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This example shares a toy function between client and server using ReScript. The function is in common/ It's in OCaml syntax because the ReScript syntax is not available when compiling to native code:

let greet = function
  | `Server -> "Hello..."
  | `Client -> "!"

As you can probably guess, we are going to print the first part of the message on the server, server/

let home =
      <p><%s Common.greet `Server %></p>
      <script src="/static/client.js"></script>

let () =
  @@ Dream.logger
  @@ Dream.router [

    Dream.get "/"
      (fun _ -> Dream.html home);

    Dream.get "/static/**"
      (Dream.static "./static");

  @@ Dream.not_found

...and the rest of the message in the client, client/client.res:

open Webapi.Dom

let () = {
  let body = document |> Document.querySelector("body")

  switch (body) {
  | None => ()
  | Some(body) =>

    let text = Common.greet(#Client)

    let p = document |> Document.createElement("p")
    body |> Element.appendChild(p)

To run the whole thing, do

npm install
npm start

Then visit http://localhost:8080, and you will see...

Full-stack greeting

Besides ReScript and Dream, this example also uses bs-webapi for DOM manipulation, and esbuild for bundling the client in ./static/client.js. The example serves the bundled client using Dream.static.

See also:

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