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Image Extension Interface Specification (experimental)

This document specifies the interface between a lifecycle program and one or more image extensions.

Table of Contents

Image Extension API Version

This document accompanies Buildpack API version 0.9.

Image Extension Interface

Unless otherwise noted, image extensions are expected to conform to the Buildpack Interface Specification.


Executable: /bin/detect, Working Dir: <app[AR]>

Image extensions participate in the buildpack detection process, with the same interface for /bin/detect. However:

  • Detection is optional for image extensions, and they are assumed to pass detection when /bin/detect is not present.
  • If an image extension is missing /bin/detect, the image extension root /detect directory MUST be treated as a pre-populated <output> directory.
  • Instead of the CNB_BUILDPACK_DIR input, image extensions MUST receive a CNB_EXTENSION_DIR which MUST be the absolute path of the extension root directory.
  • Image extensions MUST only output provides entries to the build plan. They MUST NOT output requires.


Executable: /bin/generate, Working Dir: <app[AR]>

Image extensions participate in a generation process that is similar to the buildpack build process, with an interface that is similar to /bin/build. However:

  • Image extensions' /bin/generate MUST NOT write to the app directory.
  • Instead of the CNB_LAYERS_DIR input, image extensions MUST receive a CNB_OUTPUT_DIR which MUST be the absolute path of an <output> directory and MUST NOT be the path of the buildpack layers directory.
  • Instead of the CNB_BUILDPACK_DIR input, image extensions MUST receive a CNB_EXTENSION_DIR which MUST be the absolute path of the extension root directory.
  • If an image extension is missing /bin/generate, the image extension root /generate directory MUST be treated as a pre-populated <output> directory.

Phase: Generation


The purpose of the generation phase is to generate Dockerfiles that can be used to define the build and/or runtime base image. The generation phase MUST NOT be run for Windows builds.



  • The final ordered group of image extensions determined during the detection phase,
  • A directory containing application source code,
  • The Buildpack Plan,
  • An <output> directory used to store generated artifacts,
  • A shell, if needed,

For each image extension in the group in order, the lifecycle MUST execute /bin/generate.

  1. If the exit status of /bin/generate is non-zero,
    Then the lifecycle MUST fail the build.

  2. If the exit status of /bin/generate is zero,

    1. If there are additional image extensions in the group,
      Then the lifecycle MUST proceed to the next image extension's /bin/generate.

    2. If there are no additional image extensions in the group,
      Then the lifecycle MUST proceed to the build phase.

For each /bin/generate executable in each image extension, the lifecycle:

  • MUST provide path arguments to /bin/generate as described in the generation section.
  • MUST configure the build environment as described in the Environment section.
  • MUST provide all <plan> entries that were required by any buildpack in the group during the detection phase with names matching the names that the image extension provided.

Correspondingly, each /bin/generate executable:

  • MAY read from the <app> directory.
  • MUST NOT write to the <app> directory.
  • MAY read the build environment as described in the Environment section.
  • MAY read the Buildpack Plan.
  • MAY log output from the build process to stdout.
  • MAY emit error, warning, or debug messages to stderr.
  • MAY write either or both of build.Dockerfile and run.Dockerfile to the <output> directory. This file MUST adhere to the requirements listed below.
  • MAY write key-value pairs to <output>/extend-config.toml that are provided as build args to build.Dockerfile when extending the build image.
  • MUST NOT write SBOM (Software-Bill-of-Materials) files as described in the Software-Bill-of-Materials section.

Dockerfile Requirements

A run.Dockerfile

  • MAY contain a single FROM instruction
  • MUST NOT contain any other instructions

A build.Dockerfile

  • MUST begin with:
ARG base_image
FROM ${base_image}
  • MUST NOT contain any other FROM instructions
  • MAY contain ADD, ARG, COPY, ENV, LABEL, RUN, SHELL, USER, and WORKDIR instructions
  • SHOULD NOT contain any other instructions
  • SHOULD use the build_id build arg to invalidate the cache after a certain layer. When the $build_id build arg is referenced in a RUN instruction, all subsequent layers will be rebuilt on the next build (as the value will change); the build_id build arg SHOULD be defaulted to 0 if used (this ensures portability)
  • SHOULD NOT edit <app>, <layers>, or <workspace> directories (see the Platform Interface Specification) as changes will not be persisted

Phase: Extension


The purpose of the extension phase is to apply the Dockerfiles generated in the generation phase to the appropriate base image. The extension phase MUST NOT be run for Windows builds.



  • The final ordered group of Dockerfiles generated during the generation phase,
  • A list of build args for each Dockerfile specified during the generation phase,

For each Dockerfile in the group in order, the lifecycle MUST apply the Dockerfile to the base image as follows:

  • The lifecycle MUST provide each Dockerfile with:
  • A base_image build arg
    • For the first Dockerfile, the value MUST be the original base image.
    • When there are multiple Dockerfiles, the value MUST be the intermediate image generated from the application of the previous Dockerfile.
  • A build_id build arg
    • The value MUST be a UUID

Data Format


extension.toml (TOML)

This section describes the 'Extension descriptor'.

api = "<buildpack API version>"

id = "<extension ID>"
name = "<extension name>"
version = "<extension version>"
homepage = "<extension homepage>"
description = "<extension description>"
keywords = [ "<string>" ]

type = "<string>"
uri = "<uri>"

Image extension authors MUST choose a globally unique ID, for example: "io.buildpacks.apt".

The image extension id, version, api, and licenses entries MUST follow the requirements defined in the Buildpack Interface Specification.

extend-config.toml (TOML)

name = "<build arg name>"
value = "<build arg value>"

The image extension MAY specify any number of args.

For each arg, the image extension:

  • MUST specify a name to be the name of a build argument that will be provided to any output build.Dockerfile when extending the build base image.
  • MUST specify a value to be the value of the build argument that is provided.

Build Plan (TOML)

See the Buildpack Interface Specification.

Buildpack Plan (TOML)

See the Buildpack Interface Specification. Image extensions MUST satisfy all entries in the Buildpack Plan.