First, if you didn't have it yet, get access to the officegen module:
const officegen = require('officegen')
Now you have few ways to use it to create a docx based document. The simple way is to use this code:
let docx = officegen('docx')
But if you want to pass some settings then you should use the following format:
let docx = officegen({
type: 'docx', // We want to create a Microsoft Word document.
... // Extra options goes here.
- author (string) - The document's author (part of the Document's Properties in Office).
- creator (string) - Alias. The document's author (part of the Document's Properties in Office).
- description (string) - The document's properties comments (part of the Document's Properties in Office).
- keywords (string) - The document's keywords (part of the Document's Properties in Office).
- orientation (string) - Either 'landscape' or 'portrait'. The default is 'portrait'.
- pageMargins (object) - Set document page margins. The default is { top: 1800, right: 1440, bottom: 1800, left: 1440 }
- pageSize (string | object) - Set document page size. The default is A4 (support value: 'A4', 'A3', 'letter paper'). Or set customize size with { width: 11906, height: 16838 }
- subject (string) - The document's subject (part of the Document's Properties in Office).
- title (string) - The document's title (part of the Document's Properties in Office).
- columns (number) - The number of columns in each page. The default is 1 column.
You can always change some of these settings after creating the docx object using there methods:
docx.setDescription( '...')
To create a new paragraph in your document you need to create a paragraph object from your main docx object:
let pObj = docx.createP(options)
When the options are:
- align (string) - Horizontal alignment, can be either 'left' (the default), 'right', 'center' or 'justify'.
- textAlignment (string) - Vertical alignment, can be 'center', 'top', 'bottom' or 'baseline'.
pObj.addText(textString, options)
When the options are:
- back (string) - background color code, for example: 'ffffff' (white) or '000000' (black).
- shdType (string) - Optional pattern code to use: 'clear' (no pattern), 'pct10', 'pct12', 'pct15', 'diagCross', 'diagStripe', 'horzCross', 'horzStripe', 'nil', 'thinDiagCross', 'solid', etc.
- shdColor (string) - The front color for the pattern (used with shdType).
- bold (boolean) - true to make the text bold.
- border (string) - the border type: 'single', 'dashDotStroked', 'dashed', 'dashSmallGap', 'dotDash', 'dotDotDash', 'dotted', 'double', 'thick', etc.
- color (string) - color code, for example: 'ffffff' (white) or '000000' (black).
- italic (boolean) - true to make the text italic.
- underline (boolean) - true to add underline.
- font_face (string) - the font to use.
- font_face_east (string) - advanced setting: the font to use for east asian. You must set also font_face.
- font_face_cs (string) - advanced setting: the font to use (cs). You must set also font_face.
- font_face_h (string) - advanced setting: the font to use (hAnsi). You must set also font_face.
- font_hint (string) - optional. Either 'ascii' (the default), 'eastAsia', 'cs' or 'hAnsi'.
- font_size (number) - the font size in points.
- rtl (boolean) - add this to any text in rtl language.
- highlight (string) - highlight color. Either 'black', 'blue', 'cyan', 'darkBlue', 'darkCyan', 'darkGray', 'darkGreen', 'darkMagenta', 'darkRed', 'darkYellow', 'green', 'lightGray', 'magenta', 'none', 'red', 'white' or 'yellow'.
- strikethrough (boolean) - true to add strikethrough.
- superscript (boolean) - true to lower the text in this run below the baseline and change it to a smaller size, if a smallersize is available. Supported in officegen 0.5.0 and later.
- subscript (boolean) - true to raise the text in this run above the baseline and change it to a smaller size, if a smaller size is available. Supported in officegen 0.5.0 and later.
All the text data in Word is saved in paragraphs. To add a new paragraph:
var pObj = docx.createP ();
Paragraph options:
pObj.options.align = 'center'; // Also 'right' or 'justify'.
pObj.options.indentLeft = 1440; // Indent left 1 inch
pObj.options.indentFirstLine = 440; // Indent first line
Every list item is also a paragraph so:
var pObj = docx.createListOfDots ();
var pObj = docx.createListOfNumbers ();
You can create ordered and ordered nested lists as below. You can pass the list level as input to the function.
pObj = docx.createNestedUnOrderedList({
pObj = docx.createNestedOrderedList({
Now you can fill the paragraph object with one or more text strings using the addText method:
pObj.addText ( 'Simple' );
pObj.addText ( ' with color', { color: '000088' } );
pObj.addText ( ' and back color.', { color: '00ffff', back: '000088' } );
pObj.addText ( 'Bold + underline', { bold: true, underline: true } );
pObj.addText ( 'Fonts face only.', { font_face: 'Arial' } );
pObj.addText ( ' Fonts face and size. ', { font_face: 'Arial', font_size: 40 } );
pObj.addText ( 'External link', { link: '' } );
// Hyperlinks to bookmarks also supported:
pObj.addText ( 'Internal link', { hyperlink: 'myBookmark' } );
// ...
// Start somewhere a bookmark:
pObj.startBookmark ( 'myBookmark' );
// ...
// You MUST close your bookmark:
pObj.endBookmark ();
Add an image to a paragraph:
var path = require('path');
pObj.addImage(path.resolve(__dirname, 'myFile.png'))
pObj.addImage(path.resolve(__dirname, 'myFile.png'), {cx: 300, cy: 200})
To add a line break;
var pObj = docx.createP()
To add a page break:
To add a horizontal line:
var pObj = docx.createP()
To add a back line:
var pObj = docx.createP({backline: 'E0E0E0'})
pObj.addText('Backline text1')
pObj.addText(' text2')
To add a table:
var table = [
val: "No.",
opts: {
cellColWidth: 4261,
sz: '48',
spacingBefore: 120,
spacingAfter: 120,
spacingLine: 240,
spacingLineRule: 'atLeast',
shd: {
fill: "7F7F7F",
themeFill: "text1",
"themeFillTint": "80"
fontFamily: "Avenir Book"
val: "Title1",
opts: {
color: "A00000",
align: "right",
shd: {
fill: "92CDDC",
themeFill: "text1",
"themeFillTint": "80"
val: "Title2",
opts: {
align: "center",
vAlign: "center",
cellColWidth: 42,
sz: '48',
shd: {
fill: "92CDDC",
themeFill: "text1",
"themeFillTint": "80"
[1,'All grown-ups were once children',''],
[2,'there is no harm in putting off a piece of work until another day.',''],
[3,'But when it is a matter of baobabs, that always means a catastrophe.',''],
[4,'You can include CR-LF inline\r\nfor multiple lines.',''],
[5,['Or you can provide lines within', 'a cell in an array'],''],
[6,'But when it is a matter of baobabs, that always means a catastrophe.',''],
[7,'watch out for the baobabs!','END'],
var tableStyle = {
tableColWidth: 4261,
tableSize: 24,
tableColor: "ada",
tableAlign: "left",
tableFontFamily: "Comic Sans MS",
spacingBefor: 120, // default is 100
spacingAfter: 120, // default is 100
spacingLine: 240, // default is 240
spacingLineRule: 'atLeast', // default is atLeast
indent: 100, // table indent, default is 0
fixedLayout: true, // default is false
borders: true, // default is false. if true, default border size is 4
borderSize: 2, // To use this option, the 'borders' must set as true, default is 4
columns: [{ width: 4261 }, { width: 1 }, { width: 42 }], // Table logical columns
docx.createTable (table, tableStyle);
If you want to customize the border style, you can use the 'borderStyle' option:
const style = {
'@w:val': 'single',
'@w:sz': '3',
'@w:space': '1',
'@w:color': 'DF0000'
const borderStyle = {
'w:top': style,
'w:bottom': style,
'w:left': style,
'w:right': style,
'w:insideH': style,
'w:insideV': style,
const tableStyle = {
tableColWidth: 4261,
tableSize: 24,
tableColor: 'ada',
tableAlign: 'left',
tableFontFamily: 'Comic Sans MS',
borderStyle: borderStyle
Header and footer:
// Add a header:
var header = docx.getHeader ().createP ();
header.addText ( 'This is the header' );
// Please note that the object header here is a paragraph object so you can use ANY of the paragraph API methods also for header and footer.
// The getHeader () method excepting a string parameter:
// getHeader ( 'even' ) - change the header for even pages.
// getHeader ( 'first' ) - change the header for the first page only.
// to do all of that for the footer, use the getFooter instead of getHeader.
// and sorry, right now only createP is supported (so only creating a paragraph) so no tables, etc.
To Create Word Document by json:
var table = [
val: "No.",
opts: {
cellColWidth: 4261,
sz: '48',
shd: {
fill: "7F7F7F",
themeFill: "text1",
"themeFillTint": "80"
fontFamily: "Avenir Book"
val: "Title1",
opts: {
color: "A00000",
align: "right",
shd: {
fill: "92CDDC",
themeFill: "text1",
"themeFillTint": "80"
val: "Title2",
opts: {
align: "center",
cellColWidth: 42,
sz: '48',
shd: {
fill: "92CDDC",
themeFill: "text1",
"themeFillTint": "80"
[1,'All grown-ups were once children',''],
[2,'there is no harm in putting off a piece of work until another day.',''],
[3,'But when it is a matter of baobabs, that always means a catastrophe.',''],
[4,'watch out for the baobabs!','END'],
var tableStyle = {
tableColWidth: 4261,
tableSize: 24,
tableColor: "ada",
tableAlign: "left",
tableFontFamily: "Comic Sans MS"
var data = [[{
type: "text",
val: "Simple"
}, {
type: "text",
val: " with color",
opt: { color: '000088' }
}, {
type: "text",
val: " and back color.",
opt: { color: '00ffff', back: '000088' }
}, {
type: "linebreak"
}, {
type: "text",
val: "Bold + underline",
opt: { bold: true, underline: true }
}], {
type: "horizontalline"
}, [{ backline: 'EDEDED' }, {
type: "text",
val: " backline text1.",
opt: { bold: true }
}, {
type: "text",
val: " backline text2.",
opt: { color: '000088' }
}], {
type: "text",
val: "Left this text.",
lopt: { align: 'left' }
}, {
type: "text",
val: "Center this text.",
lopt: { align: 'center' }
}, {
type: "text",
val: "Right this text.",
lopt: { align: 'right' }
}, {
type: "text",
val: "Fonts face only.",
opt: { font_face: 'Arial' }
}, {
type: "text",
val: "Fonts face and size.",
opt: { font_face: 'Arial', font_size: 40 }
}, {
type: "table",
val: table,
opt: tableStyle
}, [{ // arr[0] is common option.
align: 'right'
}, {
type: "image",
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'images_for_examples/sword_001.png')
type: "image",
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'images_for_examples/sword_002.png')
}], {
type: "pagebreak"