A common lisp library for data analysis and manipulation. Modelled after the pandas library
Let's analyze some bitcoin data, start by modifying main.lisp
(load "./src/beaver.lisp")
(defvar data (beaver:read-csv "./data/btc.csv"))
(print data) ;; Let's go!
Well, let's first remove some columns to simplify our data
(load "./src/beaver.lisp")
(defvar data (beaver:read-csv "./data/btc.csv"))
(print (beaver:drop-column data '("Symbol" "Data" "Open" "Close" "Volume" "Name" "SNo")))
(("Date" "High" "Low" "Marketcap")
("2013-04-29 23:59:59" "147.48800659179688" "134.0" "1603768864.5")
("2013-04-30 23:59:59" "146.92999267578125" "134.0500030517578"
Now, let's sort the data by the maximum marketcap
(load "./src/beaver.lisp")
(defvar data (beaver:read-csv "./data/btc.csv"))
(print (beaver:sort-by data "Marketcap"))
(("SNo" "Name" "Symbol" "Date" "High" "Low" "Open" "Close" "Volume"
("68" "Bitcoin" "BTC" "2013-07-05 23:59:59" "80.0" "65.5260009765625"
"79.98999786376953" "68.43099975585938" "0.0" "778411178.875")
("69" "Bitcoin" "BTC" "2013-07-06 23:59:59" "75.0" "66.81999969482422"
"68.50499725341797" "70.27729797363281" "0.0" "799741618.54")...
Next let's check the mean of the High
(load "./src/beaver.lisp")
(defvar data (beaver:read-csv "./data/btc.csv"))
(print (float
(beaver:get-column data "High"))
(read-csv "./data/btc.csv" ",")
Read a CSV into a 2d matrix, accepts an optional delimiter
(write-csv matrix "./output.csv" ",")
Write a 2d matrix into a CSV accepts an optional delimiter
(beaver:transpose matrix)
Transforms the top most row into a column
(beaver:melt matrix '("Col1" "Col2" "Col3") '("Cols" "Types"))
"Melts" or reduce N amount of columns into two columns
(beaver:get-column matrix "Col1")
Returns the specified columns, if Col1
is not provided it will the top-most row
(beaver:drop-column '("Col1" "Col2"))
Returns a new matrix with the removed columns
(beaver:set-column matrix "Col1" '("Foo" "Bar" "Baz"))
Returns the updated matrix with Col1
replaced with Col2
and it's data
(beaver:sort-by matrix "Col1")
Performs a simple numerical sorts and returns the a new, updated matrix