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162 lines (109 loc) · 4.51 KB

⌨️ Development

Styleguidist for presenting components.

tsdx and eslint.

For testing: React-testing-library run by Jest with ts-jest (code coverage with built-in Istanbul). Code style with Prettier.

After cloning suomifi-ui-components, run yarn to fetch its dependencies. Then, you can run several commands:

  1. yarn start runs Styleguidist for displaying components stories.

  2. yarn test runs written tests.

  3. yarn test:lint checks TypeScript code for readability, maintainability, and functionality errors.

  4. yarn prettier:check checks the code style.

  5. yarn prettier write the code style fixes to all src-files.

  6. yarn validate runs the complete test suite.

  7. yarn build compiles TypeScript code to the dist directory.

  8. yarn styleguide:build compiles static version of Styleguide to the styleguide directory.

  9. yarn bundle-analyzer shows analyzation of bundle size.

❗️After you pull changes from the repo, remember to run yarn to make sure that you have all the needed dependencies installed on your setup.


Source contains 2 stages of components:

  1. reset is for resetting html tag styles to avoid external styles affecting the components (don't do too opinionated stuff here).
  2. core contains the actual components, theme and CSS exports.
  • Export src/core-components at src/core/index and src/index.

Don't do relative imports from src/index, use those 2-levels export locations.

Do not create duplication of source or styles for component.

Export interfaces for exported functions/components. Typescript will generate declaration files from exported interfaces (.d.ts). Write comments/documentation to all properties that need to be shown at styleguide.

Props that are passed on to another component

// destructure takeAway and takeAnother props and put rest of the props to passProps.
const { takeAwayProp, takeAnother: renamedAsProp, ...passprops } = withSuomifiDefaultProps(this.props);
const customProps = {
  takeAwayProp: !!takeAwayProp ? takeAwayProp : renamedAsProp,
  basedOnCondition: passProps.notTakenAwayProp ? 'one' : 'two',¨
return <Component {...passProps, customProps} />;

// Or something like
return <Component {...passProps}>
  <AnotherComponent wantProp={takeAwayProp} />

Styled components-usage at src/core

const StyledButton = styled(
  ({ ...passProps }: ButtonProps & InnerRef) => (
    <BaseButton {...passProps} />

Syntax is based on:

  color: black;


components will have fi- -prefixed class names and styling is based on those class names.

Use BEM naming convention with fi--prefix:


and/or atom-classes:;
  • All colors, typography and spacing must come from tokens (suomifi-design-tokens) and all reusable tokens not defined in suomifi-design-tokens must be defined internally
  • Don't use relative units without an important reason
  • Comment CSS when doing project specific solutions

Components' styles can be customized with Styled Components:


and with CSS-ClassName:

<Button className="button--custom">Example</Button>
.fi-button.button--custom {

Don't use !important, if really needed - for specificity hack you can use .fi-button.button--custom.button--custom {...}


Pull requests can be submitted from fork. Read more from here.

Developing a feature:

git checkout -b <branchname>
git add <file1> <file2> ...
git commit -m "My commit message"

Pushing your feature to GitHub:

git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout <branchname>
git rebase -i develop
  • Resolve conflicts and continue:
git add <file1> <file2> ...
git rebase --continue
  • After no conflicts:
git push --force-with-lease

(If your remote does not accept your local new branch: git push -u origin HEAD)

  • Make a Pull Request at GitHub website.