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README file for parser ====================================================== Your directory should now contain the following files: Makefile README cool.y cool-tree.handcode.h -> [cool root]/src/PA3/ cool-tree.aps -> [cool root]/src/PA3/cool-tree.aps -> [cool root]/src/PA3/ handle_flags.c -> [cool root]/src/PA3/ -> [cool root]/src/PA3/ -> [cool root]/src/PA3/ -> [cool root]/src/PA3/ -> [cool root]/src/PA3/ -> [cool root]/src/PA3/ *.d dependency files *.* other generated files The include (.h) files for this assignment can be found in [cool root]/include/PA3 The Makefile contains targets for compiling and running your program. DO NOT MODIFY. The README contains this info. Part of the assignment is to fill in the README with the write-up for your project. You should explain design decisions, explain why your code is correct, and why your test cases are adequate. It is part of the assignment to clearly and concisely explain things in text as well as to comment your code. Just edit this file. cool.y is the skeleton for the parser specification that you are to write. It already contains productions for the program and the classes. Use them as an example to write the remaining productions. You should also read the bison documentation. This skeleton will compile and run as is, but it doesn't do much., test a few features of the grammar. You should add tests to ensure that exercises every legal construction of the grammar and that exercises as many different parsing errors as you can squeeze into one file. cool-tree.aps contains the definitions for the tree language which you use to construct the abstract syntax tree (AST). From this file, cool-tree.h and are automatically generated by a utility that compiles the specification into C++ functions for producing and consuming the tree nodes. This file is provided for your reference. DO NOT MODIFY. tree.{cc|h} contain definitions used by the tree package. cool-tree.handcode.h is the handwritten extension to cool-tree.h. If you read cool-tree.h and, you will note that there are "hooks" for extending the classes declarations. Extending and modifying the tree package is discussed in the "Cool Tour", but you do not need to (and should not) modify the tree package for this assignment. is a lexer capable of reading a token stream from console in the format produced by the lexer phase. DO NOT MODIFY. contains a driver to test the parser. DO NOT MODIFY. prints the AST out in a form readable by the semant phase of the compiler. DO NOT MODIFY. implements routines for parsing command line flags. DO NOT MODIFY. The rest of the files are created as byproducts of `bison'. `' is the generated C++ file containing the parser. Files not discussed are covered in the README for PA2. Instructions ------------ To compile your parser program type: % make parser This produces an executable named "parser" which is standalone phase of the Cool compiler. It requires lexer, semant, and cgen to do anything useful. To test your parser on a file '' type % myparser myparser is a shell script that "glues" together lexer and parser using pipes. To run your parser on the files and type: % make dotest To run the (provided) lexer and your parser on a file called type: % ./lexer | ./parser If you think your parser is correct and behaves like the one we wrote, you may want to run a COOL compiler using your parser: % mycoolc To overwrite the default lexical analyzer with yours, replace lexer (which is a symbolic link to the "official" lexer) with your lexer from PA2. If you change architectures you must issue % make clean when you switch from one type of machine to the other. If at some point you get weird errors from the linker, you probably forgot this step. GOOD LUCK! ---8<------8<------8<------8<---cut here---8<------8<------8<------8<--- Author Abdullah Emad Parser Design ---------------------- This section contains the design of the grammar and a summary of the actions. The Error recovery is explained separately from the actual grammar although in practice they are considered the same. Moreover, the section highlights the proof of correctness for each rule noting that some rules are the same as in figure 1 of the manual; for these rules, I will not be proving their correctness. Finally, precedence declarations and shift/reduce conflicts will be discussed. **Notes:** - all-upper-case-letters strings are terminals while lower-case ones are non-terminals - the only special characters I will be using below is ->, | and e where e denotes epsilon. all the other characters are part of the grammar Grammar --------- 1. program -> class_list 2. class_list -> class | class_list class 3. class -> CLASS TYPEID { feature_list }; | CLASS TYPEID INHERITS TYPEID { feature_list }; 4. feature_list -> feature_list feature | e 5. feature -> OBJECTID(formal_list) : TYPEID { expr }; | OBJECTID:TYPEID; | OBJECTID:TYPEID <- expr; 6. formal_list -> formal formalc | e 7. formalc -> formalc , formal | e 8. formal -> ID: TYPE 9. expr -> expr . OBJECTID ( expr_list ) | OBJECTID <- expr | [email protected](expr_list) | OBJECTID(expr_list) | IF expr THEN expr ELSE expr FI | WHILE expr LOOP expr POOL | { expr_stmts } | CASE expr OF case_stmts ESAC | NEW TPYEID | ISVOID expr | expr + expr | expr - expr | expr * expr | expr / expr | ~ expr | expr < expr | expr <= expr | expr = expr | not expr | ( expr ) | OBJECTID | INTEGER | STRING | BOOLEAN | LET let_init 10. expr_list -> expr expr_listc | e 11. expr_listc -> expr_listc , expr | e 12. expr_stmts -> expr_stmts expr ; | expr ; 13. case_stmts -> case_stmts OBJECTID : TYPEID => expr; | OBJECTID:TYPEID => expr; 14. let_init -> OBJECTID : TYPEID let_initc | OBJECTID : TYPEID <- expr let_initc 15. let_initc -> , OBJECTID : TYPEID let_initc | , OBJECTID : TYPEID <- expr let_initc | IN expr The type of each non-terminal can be found in the declarations section of the 'cool.y' file. Actions ---------- Nothing fancy happens in any of the actions of the rules. I depend solely on the grammar definition, with the power of recursion, to handle the somewhat complex tasks such as nesting the let expressions. The main objectives of the actions can be summarized as follows: recording the line number of the matched expression and return a node in the abstract syntax tree that represents the reduced substring. For recording the line number, the SET_NODELOC() macro is used. I choose the line number of the first matched Terminal if there is any terminal, or the line number of the first nonterminal otherwise. For example, if `case_stmts -> case_stmts OBJECTID : TYPEID => expr;` was matched, I would choose `$2` since OBJECTID is the first terminal. On the other hand, if `expr_stmts -> expr_stmts expr ;` was matched, I would use `$1`. According, to the construct being matched, I would create a tree node using the appropriate constructor and return this tree node. There are two main types of tree nodes: “normal” phyla and list phyla. list nodes stores multiple normal nodes of the same type. For more information on this visit section 6 of the [COOL Tour Document](../../docs/cool-tour.pdf). For normal constructs, the action would call the appropriate constructor with the correct arguments. For list constructs, the action would create a single-item list of the currently matched item and append it to the list of items matched so far. If the action belonged to an epsilon rule, a nil list is returned. Lists and Correctness ----------------------- The correctness will be discussed in this section because lists are the complicated rules of the grammar. Other rules are very simple, do not include any form of recursion, which means proving their correctness is a trivial matter of just proving the base case, and they are identical to the rules in figure 1 of the [COOL Manual](../../docs/cool-tour.pdf). The cool language has different types of lists. Those that are simply separated by semicolumns include lists of classes, features (functions and attributes), statements in the body of the case expressions and expressions in a block. Other lists are separated by commas include lists of formals (function arguments), expressions as arguments to a function call and the list of identifiers in the let expressions. Rules for lists of items separated by semicolumns are simpler because each valid item is guaranteed end with a semicolumn. They take the following form: atom_list -> atom_list atom; | c Where c = epsilon or "atom;" depending on whether the list can be empty or not. Proving that this rule will only match valid lists is easy and can be done by induction on the lists produced assuming the atom matched is correct which could also be easily proved on the atom itself. Assume we are building the list from bottom to top (which what actually happens in the compiler). Base case: if the list could be empty than epsilon is produced matching the empty list. In the other case, "atom;" is produced which matches a list of a single item. Inductive hypothesis: list l matched at step i is always a correct list where every item is terminated by a ';' Inductive step: assume we obtained list l at step i so far and we see atom; as our next item. Because list l is a correct list by the inductive hypothesis, concatenating "atom;" to it will still produce a valid list at step i+1. Note there is no way for any other string to match according to the rules. Rules for lists of items separated by commas are slightly more complex because the first item should not have a comma prepended to it, while the other items must do. They take the following form: atom_list -> atom atomsc | c atomc -> atomc , atom | e where c is epsilon or atom. The correctness of the first rule depends on the second rule. Since the first rule does not have recursion, it is easy to see that it is correct. As for the second rule, it can be easily proved by a simple induction similar to the one above. In a similar fashion, by induction, we can see that the rules for the expressions are correct as well. Let expression -------------- Let expressions are treated a little bit differently because they are not actually represented the same way in the AST as they are represented in the program. When the user defines multiple identifiers within a let expression those identifiers are transformed each into its own "let" expression and let expressions are nested within each other. If for instance, if the user writes the following expression `let ID1:TYPE1, ID2:TYPE2, ..., IDN:TYPEN in x` Then each IDi is defined as it is own let expression where the let expression of IDi+1 is actually the body of IDi except for IDN which has x as its body. The following is the grammar for the let expression: expr -> LET let_init let_init -> OBJECTID:TYPEID let_initc | OBJECTID:TYPEID <- expr let_initc let_initc -> ,OBJECTID:TYPEID let_initc | ,OBJECTID:TYPEID <- expr let_initc | IN expr For the following proof, I assume the correctness of expr. Base case: the let expression has only one identifier definition and a body. let_init will match this one identifier while let_initc will match the body. Note that if the number of identifiers is zero or it does not have a body that matches expr, than none of the following rules will ever match this let expression. Inductive hypothesis: identifier matched at step i has the correct form Inductive step: note let_init does not have any recursive cases so it only suffices to mention it in the base case. On the other hand, we have three cases of the input that we can see at step i+1. We could see another definition starting with a comma, we could see a definition with initialization starting with a comma or this could be the end of the let expression so the body is expected. Because the input we have seen until step i is correct, if any of the three cases is matched at step i + 1, then the input is still correct. This design was chosen to capture the natural recursive structure of the produced let expressions. let_init will match and produce the parent let expression and will use the node produced by let_initc as its body. Note, let expressions are still expressions with the same type of expr. let_initc, on the other hand, will match the rest of the identifiers one by one. For each identifier matched at step i, it will create a new node and will set its body to the identifier matched by the recursive let_initc. If the current input that is matched is IN expr, it simply returns expr. Precedence Declarations ------------------------- According to the specifications of the COOL language in the manual, I had the following precedence declarations from high priority to low priority: 1. '.' with no associativity 2. '@' with no associativity 3. 'isVoid' with no associativity 4. '*' '/' with left associativity 5. '+' '-' with left associativity 6. '<=' '<' '=' with no associativity 7. 'NOT' with no associativity 8. '<-' with no associativity 9. 'IN' with no associativity finally, I set the IN token to have the lowest precedence declaration to fix the shift/reduce conflict introduced by the ambiguity of the let expression. The reason for making this choice is that, as discussed in the manual, the let expression should extend as far as possible to the right. For this reason, we want to delay the reduction of the let expression as much as possible giving more priority to other constructs. The reduction of the let will simply occur after seeing the IN. So by giving the IN the lowest priority, we allow the compiler to shift further as needed and match and reduce the rest of the input first, then reduce the current let expression. Error Recovery ----------------- To allow the program to resume parsing after a fatal error occurs to catch as many errors as possible, I used the 'error' special pseudoterminal. For each nonterminal, I added different permutations of the expression with the error terminal occurring at a specific position in it where I expect the error to be. The idea here is, according to the error, I try to match the rest of the expression related to the error, so that when the compiler resumes, it starts from a new expression while trying to keep this matching as atomic as possible so that the parser does not skip a huge chunk of the input. class -> error '(' formal_list ')' ':' TYPEID '{' expr '}' ';' | error '(' formal_list ')' ':' error '{' expr '}' ';' | error '(' formal_list ')' ':' error '{' expr '}' error | error '(' formal_list ')' ':' TYPEID '{' expr '}' error | OBJECTID '(' formal_list ')' ':' error '{' expr '}' ';' | OBJECTID '(' formal_list ')' ':' error '{' expr '}' error | OBJECTID '(' formal_list ')' ':' TYPEID '{' expr '}' error | OBJECTID '(' formal_list ')' ':' TYPEID '{' error '}' ';' | error ':' TYPEID ';' | OBJECTID error TYPEID ';' | OBJECTID ':' error ';' | OBJECTID ':' TYPEID error feature -> error '(' formal_list ')' ':' TYPEID '{' expr '}' ';' { yyerrok; } | error '(' formal_list ')' ':' error '{' expr '}' ';' { yyerrok; } | error '(' formal_list ')' ':' error '{' expr '}' error { yyerrok; } | error '(' formal_list ')' ':' TYPEID '{' expr '}' error { yyerrok; } | OBJECTID '(' formal_list ')' ':' error '{' expr '}' ';' { yyerrok; } | OBJECTID '(' formal_list ')' ':' error '{' expr '}' error { yyerrok; } | OBJECTID '(' formal_list ')' ':' TYPEID '{' expr '}' error { yyerrok; } | OBJECTID '(' formal_list ')' ':' TYPEID '{' error '}' ';' { yyerrok; } | error ':' TYPEID ';' { yyerrok; } | OBJECTID error TYPEID ';' { yyerrok; } | OBJECTID ':' error ';' { yyerrok; } | OBJECTID ':' TYPEID error { yyerrok; } expr -> '{' error '}' { yyerrok; } | CASE error ';'{ yyerrok; }