The homegrown cross-platform chess game/engine in C++
head on over to the releases and grab a copy for your system
$ chex help
./bin/chex web --port 8000
./bin/chex console
web Start Chex on a local web server
console Start Chex as a text-based game
help Print this help message
--port, -p Specify the port for the server (default: 8080)
We use make to build the source
make chex
make clean
make chex/tests
Play a chess game on the console
Welcome to Chex::ConsoleUI!
Type 'help' to see the list of available commands.
white's turn>
The engine is aimed to be modular, hence here there is a clear separation between the UI and the engine itself. You can use the engine in your code if you wish to implement a different UI, for which you can refer to:
- UI: chex implements two UIs
- ui/web: runs a web server and serves a html frontend
- ui/console: this is essentially a TUI(ish) game
- Game: The implementation for the game which is an abstraction over the board
- Board: the board which is the base level of interaction