Data validation allows to specify an input filter on the data that can be inserted in a specific cell. The library allows you to set the following types of filters:
- integer (whole)
- decimal
- date
- text length
- dropdown (list)
- custom
The following operators can be used with all filter types (except "dropdown" and "custom"):
- equal ('=')
- not equal ('!=')
- between
- not between
- greater than ('>')
- greater than or equal ('>=')
- less than ('<')
- less than or equal ('<=')
use avadim\FastExcelWriter\DataValidation\DataValidation;
// Value of the next cell must be integer between 1 and 9
$sheet->nextCell()->applyDataValidation(DataValidation::integer('between', [1, 9]));
// Other way
$validation = DataValidation::decimal('>', '=B5');
$sheet->writeTo('B5', 12.34);
// Value of the next cell must be decimal (float) and greater than value of B5
is string. Available operators: '=', '!=', 'between', '!between', '>', '>=', '<', '<='.
Also, you can use constants DataValidation::OPERATOR_*
can be a number or a string. For operators 'between', '!between' $formula must be an array of numbers or strings.
There are three ways to set up a formula:
- Just number
$validation = DataValidation::decimal('>', 123);
$validation = DataValidation::decimal('>', '123');
- Link to other cell
$validation = DataValidation::decimal('>', '=B48');
- Via Excel formula
$validation = DataValidation::decimal('>', '=SUM(A2:A10)+D18');
If the operator is "between" or "!between", then the second argument must be an array of two elements of values/formulas.
$validation = DataValidation::decimal('!between', [-1, '=A5-D6']);
The same as integer
The same as integer
The same operators are used as in integer
or decimal
But if you want to use scalar values as formulas, then they must be timestamps.
$validation = DataValidation::date('>', Excel::toTimestamp('2024-01-01'));
// Set dropdown list
$validation = DataValidation::dropDown(['item1', 'item2', 'item3']);
// Get items from range
$validation = DataValidation::dropDown('=A1:A5');
// Get items from named range
$validation = DataValidation::dropDown('=sheet1!list');
$validation = DataValidation::isNumber();
$validation = DataValidation::isText();
In the following example, the value in the cell must begin with the prefix "ID-" and be at least 10 characters long.
$validation = DataValidation::custom('=AND(LEFT(RC,3)="ID-", LEN(RC)>9)');
Note that the address "RC" is used to reference the current cell.
$validation = DataValidation::make(DataValidation::TYPE_INTEGER);
->allowBlank() // allow blank value
->setErrorStyle() // stop, warning or information
->setError($errorMessage, $errorTitle)
->setPrompt($promptMessage, $promptTitle)
$sheet->addDataValidation('E32', $validation);
Other methods
// Allow blank value
// Disallow blank value
// Show dropdown list
// Disallow dropdown list
// Show input message
// Disallow input message
// Show error message
// Disallow error message