files'
+                     href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file='
+                          + this.state.data.downloads[4].file}
+                     target='_blank'
+                     download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}
+                  >
+                    <button id='btn_download_all_files'
+                            style={stylesFile.button.download}
+                    >Download</button>
               <div className={'form-group row flex-v-center'}>
-                <div className={'col-xs-5'} style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}>EEG File</div>
+                <div className={'col-xs-5'}
+                     style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}
+                >EEG File</div>
                 <div className={'col-xs-2'}>
-                  <a id='download_eeg_file' href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file=' + this.state.data.downloads[0].file} target='_blank' download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}>
-                    <button id='btn_download_eeg_file' style={stylesFile.button.download}>Download</button>
+                  <a id='download_eeg_file'
+                     href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file='
+                          + this.state.data.downloads[0].file}
+                     target='_blank'
+                     download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}
+                  >
+                    <button id='btn_download_eeg_file'
+                            style={stylesFile.button.download}
+                    >Download</button>
               <div className={'form-group row flex-v-center'}>
-                <div className={'col-xs-5'} style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}>Electrode Info</div>
+                <div className={'col-xs-5'}
+                     style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}
+                >Electrode Info</div>
                 <div className={'col-xs-2'}>
-                  <a id='download_electrode_info' href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file=' + this.state.data.downloads[1].file} target='_blank' download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}>
-                    <button id='btn_download_electrode_info' style={stylesFile.button.download}>Download</button>
+                  <a id='download_electrode_info'
+                     href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file='
+                          + this.state.data.downloads[1].file}
+                     target='_blank'
+                     download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}
+                  >
+                    <button id='btn_download_electrode_info'
+                            style={stylesFile.button.download}
+                    >Download</button>
               <div className={'form-group row flex-v-center'}>
-                <div className={'col-xs-5'} style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}>Channels Info</div>
+                <div className={'col-xs-5'}
+                     style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}
+                >Channels Info</div>
                 <div className={'col-xs-2'}>
-                  <a id='download_channels_info' href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file=' + this.state.data.downloads[2].file} target='_blank' download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}>
-                    <button id='btn_download_channels_info' style={stylesFile.button.download}>Download</button>
+                  <a id='download_channels_info'
+                     href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file='
+                          + this.state.data.downloads[2].file}
+                     target='_blank'
+                     download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}
+                  >
+                    <button id='btn_download_channels_info'
+                            style={stylesFile.button.download}
+                    >Download</button>
               <div className={'form-group row flex-v-center'}>
-                <div className={'col-xs-5'} style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}>Events</div>
+                <div className={'col-xs-5'}
+                     style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}
+                >Events</div>
                 <div className={'col-xs-2'}>
-                  <a id='download_events' href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file=' + this.state.data.downloads[3].file} target='_blank' download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}>
-                    <button id='btn_download_events' style={stylesFile.button.download}>Download</button>
+                  <a id='download_events'
+                     href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file='
+                          + this.state.data.downloads[3].file}
+                     target='_blank'
+                     download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}
+                  >
+                    <button id='btn_download_events'
+                            style={stylesFile.button.download}
+                    >Download</button>
               <div className={'form-group row flex-v-center'}>
-                <div className={'col-xs-5'} id='fdt_title' style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}>FDT File</div>
+                <div className={'col-xs-5'}
+                     id='fdt_title'
+                     style={stylesFile.div.element.download_title}
+                >FDT File</div>
                 <div className={'col-xs-2'}>
-                  <a id='download_fdt_file' href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file=' + this.state.data.downloads[5].file} target='_blank' download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}>
-                    <button id='btn_download_fdt_file' style={stylesFile.button.download}>Download</button>
+                  <a id='download_fdt_file'
+                     href={'/mri/jiv/get_file.php?file='
+                          + this.state.data.downloads[5].file}
+                     target='_blank'
+                     download={this.state.data.downloads[0].file}
+                  >
+                    <button id='btn_download_fdt_file'
+                            style={stylesFile.button.download}
+                    >Download</button>
@@ -246,102 +333,191 @@ class FilePanel extends Component {
-        <Panel id={this.props.id + '_details'} title={'Acquisition Details for ' + this.props.title} style={stylesDetails.panel}>
+        <Panel id={this.props.id + '_details'}
+               title={'Acquisition Details for ' + this.props.title}
+               style={stylesDetails.panel}
+        >
           <div className={'container-fluid'}>
             <div className={'row'}>
               <div className={'col-xs-6'} style={stylesDetails.container.task}>
                 <div className='table-responsive'>
                   <table style={stylesDetails.table.style}>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Task Description</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.task.description}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Task Description</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.task.description}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Instructions</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.instructions}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Instructions</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.instructions}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>EEG Ground</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.eeg.ground}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >EEG Ground</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.eeg.ground}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Trigger Count</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.trigger_count}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Trigger Count</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.trigger_count}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>EEG Placement Scheme</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.eeg.placement_scheme}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >EEG Placement Scheme</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.eeg.placement_scheme}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Record Type</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.record_type}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Record Type</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.record_type}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>CogAtlas ID</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.cog.atlas_id}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >CogAtlas ID</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.cog.atlas_id}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>CogPOID</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.cog.poid}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >CogPOID</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.cog.poid}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Institution Name</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.institution.name}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Institution Name</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.institution.name}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Institution Address</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.institution.address}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Institution Address</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.institution.address}
+                      </td>
-              <div className={'col-xs-6'} style={stylesDetails.container.device}>
+              <div className={'col-xs-6'}
+                   style={stylesDetails.container.device}
+              >
                 <div className='table-responsive'>
                   <table style={stylesDetails.table.style}>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Device Serial Number</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.device.serial_number}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Device Serial Number</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.device.serial_number}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Misc Channel Count</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.misc.channel_count}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Misc Channel Count</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.misc.channel_count}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Manufacturer</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.manufacturer.name}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Manufacturer</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.manufacturer.name}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Manufacturer Model Name</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.manufacturer.model_name}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Manufacturer Model Name</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.manufacturer.model_name}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Cap Manufacturer</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.cap.manufacturer}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Cap Manufacturer</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.cap.manufacturer}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Cap Model Name</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.cap.model_name}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Cap Model Name</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.cap.model_name}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Hardware Filters</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.hardware_filters}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Hardware Filters</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.hardware_filters}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Recording Duration</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.recording_duration}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Recording Duration</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.recording_duration}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Epoch Length</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.epoch_length}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Epoch Length</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.epoch_length}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Device Version</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.device.version}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Device Version</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.device.version}
+                      </td>
                     <tr style={stylesDetails.table.row}>
-                      <th scope='row' style={stylesDetails.table.header}>Subject Artifact Description</th>
-                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>{this.state.data.details.subject_artifact_description}</td>
+                      <th scope='row'
+                          style={stylesDetails.table.header}
+                      >Subject Artifact Description</th>
+                      <td style={stylesDetails.table.data}>
+                        {this.state.data.details.subject_artifact_description}
+                      </td>
diff --git a/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/electrophysiologySessionView.js b/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/electrophysiologySessionView.js
index 913eae87108..4411be528a2 100644
--- a/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/electrophysiologySessionView.js
+++ b/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/electrophysiologySessionView.js
@@ -179,8 +179,10 @@ class ElectrophysiologySessionView extends Component {
     const dataURL = loris.BaseURL + '/electrophysiology_browser/sessions/';
     const sessionID = this.props.sessionid;
     const outputTypeArg = '?outputType=' + this.state.url.params['outputType'];
-    return fetch(dataURL + sessionID + outputTypeArg, {credentials: 'same-origin'})
-      .then((resp) => {
+    return fetch(
+        dataURL + sessionID + outputTypeArg,
+        {credentials: 'same-origin'}
+      ).then((resp) => {
         if (!resp.ok) {
           throw Error(resp.statusText);
@@ -196,8 +198,12 @@ class ElectrophysiologySessionView extends Component {
         appState.database = database;
-        document.getElementById('nav_next').href = dataURL + data.nextSession + outputTypeArg;
-        document.getElementById('nav_previous').href = dataURL + data.prevSession + outputTypeArg;
+        document.getElementById(
+          'nav_next'
+        ).href = dataURL + data.nextSession + outputTypeArg;
+        document.getElementById(
+          'nav_previous'
+        ).href = dataURL + data.prevSession + outputTypeArg;
         if (data.prevSession !== '') {
           document.getElementById('nav_previous').style.display = 'block';
diff --git a/modules/genomic_browser/jsx/FileUploadModal.js b/modules/genomic_browser/jsx/FileUploadModal.js
index 670ace65381..599cb371c6a 100644
--- a/modules/genomic_browser/jsx/FileUploadModal.js
+++ b/modules/genomic_browser/jsx/FileUploadModal.js
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ class GenomicFileUploadModal extends Component {
           case 3:
-            let newResponse = xhr.responseText.substring(xhr.previousText.length);
+            let newResponse = xhr.responseText.substring(
+              xhr.previousText.length
+            );
             let result = JSON.parse(newResponse);
             bar.innerHTML = String(result.message);
             bar.style.width = result.progress + '%';
@@ -85,7 +87,8 @@ class GenomicFileUploadModal extends Component {
         bar.style.width = '100%';
-    let url = this.props.baseURL + '/genomic_browser/ajax/genomic_file_upload.php';
+    let url = this.props.baseURL
+              + '/genomic_browser/ajax/genomic_file_upload.php';
     xhr.open('POST', url, true);
@@ -94,24 +97,70 @@ class GenomicFileUploadModal extends Component {
     let footerButtons = [];
     if (this.state.submited) {
-      footerButtons.push(<button key="submited" className="btn btn-default" onClick={this.reloadPage} data-dismiss="modal">Ok</button>);
+      footerButtons.push(
+        <button
+          key="submited"
+          className="btn btn-default"
+          onClick={this.reloadPage}
+          data-dismiss="modal"
+        >
+          Ok
+        </button>);
     } else {
       if (this.state.readyForUpload) {
-        footerButtons.push(<button key="readyForUpload" className="btn btn-primary" onClick={this.handleUploadSubmit} role="button" aria-disabled="false">Upload</button>);
+        footerButtons.push(
+          <button
+            key="readyForUpload"
+            className="btn btn-primary"
+            onClick={this.handleUploadSubmit}
+            role="button"
+            aria-disabled="false"
+          >
+            Upload
+          </button>);
-      footerButtons.push(<button key="cancel" className="btn btn-default" id="cancelButton" role="reset" type="reset" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>);
+      footerButtons.push(
+        <button
+          key="cancel"
+          className="btn btn-default"
+          id="cancelButton"
+          role="reset"
+          type="reset"
+          data-dismiss="modal"
+        >
+          Cancel
+        </button>);
     return (
-            <div className="modal fade" id="fileUploadModal" tabIndex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
+            <div
+              className="modal fade"
+              id="fileUploadModal"
+              tabIndex="-1"
+              role="dialog"
+              aria-labelledby="myModalLabel"
+              aria-hidden="true"
+            >
                 <div className="modal-dialog">
                     <div className="modal-content">
                         <div className="modal-header">
-                            <button type="button" className="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span className="sr-only">Close</span></button>
-                            <h3 className="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Upload File</h3>
+                            <button
+                              type="button"
+                              className="close"
+                              data-dismiss="modal"
+                            >
+                              <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
+                              <span className="sr-only">Close</span>
+                            </button>
+                            <h3 className="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">
+                              Upload File
+                            </h3>
                         <div className="modal-body">
-                            <UploadForm baseURL={this.props.baseURL} validate={this.validateForm}/>
+                            <UploadForm
+                              baseURL={this.props.baseURL}
+                              validate={this.validateForm}
+                            />
                         <div className="modal-footer">
@@ -159,29 +208,80 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
     let instructions = [];
     let inputs = [];
-    inputs.push(<FileTypeSelect key="fileType" baseURL={this.props.baseURL} multiple={false} onFileTypeChange={this.handleFileTypeChange} name="fileType" label="File type:"/>);
+    inputs.push(
+      <FileTypeSelect
+        key="fileType"
+        baseURL={this.props.baseURL}
+        multiple={false}
+        onFileTypeChange={this.handleFileTypeChange}
+        name="fileType"
+        label="File type:"
+      />
+    );
     switch (this.state.fileType) {
       case 'Methylation beta-values':
         inputs.push(<FileInput key="fileData" name="fileData" label="File :"/>);
-        inputs.push(<TextAreaInput key="description" name="description" label="Description :" />);
+        inputs.push(
+          <TextAreaInput
+            key="description"
+            name="description"
+            label="Description :"
+          />
+        );
         if (!this.state.useColumnHeaders) {
-          inputs.push(<FileInput key="fileMapping" name="fileMapping" label="Mapping :"/>);
+          inputs.push(
+            <FileInput
+              key="fileMapping"
+              name="fileMapping"
+              label="Mapping :"
+            />
+          );
-        inputs.push(<CheckboxInput key="pscidColumn" handleChange={this.handleCheckboxChange} checked={this.state.useColumnHeaders} name="pscidColumn" />);
-        inputs.push(<ProgressBar key="progressbar" name="progressbar" label="Progress :" />);
+        inputs.push(
+          <CheckboxInput
+            key="pscidColumn"
+            handleChange={this.handleCheckboxChange}
+            checked={this.state.useColumnHeaders}
+            name="pscidColumn"
+          />
+        );
+        inputs.push(
+          <ProgressBar
+            key="progressbar"
+            name="progressbar"
+            label="Progress :"
+          />
+        );
       case 'Other':
         inputs.push(<FileInput key="fileData" name="fileData" label="File :"/>);
-        inputs.push(<TextAreaInput key="description" name="description" label="Description :" />);
-        inputs.push(<ProgressBar key="progressbar" name="progressbar" label="Progress :" />);
+        inputs.push(
+          <TextAreaInput
+            key="description"
+            name="description"
+            label="Description :"
+          />
+        );
+        inputs.push(
+          <ProgressBar
+            key="progressbar"
+            name="progressbar"
+            label="Progress :"
+          />
+        );
         // noop
     return (
-      <form name="uploadForm" id="uploadForm" encType="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
+      <form
+        name="uploadForm"
+        id="uploadForm"
+        encType="multipart/form-data"
+        method="POST"
+      >
           <div className="row">
@@ -226,7 +326,10 @@ class FileTypeSelect extends Component {
             xhr.previousText = xhr.responseText;
           case 4:
-            let fileType = [{genomicFileType: ''}].concat(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText));
+            let fileType = [{genomicFileType: ''}]
+              .concat(
+                JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
+              );
             self.setState({availableFileType: fileType});
@@ -236,22 +339,39 @@ class FileTypeSelect extends Component {
         console.error('Exception: ' + e);
-    let url = this.props.baseURL + '/AjaxHelper.php?Module=genomic_browser&script=get_genomic_file_type.php';
+    let url = this.props.baseURL
+              + '/AjaxHelper.php'
+              + '?Module=genomic_browser'
+              + '&script=get_genomic_file_type.php';
     xhr.open('POST', url, true);
   render() {
     let options = this.state.availableFileType.map(function(e) {
-      return (<option key={e.genomicFileType} value={e.genomicFileType}>{e.genomicFileType}</option>);
+      return (
+        <option key={e.genomicFileType} value={e.genomicFileType}>
+          {e.genomicFileType}
+        </option>
+      );
     return (
             <div className="col-xs-12 form-group">
-                <label htmlFor={this.props.name} className="col-xs-3">{this.props.label}<font color="red"><sup> *</sup></font></label>
+                <label htmlFor={this.props.name} className="col-xs-3">
+                  {this.props.label}
+                  <font color="red">
+                    <sup> *</sup>
+                  </font>
+                </label>
                 <div className="col-xs-9">
-                    <select name={this.props.name} id={this.props.name} className="form-fields form-control input-sm" onChange={this.props.onFileTypeChange}>
-                        {options}
+                    <select
+                      name={this.props.name}
+                      id={this.props.name}
+                      className="form-fields form-control input-sm"
+                      onChange={this.props.onFileTypeChange}
+                    >
+                      {options}
@@ -280,9 +400,17 @@ class FileInput extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
       <div className="col-xs-12 form-group">
-          <label className="col-xs-3" htmlFor={this.props.name}>{this.props.label}</label>
+          <label className="col-xs-3" htmlFor={this.props.name}>
+            {this.props.label}
+          </label>
           <div className="col-xs-9">
-              <input type="file" name={this.props.name} id={this.props.name} onChange={this.handleChange} className="fileUpload"/>
+              <input
+                type="file"
+                name={this.props.name}
+                id={this.props.name}
+                onChange={this.handleChange}
+                className="fileUpload"
+              />
@@ -303,9 +431,19 @@ class TextAreaInput extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
       <div className="col-xs-12 form-group">
-          <label className="col-xs-3" htmlFor={this.props.name}>{this.props.label}</label>
+          <label className="col-xs-3" htmlFor={this.props.name}>
+            {this.props.label}
+          </label>
           <div className="col-xs-9">
-              <textarea cols="20" rows="3" name={this.props.name} onChange={this.handleChange} id={this.props.name} style={{border: '2px inset'}} className="ui-corner-all form-fields form-control input-sm" />
+              <textarea
+                cols="20"
+                rows="3"
+                name={this.props.name}
+                onChange={this.handleChange}
+                id={this.props.name}
+                style={{border: '2px inset'}}
+                className="ui-corner-all form-fields form-control input-sm"
+              />
@@ -330,7 +468,14 @@ class CheckboxInput extends Component {
       <div className="form-group col-sm-12">
           <label className="col-xs-3"></label>
           <div className="col-xs-9">
-              <input className="user-success" name={this.props.name} id={this.props.name} type="checkbox" defaultChecked="true" style={{marginRight: '1em'}} />
+              <input
+                className="user-success"
+                name={this.props.name}
+                id={this.props.name}
+                type="checkbox"
+                defaultChecked="true"
+                style={{marginRight: '1em'}}
+              />
               Use PSCID in column headers
@@ -353,10 +498,19 @@ class ProgressBar extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
       <div className="col-xs-12 form-group">
-          <label className="col-xs-3" htmlFor={this.props.name}>{this.props.label}</label>
+          <label className="col-xs-3" htmlFor={this.props.name}>
+            {this.props.label}
+          </label>
           <div className="col-xs-9">
               <div className="progress" style={{height: '20px'}}>
-                  <div className="progress-bar progress-bar-success" id="progressBar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"/>
+                  <div
+                    className="progress-bar progress-bar-success"
+                    id="progressBar"
+                    role="progressbar"
+                    aria-valuenow="0"
+                    aria-valuemin="0"
+                    aria-valuemax="100"
+                  />
diff --git a/modules/genomic_browser/jsx/profileColumnFormatter.js b/modules/genomic_browser/jsx/profileColumnFormatter.js
index a3e3e1ec47f..d6a46fee96e 100644
--- a/modules/genomic_browser/jsx/profileColumnFormatter.js
+++ b/modules/genomic_browser/jsx/profileColumnFormatter.js
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ function formatColumn(column, cell, rowData, rowHeaders) {
               style={{cursor: 'pointer'}}
-                'genomic_browser/' + column.toLowerCase() + '_browser/', {DCCID: rowData[1]}
+                'genomic_browser/' + column.toLowerCase() + '_browser/',
+                {DCCID: rowData[1]}
diff --git a/modules/imaging_browser/jsx/CandidateScanQCSummaryWidget.js b/modules/imaging_browser/jsx/CandidateScanQCSummaryWidget.js
index fe840c34e58..38f65d42da3 100644
--- a/modules/imaging_browser/jsx/CandidateScanQCSummaryWidget.js
+++ b/modules/imaging_browser/jsx/CandidateScanQCSummaryWidget.js
@@ -221,7 +221,13 @@ function getColorFuncs(modalities) {
         obj[mlabel] = 'rgb(' + (200 - (step*i)) + ', 20, 60)';
         mlabel = modalities[i] + ' - Other';
-        obj[mlabel] = 'rgb(' + (200 - (step*i)) + ', ' + (200 - (step*i)) + ', ' + (200 - (step*i)) + ')';
+        obj[mlabel] = 'rgb('
+                      + (200 - (step*i))
+                      + ', '
+                      + (200 - (step*i))
+                      + ', '
+                      + (200 - (step*i))
+                      + ')';
     return obj;
diff --git a/modules/imaging_browser/jsx/ImagePanel.js b/modules/imaging_browser/jsx/ImagePanel.js
index 4087262d060..e7487987060 100644
--- a/modules/imaging_browser/jsx/ImagePanel.js
+++ b/modules/imaging_browser/jsx/ImagePanel.js
@@ -31,11 +31,23 @@ class ImagePanelHeader extends Component {
     let arrow;
     if (this.props.Expanded) {
       arrow = <span onClick={this.props.onToggleBody}
-                    className="pull-right clickable glyphicon arrow glyphicon-chevron-up">
+                    className="
+                      pull-right
+                      clickable
+                      glyphicon
+                      arrow
+                      glyphicon-chevron-up
+                    ">
     } else {
       arrow = <span onClick={this.props.onToggleBody}
-                    className="pull-right clickable glyphicon arrow glyphicon-chevron-down">
+                    className="
+                      pull-right
+                      clickable
+                      glyphicon
+                      arrow
+                      glyphicon-chevron-down
+                    ">
     let headerButton = (
@@ -57,7 +69,10 @@ class ImagePanelHeader extends Component {
       <div className="panel-heading clearfix">
         <input type="checkbox" data-file-id={this.props.FileID}
                className="mripanel user-success"/>
-        <h3 className="panel-title" data-toggle="tooltip" title={this.props.Filename}>
+        <h3 className="panel-title"
+            data-toggle="tooltip"
+            title={this.props.Filename}
+        >
@@ -95,8 +110,14 @@ class ImagePanelHeadersTable extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
-      <table className=
-               "table table-hover table-bordered header-info col-xs-12 dynamictable">
+      <table className="
+        table
+        table-hover
+        table-bordered
+        header-info
+        col-xs-12
+        dynamictable
+      ">
           <th className="info col-xs-2">Voxel Size</th>
diff --git a/modules/imaging_qc/jsx/imagingQCIndex.js b/modules/imaging_qc/jsx/imagingQCIndex.js
index d8759902088..78c8f16be9e 100644
--- a/modules/imaging_qc/jsx/imagingQCIndex.js
+++ b/modules/imaging_qc/jsx/imagingQCIndex.js
@@ -29,15 +29,20 @@ class ImagingQCIndex extends Component {
       switch (column) {
       case 'Scan Done in MRI PF':
         if (cell == 'Yes') {
-          let mpfURL = loris.BaseURL + '/instruments/mri_parameter_form/?commentID=' +
-              row.CommentID + '&sessionID=' + row['Session ID'] +
-              '&candID=' + row.DCCID;
+          let mpfURL = loris.BaseURL
+                       + '/instruments/mri_parameter_form/?commentID='
+                       + row.CommentID
+                       + '&sessionID='
+                       + row['Session ID']
+                       + '&candID='
+                       + row.DCCID;
           result = <td><a href={mpfURL}>{cell}</a></td>;
       case 'Scan Location':
         if (cell == 'In Imaging Browser') {
-          let imgURL = loris.BaseURL + '/imaging_browser/viewSession/?sessionID=' +
-              row['Session ID'];
+          let imgURL = loris.BaseURL
+                       + '/imaging_browser/viewSession/?sessionID='
+                       + row['Session ID'];
           result = <td><a href={imgURL}>{cell}</a></td>;
       case 'Tarchive':
diff --git a/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/ImagingUploader.js b/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/ImagingUploader.js
index 4fb12b3a405..6834d360963 100644
--- a/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/ImagingUploader.js
+++ b/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/ImagingUploader.js
@@ -170,9 +170,11 @@ class ImagingUploader extends Component {
              row['Number Of MINC Created'] - row['Number Of MINC Inserted'];
         let patientName = row.PatientName;
-        violatedScans = <a onClick={this.openViolatedScans.bind(null, patientName)}>
+        violatedScans = <a
+          onClick={this.openViolatedScans.bind(null, patientName)}
+        >
            ({numViolatedScans} violated scans)
-         </a>;
+        </a>;
       return (
@@ -225,7 +227,11 @@ class ImagingUploader extends Component {
                 <TextboxElement {... this.state.data.form.candID} />
                 <TextboxElement {... this.state.data.form.pSCID} />
                 <SelectElement {... this.state.data.form.visitLabel} />
-                <ButtonElement type='reset' label='Clear Filters' onUserInput={this.resetFilters}/>
+                <ButtonElement
+                  type='reset'
+                  label='Clear Filters'
+                  onUserInput={this.resetFilters}
+                />
             <div className='col-md-7'>
@@ -247,7 +253,9 @@ class ImagingUploader extends Component {
-            imagingUploaderAutoLaunch={this.state.data.imagingUploaderAutoLaunch}
+            imagingUploaderAutoLaunch={
+              this.state.data.imagingUploaderAutoLaunch
+            }
diff --git a/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/LogPanel.js b/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/LogPanel.js
index 688a5578ac0..1b1f79e6651 100644
--- a/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/LogPanel.js
+++ b/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/LogPanel.js
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ class LogPanel extends Component {
       this.setState({logText: uploadProgress.getProgressText()});
       // If the pipeline is still running, start polling
       // If the pipeline is not running, end the polling (if any was started)
-      this.setServerPolling(
-        uploadProgress.getPipelineStatus() === UploadProgress.PIPELINE_STATUS_RUNNING
-      );
+      const pipelineStatus = uploadProgress.getPipelineStatus();
+      const pipelineStatusRunning = UploadProgress.PIPELINE_STATUS_RUNNING;
+      this.setServerPolling(pipelineStatus === pipelineStatusRunning);
     }.bind(this)); // post call
diff --git a/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/UploadForm.js b/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/UploadForm.js
index a40e5e9e41f..3f7731cda6d 100644
--- a/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/UploadForm.js
+++ b/modules/imaging_uploader/jsx/UploadForm.js
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
         delete formData.pSCID;
         delete formData.visitLabel;
       } else if (typeof formData.mriFile !== 'undefined') {
-        let patientName = formData.mriFile.name.replace(/\.[a-z]+\.?[a-z]+?$/i, '');
+        let patientName = formData.mriFile.name
+                          .replace(/\.[a-z]+\.?[a-z]+?$/i, '');
         let ids = patientName.split('_');
         formData.candID = ids[1];
         formData.pSCID = ids[0];
@@ -104,7 +105,9 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
       let errorMessage = {
-        mriFile: 'The file ' + fileName + ' must be of type .tgz, .tar.gz or .zip.',
+        mriFile: 'The file '
+                 + fileName
+                 + ' must be of type .tgz, .tar.gz or .zip.',
         candID: undefined,
         pSCID: undefined,
         visitLabel: undefined,
@@ -125,7 +128,8 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
       if (!data.candID || !data.pSCID || !data.visitLabel) {
           title: 'Incorrect file name!',
-          text: 'Could not determine PSCID, CandID and Visit Label based on the filename!\n',
+          text: 'Could not determine PSCID, CandID and Visit Label '
+                + 'based on the filename!\n',
           type: 'error',
           confirmButtonText: 'OK',
@@ -148,7 +152,8 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
     if (mriFile.status === 'Success') {
         title: 'File already exists!',
-        text: 'A file with this name has already successfully passed the MRI pipeline!\n',
+        text: 'A file with this name has already successfully passed '
+              + 'the MRI pipeline!\n',
         type: 'error',
         confirmButtonText: 'OK',
@@ -159,7 +164,8 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
     if (mriFile.status === 'In Progress...') {
         title: 'File is currently processing!',
-        text: 'A file with this name is currently going through the MRI pipeline!\n',
+        text: 'A file with this name is currently going through '
+              + 'the MRI pipeline!\n',
         type: 'error',
         confirmButtonText: 'OK',
@@ -170,7 +176,8 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
     if (mriFile.status === 'Failure') {
         title: 'Are you sure?',
-        text: 'A file with this name already exists!\n Would you like to overwrite the existing file?',
+        text: 'A file with this name already exists!\n '
+              + 'Would you like to overwrite the existing file?',
         type: 'warning',
         showCancelButton: true,
         confirmButtonText: 'Yes, I am sure!',
@@ -188,8 +195,9 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
     if (mriFile.status === 'Not Started') {
         title: 'Are you sure?',
-        text: 'A file with this name has been uploaded but has not yet been processed by the MRI pipeline.' +
-          '\n Would you like to overwrite the existing file?',
+        text: 'A file with this name has been uploaded '
+              + 'but has not yet been processed by the MRI pipeline.\n '
+              + 'Would you like to overwrite the existing file?',
         type: 'warning',
         showCancelButton: true,
         confirmButtonText: 'Yes, I am sure!',
@@ -258,8 +266,9 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
         if (this.props.imagingUploaderAutoLaunch === 'true' ||
             this.props.imagingUploaderAutoLaunch === '1'
         ) {
-          text = 'Processing of this file by the MRI pipeline has started\n' +
-            'Select this upload in the result table to view the processing progress';
+          text = 'Processing of this file by the MRI pipeline has started\n'
+                 + 'Select this upload in the result table '
+                 + 'to view the processing progress';
           title: 'Upload Successful!',
@@ -285,11 +294,17 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
         } else if (error.status == 413) {
           errorMessage = {
-            'mriFile': ['Please make sure files are not larger than ' + this.props.maxUploadSize],
+            'mriFile': [
+              'Please make sure files are not larger than '
+              + this.props.maxUploadSize,
+            ],
         } else {
           errorMessage = {
-            'mriFile': ['Upload failed: received HTTP response code ' + error.status],
+            'mriFile': [
+              'Upload failed: received HTTP response code '
+              + error.status,
+            ],
         for (let i in errorMessage) {
@@ -308,7 +323,11 @@ class UploadForm extends Component {
           text: messageToPrint,
           type: 'error',
-        this.setState({uploadProgress: -1, errorMessage: errorMessage, hasError: hasError});
+        this.setState({
+          uploadProgress: -1,
+          errorMessage: errorMessage,
+          hasError: hasError,
+        });
diff --git a/modules/instrument_builder/jsx/react.instrument_builder.js b/modules/instrument_builder/jsx/react.instrument_builder.js
index 9525fbd87c5..453b3804102 100644
--- a/modules/instrument_builder/jsx/react.instrument_builder.js
+++ b/modules/instrument_builder/jsx/react.instrument_builder.js
@@ -103,7 +103,11 @@ class LoadPane extends Component {
     return (
       <TabPane Title='Load Instrument' {...this.props}>
         <div className='col-sm-6 col-xs-12'>
-          <div id='load_alert' style={{display: alert.display}} className={alert.class} role='alert'>
+          <div id='load_alert'
+               style={{display: alert.display}}
+               className={alert.class}
+               role='alert'
+          >
             <button type='button' className='close' onClick={this.resetAlert}>
               <span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span>
@@ -329,10 +333,14 @@ class DisplayElements extends Component {
               <LorisElement element={element}/>
             <td style={colStyles}>
-              <button onClick={this.props.editElement.bind(null, i)} className="button">
+              <button onClick={this.props.editElement.bind(null, i)}
+                      className="button"
+              >
-              <button onClick={this.props.deleteElement.bind(null, i)} className="button">
+              <button onClick={this.props.deleteElement.bind(null, i)}
+                      className="button"
+              >
@@ -551,11 +559,19 @@ class BuildPane extends Component {
     return (
       <TabPane Title='Build Instrument' {...this.props}>
         <div className='form-group col-xs-12'>
-          <label htmlFor='selected-input' className='col-xs-2 col-sm-1 control-label'>Page:</label>
+          <label htmlFor='selected-input'
+                 className='col-xs-2 col-sm-1 control-label'
+          >Page:</label>
           <div className='col-sm-4'>
             <div className='btn-group'>
-              <button id='selected-input' type='button' className='btn btn-default dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown'>
-                <span id='search_concept'>{this.state.Elements[this.state.currentPage].Description}</span>
+              <button id='selected-input'
+                      type='button'
+                      className='btn btn-default dropdown-toggle'
+                      data-toggle='dropdown'
+              >
+                <span id='search_concept'>
+                  {this.state.Elements[this.state.currentPage].Description}
+                </span>
                 <span className='caret'/>
               <ul className='dropdown-menu' role='menu'>
@@ -572,7 +588,10 @@ class BuildPane extends Component {
           draggable = {draggable}
         <div className='row'>
-          <AddElement updateQuestions={this.addQuestion} addPage={this.addPage}/>
+          <AddElement
+            updateQuestions={this.addQuestion}
+            addPage={this.addPage}
+          />
@@ -598,7 +617,10 @@ class InstrumentBuilderApp extends Component {
   saveInstrument() {
     // Call to external function, passing it the save information and the elements
     // to save
-    Instrument.save(this.refs.savePane.state, this.refs.buildPane.state.Elements);
+    Instrument.save(
+      this.refs.savePane.state,
+      this.refs.buildPane.state.Elements
+    );
   // Load an instrument
   loadCallback(elements, info) {
diff --git a/modules/instrument_builder/jsx/react.questions.js b/modules/instrument_builder/jsx/react.questions.js
index c4fb7309424..5b4d4c722c7 100644
--- a/modules/instrument_builder/jsx/react.questions.js
+++ b/modules/instrument_builder/jsx/react.questions.js
@@ -104,12 +104,18 @@ class QuestionText extends Component {
     let errorClass = 'form-group';
     if (this.props.element.error && this.props.element.error.questionText) {
       // If an error is present, display the error
-      errorMessage = (<font className="form-error">{this.props.element.error.questionText}</font>);
+      errorMessage = (
+        <font className="form-error">
+          {this.props.element.error.questionText}
+        </font>
+      );
       errorClass += ' has-error';
     return (
       <div className={errorClass}>
-        <label className="col-sm-2 control-label">{this.props.inputLabel}: </label>
+        <label className="col-sm-2 control-label">
+          {this.props.inputLabel}:
+        </label>
         <div className="col-sm-6">
           <input className="form-control col-xs-12"
             type="text" id="questionText"
@@ -153,7 +159,11 @@ class BasicOptions extends Component {
     let errorClass = 'form-group';
     if (this.props.element.error && this.props.element.error.questionName) {
       // If an error is present, display the error
-      errorMessage = (<font className="form-error">{this.props.element.error.questionName}</font>);
+      errorMessage = (
+        <font className="form-error">
+          {this.props.element.error.questionName}
+        </font>
+      );
       errorClass += ' has-error';
     return (
@@ -290,7 +300,10 @@ class DropdownOptions extends Component {
         <div className="form-group">
           <label className="col-sm-2 control-label">Preview: </label>
           <div className="col-sm-2">
-            <select multiple={multi} id="selectOptions" className="form-control">
+            <select multiple={multi}
+                    id="selectOptions"
+                    className="form-control"
+            >
               {Object.keys(options).map(function(option, key) {
                 return (<option key={key}>{options[option]}</option>);
@@ -346,7 +359,9 @@ class DateOptions extends Component {
     if (this.props.element.error && this.props.element.error.dateOption) {
       // If an error is present, display the error
       errorMessage = (
-        <span className="form-error">{this.props.element.error.dateOption}</span>
+        <span className="form-error">
+          {this.props.element.error.dateOption}
+        </span>
       dateOptionsClass += ' has-error';
@@ -437,7 +452,11 @@ class NumericOptions extends Component {
         // If an error is present, display the error
     if (this.props.element.error && this.props.element.error.numeric) {
-      errorMessage = (<span className="form-error">{this.props.element.error.numeric}</span>);
+      errorMessage = (
+        <span className="form-error">
+          {this.props.element.error.numeric}
+        </span>
+      );
       optionsClass += 'options form-group has-error';
@@ -539,57 +558,144 @@ class ListElements extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
         <div className="form-group">
-            <label htmlFor="selected-input" className="col-sm-2 control-label">Question Type:</label>
+            <label htmlFor="selected-input"
+                   className="col-sm-2 control-label"
+            >Question Type:</label>
             <div className="col-sm-4">
                 <div className="btn-group">
-                    <button id="selected-input" type="button" className="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
+                    <button id="selected-input"
+                            type="button"
+                            className="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"
+                            data-toggle="dropdown"
+                    >
                         <span id="search_concept">{this.props.value} </span>
                         <span className="caret"></span>
                     <ul className="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
-                            <div className="col-sm-12"><h5 className="">Information</h5></div>
+                            <div className="col-sm-12">
+                              <h5 className="">Information</h5>
+                            </div>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'header', 'Header')}>
-                            <a id="header" className="option" title="Centered, header information">Header</a>
+                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(
+                          this,
+                          'header',
+                          'Header'
+                        )}>
+                            <a id="header"
+                               className="option"
+                               title="Centered, header information"
+                            >Header</a>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'label', 'Label')}>
-                            <a id="label" className="option" title="Unemphasized display text">Label</a>
+                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(
+                          this,
+                          'label',
+                          'Label'
+                        )}>
+                            <a id="label"
+                               className="option"
+                               title="Unemphasized display text"
+                            >Label</a>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'score', 'Scored Field')}>
-                            <a id="scored" className="option" title="Column which stores calculated data">Scored Field</a>
+                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(
+                          this,
+                          'score',
+                          'Scored Field'
+                        )}>
+                            <a id="scored"
+                               className="option"
+                               title="Column which stores calculated data"
+                            >Scored Field</a>
                         <li className="divider"></li>
-                            <div className="col-sm-12"><h5 className="">Data entry</h5></div>
+                            <div className="col-sm-12">
+                              <h5 className="">Data entry</h5>
+                            </div>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'textbox', 'Textbox')}>
-                            <a id="textbox" className="option" title="Text box for user data entry">Textbox</a>
+                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(
+                          this,
+                          'textbox',
+                          'Textbox'
+                        )}>
+                            <a id="textbox"
+                               className="option"
+                               title="Text box for user data entry"
+                            >Textbox</a>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'textarea', 'Textarea')}>
-                            <a id="textarea" className="option" title="Larger text area for data entry">Textarea</a>
+                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(
+                          this,
+                          'textarea',
+                          'Textarea'
+                        )}>
+                            <a id="textarea"
+                               className="option"
+                               title="Larger text area for data entry"
+                            >Textarea</a>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'dropdown', 'Dropdown')}>
-                            <a id="dropdown" className="option" title="Dropdown menu for users to select data from">Dropdown</a>
+                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(
+                          this,
+                          'dropdown',
+                          'Dropdown'
+                        )}>
+                            <a id="dropdown"
+                               className="option"
+                               title={'Dropdown menu for users to select '
+                                     + 'data from'}
+                            >Dropdown</a>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'multiselect', 'Multiselect')}>
-                            <a id="multiselect" className="option" title="Data entry where multiple options may be selected">Multiselect</a>
+                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(
+                          this,
+                          'multiselect',
+                          'Multiselect'
+                        )}>
+                            <a id="multiselect"
+                               className="option"
+                               title={'Data entry where multiple options '
+                                     + 'may be selected'}
+                            >Multiselect</a>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'date', 'Date')}>
-                            <a id="date" className="option" title="User data entry of a date">Date</a>
+                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(
+                          this,
+                          'date',
+                          'Date'
+                        )}>
+                            <a id="date"
+                               className="option"
+                               title="User data entry of a date"
+                            >Date</a>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'numeric', 'Numeric')}>
-                            <a id="numeric" className="option" title="User data entry of a number">Numeric</a>
+                        <li onClick={
+                          this.selectType.bind(this, 'numeric', 'Numeric')
+                        }>
+                            <a id="numeric"
+                               className="option"
+                               title="User data entry of a number"
+                            >Numeric</a>
                         <li className="divider"></li>
-                            <div className="col-sm-12"><h5 className="">Formatting</h5></div>
+                            <div className="col-sm-12">
+                              <h5 className="">Formatting</h5>
+                            </div>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'line', 'Blank Line')}>
-                            <a id="line" className="option" title="Empty line">Blank Line</a>
+                        <li onClick={
+                          this.selectType.bind(this, 'line', 'Blank Line')
+                        }>
+                            <a id="line"
+                               className="option"
+                               title="Empty line"
+                            >Blank Line</a>
-                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(this, 'page-break', 'Page Break')}>
-                            <a id="page-break" className="option" title="Start a new page">Page Break</a>
+                        <li onClick={this.selectType.bind(
+                            this,
+                            'page-break',
+                            'Page Break'
+                        )}>
+                            <a id="page-break"
+                               className="option"
+                               title="Start a new page"
+                            >Page Break</a>
@@ -609,9 +715,15 @@ class AddElement extends Component {
     if (this.props !== undefined && this.props.element) {
       // Editing an element, set to elements state
       this.state = {
-        Options: Instrument.clone(this.props.element.Options === undefined ? {} : this.props.element.Options ),
+        Options: Instrument.clone(this.props.element.Options === undefined ?
+          {} :
+          this.props.element.Options
+        ),
         Description: Instrument.clone(this.props.element.Description),
-        Name: Instrument.clone(this.props.element.Name === undefined ? '' : this.props.element.Name),
+        Name: Instrument.clone(this.props.element.Name === undefined ?
+          '' :
+          this.props.element.Name
+        ),
         selected: Instrument.clone(this.props.element.selected),
     } else {
@@ -679,10 +791,16 @@ class AddElement extends Component {
         hasError = true;
-      if (minYear > 9999 || minYear < 1000 || maxYear > 9999 || maxYear < 1000) {
+      if (minYear > 9999
+        || minYear < 1000
+        || maxYear > 9999
+        || maxYear < 1000
+      ) {
         let temp = (this.state.error) ? this.state.error : {};
-        temp.dateOption = 'The year must have exactly 4 digits. Please choose an integer number between 1000 and 9999.';
+        temp.dateOption = 'The year must have exactly 4 digits. '
+                          + 'Please choose an integer number '
+                          + 'between 1000 and 9999.';
           error: temp,
@@ -832,7 +950,9 @@ class AddElement extends Component {
     // setting any values
     this.setState(function(state) {
       let temp = state.options;
-      let option = multi ? $('#newmultiSelectOption').val() : $('#newSelectOption').val();
+      let option = multi ?
+        $('#newmultiSelectOption').val() :
+        $('#newSelectOption').val();
       return {
         options: temp,
@@ -854,25 +974,44 @@ class AddElement extends Component {
     switch (this.state.selected.id) {
       case 'header':
       case 'label':
-        questionInput = <QuestionText updateState={this.updateState} element={this.state}/>;
+        questionInput = <QuestionText
+          updateState={this.updateState}
+          element={this.state}
+        />;
       case 'page-break':
-        questionInput = <QuestionText updateState={this.updateState} element={this.state} inputLabel={'Page Name'}/>;
+        questionInput = <QuestionText
+          updateState={this.updateState}
+          element={this.state}
+          inputLabel={'Page Name'}
+        />;
       case 'score':
       case 'textbox':
       case 'textarea':
-        questionInput = <BasicOptions updateState={this.updateState} element={this.state}/>;
+        questionInput = <BasicOptions
+          updateState={this.updateState}
+          element={this.state}
+        />;
       case 'multiselect':
       case 'dropdown':
-        questionInput = <DropdownOptions updateState={this.updateState} element={this.state}/>;
+        questionInput = <DropdownOptions
+          updateState={this.updateState}
+          element={this.state}
+        />;
       case 'date':
-        questionInput = <DateOptions updateState={this.updateState} element={this.state}/>;
+        questionInput = <DateOptions
+          updateState={this.updateState}
+          element={this.state}
+        />;
       case 'numeric':
-        questionInput = <NumericOptions updateState={this.updateState} element={this.state}/>;
+        questionInput = <NumericOptions
+          updateState={this.updateState}
+          element={this.state}
+        />;
diff --git a/modules/instrument_manager/jsx/uploadForm.js b/modules/instrument_manager/jsx/uploadForm.js
index 43f816b18e0..27e6995c282 100644
--- a/modules/instrument_manager/jsx/uploadForm.js
+++ b/modules/instrument_manager/jsx/uploadForm.js
@@ -79,7 +79,13 @@ class InstrumentUploadForm extends Component {
-                <button className="btn btn-default" onClick={this.upload} disabled={disabled()}>Install</button>
+                <button
+                  className="btn btn-default"
+                  onClick={this.upload}
+                  disabled={disabled()}
+                >
+                  Install
+                </button>
diff --git a/modules/instruments/jsx/VisitInstrumentList.js b/modules/instruments/jsx/VisitInstrumentList.js
index cb798721cf4..5ab39a7fdab 100644
--- a/modules/instruments/jsx/VisitInstrumentList.js
+++ b/modules/instruments/jsx/VisitInstrumentList.js
@@ -185,16 +185,27 @@ class VisitInstrumentList extends Component {
             if (this.state.instruments.length === 0) {
-                instruments = <div>Visit has no registered instruments in test battery.</div>;
+                instruments = (
+                    <div>
+                        {'Visit has no registered instruments in test battery.'}
+                    </div>
+                );
             } else {
                 instruments = (<div>
-                        <table className="table table-hover table-bordered" style={{width: '95%'}}>
+                        <table
+                            className="table table-hover table-bordered"
+                            style={{width: '95%'}}
+                        >
-                                    <th style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>Completion</th>
-                                    <th style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>Conflicts?</th>
+                                    <th style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>
+                                        Completion
+                                    </th>
+                                    <th style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>
+                                        Conflicts?
+                                    </th>
@@ -235,10 +246,13 @@ class VisitInstrumentList extends Component {
             padding: '1ex',
-        return (<div style={style} onClick={clickEnabled ? this.toggleExpanded : null}
-                onMouseEnter={this.toggleHover}
-                onMouseLeave={this.toggleHover}
-            >
+        return (
+          <div
+              style={style}
+              onClick={clickEnabled ? this.toggleExpanded : null}
+              onMouseEnter={this.toggleHover}
+              onMouseLeave={this.toggleHover}
+          >
             <div style={flexcontainer}>
                 <div style={{background: bg, width: '1%', height: '100%'}}>
diff --git a/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/CommentList.js b/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/CommentList.js
index 016e0d6ad60..af89ffe61c8 100644
--- a/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/CommentList.js
+++ b/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/CommentList.js
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ class CommentList extends Component {
       const item = changes[key];
       const textItems = Object.keys(item.data).map(function(index, j) {
         if (index == 'comment') {
-            comment = <div style={{marginTop: '1em'}}><Markdown content={item.data[index]} /></div>;
+            comment = <div style={{marginTop: '1em'}}>
+              <Markdown content={item.data[index]} />
+            </div>;
         return (
@@ -61,14 +63,18 @@ class CommentList extends Component {
       } else if (datediffSec < 60*60*24) {
           timestr = <span> {Math.round(datediffSec / (60*60))} hours ago</span>;
       } else {
-          timestr = <span> on {item.date.toLocaleDateString()} at {item.date.toTimeString()}</span>;
+          timestr = <span>
+            on {item.date.toLocaleDateString()} at {item.date.toTimeString()}
+          </span>;
       return (
         <div key={i}>
           <div className='history-item-label'>
-            Updated by <span className="history-item-user">{item.user}</span>{timestr}:
+            Updated by
+            <span className="history-item-user">{item.user}</span>
+            {timestr}:
           <ul className='history-item-changes'>
diff --git a/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/IssueForm.js b/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/IssueForm.js
index 341aa37bb8d..332654a3358 100644
--- a/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/IssueForm.js
+++ b/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/IssueForm.js
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ class IssueForm extends Component {
     this.setFormData = this.setFormData.bind(this);
     this.isValidForm = this.isValidForm.bind(this);
     this.showAlertMessage = this.showAlertMessage.bind(this);
-    this.closeAttachmentUploadModal = this.closeAttachmentUploadModal.bind(this);
+    this.closeAttachmentUploadModal = this.closeAttachmentUploadModal
+                                      .bind(this);
     this.openAttachmentUploadModal = this.openAttachmentUploadModal.bind(this);
@@ -387,7 +388,9 @@ class IssueForm extends Component {
       processData: false,
       success: function(data) {
         let msgType = 'success';
-        let message = this.state.isNewIssue ? 'You will be redirected to main page in 2 seconds!' : '';
+        let message = this.state.isNewIssue ?
+          'You will be redirected to main page in 2 seconds!' :
+          '';
         this.showAlertMessage(msgType, message);
           submissionResult: 'success',
diff --git a/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/attachments/attachmentsList.js b/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/attachments/attachmentsList.js
index 74783a8b4d8..16c50f3a0ee 100644
--- a/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/attachments/attachmentsList.js
+++ b/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/attachments/attachmentsList.js
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ class AttachmentsList extends Component {
     this.deleteAttachment = this.deleteAttachment.bind(this);
     this.openModalAttachmentDelete = this.openModalAttachmentDelete.bind(this);
-    this.closeModalAttachmentDelete = this.closeModalAttachmentDelete.bind(this);
+    this.closeModalAttachmentDelete = this.closeModalAttachmentDelete
+                                      .bind(this);
     this.displayAttachmentOptions = this.displayAttachmentOptions.bind(this);
diff --git a/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/index.js b/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/index.js
index e035bc903c9..2fd143ca6b2 100644
--- a/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/index.js
+++ b/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/index.js
@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ window.addEventListener('load', () => {
-      DataURL={`${loris.BaseURL}/issue_tracker/ajax/EditIssue.php?action=getData&issueID=${id}`}
-      action={`${loris.BaseURL}/issue_tracker/ajax/EditIssue.php?action=edit`}
+      DataURL={loris.BaseURL
+              + '/issue_tracker/ajax/EditIssue.php?action=getData&issueID='
+              + id}
+      action={loris.BaseURL
+             + '/issue_tracker/ajax/EditIssue.php?action=edit'}
diff --git a/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/issueTrackerIndex.js b/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/issueTrackerIndex.js
index 942e17e33e7..09cbc97caa5 100644
--- a/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/issueTrackerIndex.js
+++ b/modules/issue_tracker/jsx/issueTrackerIndex.js
@@ -207,10 +207,36 @@ class IssueTrackerIndex extends Component {
     const filterPresets = [
-      {label: 'All Issues', filter: {}},
-      {label: 'Active Issues', filter: {status: {value: ['acknowledged', 'assigned', 'feedback', 'new', 'resolved']}}},
-      {label: 'Closed Issues', filter: {status: {value: ['closed'], exactMatch: true}}},
-      {label: 'My Issues', filter: {assignee: {value: this.state.data.fieldOptions.userID, exactMatch: true}}},
+      {
+        label: 'All Issues',
+        filter: {},
+      },
+      {
+        label: 'Active Issues',
+        filter: {
+          status: {
+            value: ['acknowledged', 'assigned', 'feedback', 'new', 'resolved'],
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        label: 'Closed Issues',
+        filter: {
+          status: {
+            value: ['closed'],
+            exactMatch: true,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        label: 'My Issues',
+        filter: {
+          assignee: {
+            value: this.state.data.fieldOptions.userID,
+            exactMatch: true,
+          },
+        },
+      },
     const addIssue = () => {
diff --git a/modules/media/jsx/editFormIndex.js b/modules/media/jsx/editFormIndex.js
index 5c18d905690..c63dfc782e4 100644
--- a/modules/media/jsx/editFormIndex.js
+++ b/modules/media/jsx/editFormIndex.js
@@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ $(function() {
       <div className="row">
         <div className="col-md-9 col-lg-7">
-            DataURL={`${loris.BaseURL}/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=getData&idMediaFile=${args.id}`}
-            action={`${loris.BaseURL}/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=edit`}
+            DataURL={loris.BaseURL
+                    + '/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=getData&idMediaFile='
+                    + args.id}
+            action={loris.BaseURL
+                   + '/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=edit'}
diff --git a/modules/media/jsx/mediaIndex.js b/modules/media/jsx/mediaIndex.js
index 3ea580f3a1d..6c2828edaf7 100644
--- a/modules/media/jsx/mediaIndex.js
+++ b/modules/media/jsx/mediaIndex.js
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ class MediaIndex extends Component {
   fetchData() {
     return fetch(this.props.dataURL, {credentials: 'same-origin'})
       .then((resp) => resp.json())
-      .then((data) => this.setState({data: data.Data, fieldOptions: data.fieldOptions}))
+      .then((data) => this.setState({
+        data: data.Data,
+        fieldOptions: data.fieldOptions,
+      }))
       .catch((error) => {
         this.setState({error: true});
@@ -81,8 +84,9 @@ class MediaIndex extends Component {
     switch (column) {
     case 'File Name':
       if (this.props.hasPermission('media_write')) {
-        const downloadURL = loris.BaseURL + '/media/ajax/FileDownload.php?File=' +
-          encodeURIComponent(row['File Name']);
+        const downloadURL = loris.BaseURL
+                            + '/media/ajax/FileDownload.php?File='
+                            + encodeURIComponent(row['File Name']);
         result = (
           <td className={style}>
             <a href={downloadURL} target="_blank" download={row['File Name']}>
@@ -103,7 +107,9 @@ class MediaIndex extends Component {
       result = <td className={style}>{cell}</td>;
     case 'Project':
-      result = <td className={style}>{this.state.fieldOptions.projects[cell]}</td>;
+      result = <td className={style}>
+        {this.state.fieldOptions.projects[cell]}
+      </td>;
     case 'Edit Metadata':
       if (!this.props.hasPermission('media_write')) {
@@ -111,9 +117,13 @@ class MediaIndex extends Component {
       const editButton = (
             <TriggerableModal title="Edit Media File" label="Edit">
-                    <MediaEditForm
-                DataURL={`${loris.BaseURL}/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=getData&idMediaFile=${row['Edit Metadata']}`}
-                action={`${loris.BaseURL}/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=edit`}
+              <MediaEditForm
+                DataURL={loris.BaseURL
+                        + '/media/ajax/FileUpload.php'
+                        + '?action=getData&idMediaFile='
+                        + row['Edit Metadata']}
+                action={loris.BaseURL
+                       + '/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=edit'}
                 /* this should be passed to onSubmit function
                    upon refactoring editForm.js*/
                 fetchData={this.fetchData }
@@ -209,8 +219,10 @@ class MediaIndex extends Component {
         return (
           <TabPane TabId={tabs[1].id}>
-              DataURL={`${loris.BaseURL}/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=getData`}
-              action={`${loris.BaseURL}/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=upload`}
+              DataURL={loris.BaseURL
+                      + '/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=getData'}
+              action={loris.BaseURL
+                     + '/media/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=upload'}
diff --git a/modules/media/jsx/uploadForm.js b/modules/media/jsx/uploadForm.js
index 9de52d2a712..5348697d4de 100644
--- a/modules/media/jsx/uploadForm.js
+++ b/modules/media/jsx/uploadForm.js
@@ -86,8 +86,10 @@ class MediaUploadForm extends Component {
     const visits = this.state.formData.pscid ?
       this.state.Data.sessionData[this.state.formData.pscid].visits :
-    const instruments = this.state.formData.pscid && this.state.formData.visitLabel ?
-      this.state.Data.sessionData[this.state.formData.pscid].instruments[this.state.formData.visitLabel] :
+    const instruments = this.state.formData.pscid
+                        && this.state.formData.visitLabel ?
+      this.state.Data.sessionData[this.state.formData.pscid]
+        .instruments[this.state.formData.visitLabel] :
     return (
       <div className='row'>
@@ -209,7 +211,9 @@ class MediaUploadForm extends Component {
     let formData = this.state.formData;
     let formRefs = this.refs;
-    let mediaFiles = this.state.Data.mediaFiles ? this.state.Data.mediaFiles : [];
+    let mediaFiles = this.state.Data.mediaFiles ?
+      this.state.Data.mediaFiles :
+      [];
     // Validate the form
     if (!this.isValidForm(formRefs, formData)) {
@@ -218,7 +222,9 @@ class MediaUploadForm extends Component {
     // Validate uploaded file name
     let instrument = formData.instrument ? formData.instrument : null;
-    let fileName = formData.file ? formData.file.name.replace(/\s+/g, '_') : null;
+    let fileName = formData.file ?
+      formData.file.name.replace(/\s+/g, '_') :
+      null;
     let requiredFileName = this.getValidFileName(
       formData.pscid, formData.visitLabel, instrument
@@ -236,7 +242,8 @@ class MediaUploadForm extends Component {
     if (isDuplicate >= 0) {
         title: 'Are you sure?',
-        text: 'A file with this name already exists!\n Would you like to override existing file?',
+        text: 'A file with this name already exists!\n '
+              + 'Would you like to override existing file?',
         type: 'warning',
         showCancelButton: true,
         confirmButtonText: 'Yes, I am sure!',
diff --git a/modules/module_manager/jsx/modulemanager.js b/modules/module_manager/jsx/modulemanager.js
index 6a5ae397004..aca80a3c410 100644
--- a/modules/module_manager/jsx/modulemanager.js
+++ b/modules/module_manager/jsx/modulemanager.js
@@ -78,21 +78,27 @@ class ModuleManagerIndex extends Component {
               if (success === true) {
                   title: 'Success!',
-                  text: 'Updated ' + id + ' status!' +
-                    'To apply changes the interface must be reloaded. proceed ?',
+                  text: 'Updated ' + id + ' status! '
+                        + 'To apply changes the interface must be reloaded. '
+                        + 'Proceed ?',
                   type: 'success',
                   showCancelButton: true,
                   confirmButtonText: 'Reload the page',
                   cancelButtonText: 'Continue',
                 }).then((status) => {
                   if (status.value) {
-                    window.location.href = this.props.BaseURL + '/module_manager';
+                    window.location.href = this.props.BaseURL
+                                           + '/module_manager';
               } else {
                   // If we get here something went very wrong, because somehow
                   // a module was toggled that isn't in the table.
-                  swal.fire('Error!', 'Could not find module ' + id + '.', 'error');
+                  swal.fire(
+                    'Error!',
+                    'Could not find module ' + id + '.',
+                    'error'
+                  );
diff --git a/modules/mri_violations/jsx/columnFormatterUnresolved.js b/modules/mri_violations/jsx/columnFormatterUnresolved.js
index ad0dc88c4aa..ef7d8ba1fb9 100644
--- a/modules/mri_violations/jsx/columnFormatterUnresolved.js
+++ b/modules/mri_violations/jsx/columnFormatterUnresolved.js
@@ -65,7 +65,11 @@ function formatColumn(column, cell, rowData, rowHeaders) {
     hashName = 'resolvable[' + row.Hash + ']';
     return (
-                <select name= {hashName} className="form-control input-sm" id="resolution-status">
+                <select
+                     name= {hashName}
+                     className="form-control input-sm"
+                     id="resolution-status"
+                >
                      <option value="unresolved" >Unresolved</option>
                      <option value="reran" >Reran</option>
                      <option value="emailed" >Emailed site/pending</option>
diff --git a/modules/new_profile/jsx/NewProfileIndex.js b/modules/new_profile/jsx/NewProfileIndex.js
index b78075ad5f7..671ea8450bf 100644
--- a/modules/new_profile/jsx/NewProfileIndex.js
+++ b/modules/new_profile/jsx/NewProfileIndex.js
@@ -252,8 +252,12 @@ class NewProfileIndex extends React.Component {
     } else {
       profile = (
-          <p>New candidate created. DCCID: {this.state.newData.candID} PSCID: {this.state.newData.pscid} </p>
-          <p><a href = {'/' + this.state.newData.candID}> Access this candidate </a></p>
+          <p>{'New candidate created. '
+              + 'DCCID: ' + this.state.newData.candID + ' '
+              + 'PSCID: ' + this.state.newData.pscid + ' '}</p>
+          <p><a href = {'/' + this.state.newData.candID}>
+              Access this candidate
+          </a></p>
           <p><a href = "/new_profile/" > Recruit another candidate </a></p>
diff --git a/modules/publication/jsx/projectFields.js b/modules/publication/jsx/projectFields.js
index 9d4f8c3d8e9..fa3180e34fd 100644
--- a/modules/publication/jsx/projectFields.js
+++ b/modules/publication/jsx/projectFields.js
@@ -111,7 +111,9 @@ class ProjectFormFields extends React.Component {
       function(willDelete) {
         if (willDelete) {
-          let url = loris.BaseURL + '/publication/ajax/FileDelete.php?uploadID=' + uploadID;
+          let url = loris.BaseURL
+                    + '/publication/ajax/FileDelete.php?uploadID='
+                    + uploadID;
@@ -129,7 +131,9 @@ class ProjectFormFields extends React.Component {
     // Create download link & edit fields for existing files
     if (this.props.files) {
       this.props.files.forEach(function(f) {
-        let downloadURL = loris.BaseURL + '/publication/ajax/FileDownload.php?File=' + encodeURIComponent(f.Filename);
+        let downloadURL = loris.BaseURL
+                          + '/publication/ajax/FileDownload.php?File='
+                          + encodeURIComponent(f.Filename);
         let link = (
             <a href={downloadURL}>{f.Filename}</a>
@@ -142,9 +146,15 @@ class ProjectFormFields extends React.Component {
         let existFileFlag = 'existingUpload_';
-        let pubType = existFileFlag + 'publicationType_' + f.PublicationUploadID;
-        let pubCit = existFileFlag + 'publicationCitation_' + f.PublicationUploadID;
-        let pubVer = existFileFlag + 'publicationVersion_' + f.PublicationUploadID;
+        let pubType = existFileFlag
+                      + 'publicationType_'
+                      + f.PublicationUploadID;
+        let pubCit = existFileFlag
+                     + 'publicationCitation_'
+                     + f.PublicationUploadID;
+        let pubVer = existFileFlag
+                     + 'publicationVersion_'
+                     + f.PublicationUploadID;
         let pubTypeStr = this.props.uploadTypes[this.props.formData[pubType]];
@@ -225,7 +235,9 @@ class ProjectFormFields extends React.Component {
-              label={c.name + (c.name.slice(-1) === 's' ? '\'' : '\'s') + ' Email'}
+              label={c.name + (c.name.slice(-1) === 's' ?
+                '\'' :
+                '\'s') + ' Email'}
@@ -412,7 +424,9 @@ class ProjectFormFields extends React.Component {
-        <ButtonElement label={this.props.editMode ? 'Submit' : 'Propose Project'}
+        <ButtonElement label={this.props.editMode ?
+          'Submit' :
+          'Propose Project'}
diff --git a/modules/publication/jsx/publicationIndex.js b/modules/publication/jsx/publicationIndex.js
index ec924b9567a..5c57a0ec8df 100644
--- a/modules/publication/jsx/publicationIndex.js
+++ b/modules/publication/jsx/publicationIndex.js
@@ -5,7 +5,13 @@ import PublicationUploadForm from './uploadForm.js';
 class PublicationIndex extends React.Component {
   constructor() {
-    loris.hiddenHeaders = ['Description', 'Keywords', 'Variables Of Interest', 'Publication ID', 'Collaborators'];
+    loris.hiddenHeaders = [
+      'Description',
+      'Keywords',
+      'Variables Of Interest',
+      'Publication ID',
+      'Collaborators',
+    ];
     this.state = {
       isLoaded: false,
       filter: {},
@@ -72,8 +78,10 @@ class PublicationIndex extends React.Component {
       proposalTab = (
         <TabPane TabId={tabList[1].id}>
-            DataURL={`${loris.BaseURL}/publication/ajax/getData.php?action=getData`}
-            action={`${loris.BaseURL}/publication/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=upload`}
+            DataURL={loris.BaseURL
+                    +'/publication/ajax/getData.php?action=getData'}
+            action={loris.BaseURL
+                   + '/publication/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=upload'}
diff --git a/modules/publication/jsx/viewProject.js b/modules/publication/jsx/viewProject.js
index 9dbd2f96e77..00c2d236547 100644
--- a/modules/publication/jsx/viewProject.js
+++ b/modules/publication/jsx/viewProject.js
@@ -92,9 +92,15 @@ class ViewProject extends React.Component {
         if (data.files) {
           data.files.forEach(function(f) {
             let existFileFlag = 'existingUpload_';
-            let pubType = existFileFlag + 'publicationType_' + f.PublicationUploadID;
-            let pubCit = existFileFlag + 'publicationCitation_' + f.PublicationUploadID;
-            let pubVer = existFileFlag + 'publicationVersion_' + f.PublicationUploadID;
+            let pubType = existFileFlag
+                          + 'publicationType_'
+                          + f.PublicationUploadID;
+            let pubCit = existFileFlag
+                         + 'publicationCitation_'
+                         + f.PublicationUploadID;
+            let pubVer = existFileFlag
+                         + 'publicationVersion_'
+                         + f.PublicationUploadID;
             formData[pubType] = f.PublicationUploadTypeID;
             formData[pubCit] = f.Citation;
             formData[pubVer] = f.Version;
@@ -131,7 +137,9 @@ class ViewProject extends React.Component {
     let files = this.state.files;
     let toReturn = [];
     files.forEach(function(f) {
-      let download = loris.BaseURL + '/publication/ajax/FileDownload.php?File=' + f.Filename;
+      let download = loris.BaseURL
+                     + '/publication/ajax/FileDownload.php?File='
+                     + f.Filename;
       let link = <a href={download}>{f.Filename}</a>;
       let uploadType = this.state.uploadTypes[f.PublicationUploadTypeID];
@@ -363,7 +371,9 @@ class ViewProject extends React.Component {
       // Set review button only if user does not have edit permission
       // to avoid having 2 submit buttons
-      reviewBtn = this.state.userCanEdit ? undefined : <ButtonElement label="Submit" />;
+      reviewBtn = this.state.userCanEdit ?
+        undefined :
+        <ButtonElement label="Submit" />;
     } else {
       const statClassMap = {
         Pending: 'text-warning',
diff --git a/modules/publication/jsx/viewProjectIndex.js b/modules/publication/jsx/viewProjectIndex.js
index 97e15e0048d..0aa07124992 100644
--- a/modules/publication/jsx/viewProjectIndex.js
+++ b/modules/publication/jsx/viewProjectIndex.js
@@ -8,8 +8,12 @@ $(function() {
       <div className="row">
         <div className="col-md-9 col-lg-7">
-            DataURL={`${loris.BaseURL}/publication/ajax/getData.php?action=getProjectData&id=${args.id}`}
-            action={`${loris.BaseURL}/publication/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=editProject&id=${args.id}`}
+            DataURL={loris.BaseURL
+                     + '/publication/ajax/getData.php?action=getProjectData&id='
+                     + args.id}
+            action={loris.BaseURL
+                    + '/publication/ajax/FileUpload.php?action=editProject&id='
+                    + args.id}
diff --git a/modules/user_accounts/jsx/userAccountsIndex.js b/modules/user_accounts/jsx/userAccountsIndex.js
index 874800e0a76..9982021c8f1 100644
--- a/modules/user_accounts/jsx/userAccountsIndex.js
+++ b/modules/user_accounts/jsx/userAccountsIndex.js
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ class UserAccountsIndex extends Component {
       case 'Project':
         // If user has multiple projectss, join array of sites into string
         result = (
-          <td>{cell
-            .map((projectId) => this.state.data.fieldOptions.projects[projectId])
-            .join(', ')}
+          <td>{cell.map(
+              (projectId) => this.state.data.fieldOptions.projects[projectId]
+            ).join(', ')}
diff --git a/webpack.config.js b/webpack.config.js
index 8c7eb76da02..9556f84dea7 100644
--- a/webpack.config.js
+++ b/webpack.config.js
@@ -178,10 +178,17 @@ const config = [
   // Modules
   lorisModule('media', ['CandidateMediaWidget', 'mediaIndex']),
-  lorisModule('issue_tracker', ['issueTrackerIndex', 'index', 'CandidateIssuesWidget']),
+  lorisModule('issue_tracker', [
+    'issueTrackerIndex',
+    'index',
+    'CandidateIssuesWidget',
+  ]),
   lorisModule('publication', ['publicationIndex', 'viewProjectIndex']),
   lorisModule('document_repository', ['docIndex', 'editFormIndex']),
-  lorisModule('candidate_parameters', ['CandidateParameters', 'ConsentWidget']),
+  lorisModule('candidate_parameters', [
+    'CandidateParameters',
+    'ConsentWidget',
+  ]),
   lorisModule('configuration', ['SubprojectRelations']),
   lorisModule('conflict_resolver', [
@@ -215,7 +222,11 @@ const config = [
   lorisModule('genomic_browser', ['profileColumnFormatter']),
-  lorisModule('imaging_browser', ['ImagePanel', 'imagingBrowserIndex', 'CandidateScanQCSummaryWidget']),
+  lorisModule('imaging_browser', [
+    'ImagePanel',
+    'imagingBrowserIndex',
+    'CandidateScanQCSummaryWidget',
+  ]),
   lorisModule('instrument_builder', [