# Compiled extensionless executable files in /src/*/ # This stanza must precede wildcard patterns below! /src/*/* !/src/lm/test_data/ !/src/*/?*.* !/src/doc/* !/src/*/Makefile !/src/*/README # Object files. *.slo *.lo *.o *.obj *.pyc # Profiling files and core dumps. *.nvprof core # Compiled dynamic libraries. *.so *.dylib *.dll # Compiled static libraries. *.lai *.la *.a *.lib # Test log files. *.testlog # Emacs autosave and backup files. [#]*[#] .[#]* *~ # [ecg]tag files. TAGS tags GTAGS GRTAGS GPATH GSYMS # Python compiled bytecode files. *.pyc # Python virtual environment venv/ # Make dependencies. .depend.mk # Some weird thing that macOS creates. *.dSYM .DS_Store # Windows executable, symbol and some weird files. *.exe *.pdb *.exp *.manifest /kaldiwin_vs* .vscode .idea # /src/ /src/.short_version /src/base/version.h /src/doc/table/ /src/doc/tools.dox /src/doc/*.html /src/htdocs/ /src/html.tar.gz /src/kaldi.mk /src/kaldi.mk.tmp /src/kaldi.mk.bak # /egs/ /egs/*/*/mfcc /egs/*/*/plp /egs/*/*/exp /egs/*/*/data /egs/*/*/wav /egs/*/*/enhan # CMakeLists.txt files are currently autogenerated, must not be committed. /src/**/CMakeLists.txt /build*