Reverse engineering and original code written by
- Cody Brocious (
- Kyle Machulis (
Contributions by
- Severin Lemaignan - Base C Library and mcrypt functionality
- Sharif Olorin ( - hidapi support
- Bill Schumacher ( - Fixed the Python library
Emokit is a set of language for user space access to the raw stream data from the Emotiv EPOC+ headset. Note that this will not give you processed data (i.e. anything available in the Emo Suites in the software), just the raw sensor data.
The C library is backed by hidapi, and should work on any platform that hidapi also works on.
This fork is done for the EPOC+:
- Sample Rate: EPOC: 128Hz vs. EPOC+ : 128Hz or 256Hz
- Resolution: EPOC: 14bit(0.51µV) vs. EPOC+ : 14bit(0.51µV) or 16bit(0.31µV)
- Sensors: EPOC: 2-axis gyro vs. EPOC+: 9 axis sensor (3x gyro, 3x accelerometer, 3x magnetometer)
- VID: 1234 / PID: ED02
- ID 1234:ed02 Brain Actuated Technologies Emotiv EPOC Developer Headset Wireless Dongle
- iManufacturer 1 Emotiv
- iProduct 2 Brain Computer Interface USB Receiver/Dongle
- iInterface 4 EEG Signals
If you have a problem not covered in the FAQ, file it as an issue on the github project.
PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL OR OTHERWISE CONTACT THE DEVELOPERS DIRECTLY. Seriously. I'm sick of email and random facebook friendings asking for help. What happens on the project stays on the project.
If you are using the Python library and a research headset you may have to change the is_research variable in's setup_crypto function.
- pywinhid (Windows Only) -
- (OS X) cython-hidapi -
- pycrypto -
- gevent -
- greenlet
- pygame (
- realpath - http://? sudo apt-get install realpath
- CMake -
- libmcrypt -
- hidapi -
See emokitd.c example
Due to the way hidapi works, the linux version of emokit can run using either hidraw calls or libusb. These will require different udev rules for each. We've tried to cover both (as based on hidapi's example udev file), but your mileage may vary. If you have problems, please post them to the github issues page (
Your kernel may not support /dev/hidraw devices by default, such as an RPi. To fix that re-comiple your kernel with /dev/hidraw support
Recent OS versions no longer allow usb devices to become unclaimed by the kernel. You must use a HIDAPI library.
The file uses pygame, visit Do not export the architecture compiler flags for recent 64bit versions of OS X.
Huge thanks to everyone who donated to the fund drive that got the hardware into my hands to build this.
Thanks to Bryan Bishop and the other guys in #hplusroadmap on Freenode for your help and support.
And as always, thanks to my friends and family for supporting me and suffering through my obsession of the week.
Kyle would like to thank Cody for doing the hard part.
He would also like to thank emotiv for putting emo on the front of everything because it's god damn hilarious. I mean, really, Emo Suites? Saddest hotel EVER.
- What unit is the data I'm getting back in? How do I get volts out of it?
One least-significant-bit of the fourteen-bit value you get back is 0.51 microvolts. See the specification for more details.