An MERN stack focused take home test for Fullstack Developers.
- Clone this repo
- Complete this exercise and submit either a zip of the solution or a link to a new repo
- Please use MERN stack to build this. All other choices of libraries, frameworks, etc. are up to you.
- Create a dropdown that searches for Cities using this API
- Sample API URL for New York:
- Once an option is selected, open a new page for the selected city and load the weather date for that city using this API
- Solution should be similar to this
- Show the "current" conditions for the selected city, say, New York:
- Location (ie. New York, NY, USA)
- Current temperature
- Today's high temperature
- Today's low temperature
- A Line Chart to display sunrise and sunset data (both within same chart)
- Create a backend server to build and save:
- User signups
- Wishlist cities (after login/signup)
- Recent search data (after login/signup)
- Based on login/signup status the dashboard should behave like this:
- Dropdown search box at all times at the top
- If user is authenticated:
- Show recent searches below the dropdown, clickable and same behaviour as dropdown's, if available
- Show wishlisted cities below the recent searches, clickable and same behaviour as dropdown's, if available