A module made by Fantasy Computerworks.
Other works by us:
- Fantasy Calendar - The best calendar creator and management app on the internet
- Item Piles - Drag & drop items into the scene to drop item piles that you can then easily pick up
- Tagger - Tag objects in the scene and retrieve them with a powerful API
- Token Ease - Make your tokens feel good to move around on the board
- Rest Recovery - Automate most D&D 5e long and short rest mechanics
Like what we've done? Buy us a coffee!
Sequencer is a powerful module that lets you play visual effects in your scenes, attaching them to tokens or other elements, animating them, quickly and easily removing them, play sounds for all or specific players, run macros one after another in a controlled way, and so much more.
The new wiki can be found at https://fantasycomputer.works/FoundryVTT-Sequencer/
- JB2A - Jules&Ben's Animated Assets (Full paid version here)
- Jack Kerouac's Animated Spell Effects
- Jack Kerouac's Animated Cartoon Spell Effets
You can install it through the Foundry module installer, or by copy-pasting this link into the module installer:
If you want to test the beta track, you can install it from this link - NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NOVICE USERS: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fantasycalendar/FoundryVTT-Sequencer/next/module.json
Sequencer operates under the MIT license, so feel free to contribute, fork, redistribute any part of the module.
To start running this module locally and developing for it, you will need to run the following commands in your terminal while in the directory of the module; npm install
-> npm run build
-> npm run dev
- U-man over at FXMaster for his implementation of layers - Copyright © 2020 Emmanuel Ruaud
- Otigon with his Automated Animations for his work on handling standardized effects - Copyright © 2020 Otigon
- ghost (ghost#2000 on discord) for his fixes to the audio sections
- Kandashi (Kandashi#6698 on discord) for the inspiration and code of persistent effects
- Naito (Naito#1235 on discord) for his assistance with improving the Database Viewer's speed
- League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers for their ongoing support and suggestions
- Foundry VTT Core code for heaps of inspiration
- Easing Functions Cheat Sheet (GitHub) - Copyright © 2020 Andrey Sitnik and Ivan Solovev