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Table Bindings

Goal 🎯

The goal of this lesson is to learn how to table input and output bindings work.

This lesson consists of the following exercises:

Nr Exercise
1 Using the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer for Tables
2 Using a return attribute Table output binding
3 Using an IAsyncCollector<T> Table output binding
4 Using a TableEntity Table input binding
5 Using a CloudTable Table input binding
6 More info

📝 Tip - If you're stuck at any point you can have a look at the source code in this repository.

1. Using the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer for Tables

In this exercise we'll look into storage emulation and the Azure Storage Explorer to see how you can interact with queues and messages.


  1. Make sure that the storage emulator is running and open the Azure Storage Explorer. If you use GitHub CodeSpaces, then use the Azure extension, Workspace option.

  2. Navigate to Storage Accounts -> (Emulator - Default Ports)(Key) -> Tables Storage Emulator Treeview Or when using the CodeSpace, use Workspace / Local Emulator / Tables

  3. Right click on Table and select Create Table

  4. Type a name for the table: players

  5. Select the new table. Storage Emulator Table view

    🔎 Observation - Now you see the contents of the table. In your case it is still empty. In the top menu you see actions you can perform on the table or its entities.

  6. Try adding a record to the table.

    Question - What are the two mandatory fields to provide values for?

    📝 Tip - The PartitionKey is used to determine in which partition the entity is stored, and is crucial for scalability and effective querying of the entities. The RowKey is a unique identifier of tht entity within the partition. The combination of the PartitionKey and the RowKey is the primary key of the entity. More info about partition and row keys can be found in the official docs.

2. Using a return attribute Table output binding

In this exercise we'll be using a return Table attribute as the output binding, to store a PlayerEntity in the players table.


  1. In VSCode, create a new HTTP Trigger Function App with the following settings:

    1. Location: AzureFunctions.Table
    2. Language: C#
    3. Template: HttpTrigger
    4. Function name: StorePlayerReturnAttributeTableOutput
    5. Namespace: AzureFunctions.Demo
    6. AccessRights: Function
  2. Once the Function App is generated, add a reference to the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Tables NuGet package to the project. This allows us to use bindings for Blobs, Tables and Queues.

    📝 Tip - One way to easily do this is to use the NuGet Package Manager VSCode extension:

    1. Run NuGet Package Manager: Add new Package in the Command Palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P).
    2. Type: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Tables
    3. Select the most recent (non-preview) version of the package.
  3. We'll be working with a PlayerEntity type in the exercises. Add a new class file to the project named PlayerEntity.cs and copy the contents from this file in it.

    📝 Tip The PlayerEntity object inherits from TableEntity. Make sure you reference the TableEntity type from the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table namespace and not the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table since the last one is outdated.

    🔎 Observation The TableEntity type contains all the mandatory properties an entity has, such as the PartitionKey, RowKey, and TimeStamp. Inheriting from this type is not mandatory, as long as your custom type has the two Key properties, but it makes it easier to work with Table Storage.

  4. To make it easier to refer to the table name (players) we can put it in a constant in a new class.

    1. Add a new file to project called TableConfig.cs

    2. Add the following code to this class:

      namespace AzureFunctions.Table
         public static class TableConfig
            public const string Table = "players";
  5. Now let's go back to the function and put the following line underneath the FunctionName attribute:

    [return: Table(TableConfig.Table)]
  6. Update the HttpTrigger attribute so it only accepts POST requests.

  7. Since we'll be returning a PlayerEntity instead of an IActionResult, update the method return type to:

    public static async Task<PlayerEntity> Run(...)
  8. Replace the entire contents of the function method with these lines:

     var playerEntity = await message.Content.ReadAsAsync<PlayerEntity>();
    return playerEntity;

    Question - Notice the use of the SetKeys() method. What is the purpose of this method?

  9. Make sure the storage emulator is running, then build & run the AzureFunctions.Table Function App.

    Question - Have a look at the runtime output. Did the Function App startup successfully?

  10. Make a POST call to the StorePlayerReturnAttributeTableOutput endpoint and provide a valid json body with a PlayerEntity object (the PartitionKey and RowKey are not required):

    POST http://localhost:7071/api/StorePlayerReturnAttributeTableOutput
    Content-Type: application/json
       "id": "{{$guid}}",
       "nickName" : "Ada",
       "email" : "[email protected]",
       "region" : "United Kingdom"

Question - Have a look at the runtime output. Did the function execute successfully?

Question - Now use the Storage Explorer and look at the players table. Is there a new record? If so, open it to inspect it.

3. Using an IAsyncCollector<T> Table output binding

In this exercise we'll be using a IAsyncCollector<PlayerEntity> table output binding to store multiple PlayerEntity objects in the players table.


  1. Create a copy of the StorePlayerReturnAttributeTableOutput.cs file and rename the file, the class and the function to StorePlayersWithCollectorTableOutput.cs.

  2. We won't use a return attribute this time, so remove the line with [return: Table(TableConfig.Table)].

  3. Change the return type of the method to Task<IActionResult>.

  4. Since we expect an HTTP request with an array of PlayerEntity elements, update the HttpTrigger input type from:

    Player player


    PlayerEntity[] playerEntities
  5. Now add the following table binding underneath the HTTPTrigger:

    [Table(TableConfig.Table)] IAsyncCollector<PlayerEntity> collector
  6. Replace the content of the function with this:

    foreach (var playerEntity in playerEntities)
        await collector.AddAsync(playerEntity);
    return new AcceptedResult();

    🔎 Observation We're iterating over the player items in the playerEntities array. The PartitionKey and RowKeys are set for each item, then the item is added to the collector. The items are only stored to the table when the function completes or when FlushAsync() on the collector is called explicitly.

  7. Make sure the storage emulator is running, then build & run the AzureFunctions.Table Function App.

  8. Make a POST call to the StorePlayersWithCollectorTableOutput endpoint and provide a valid json body with multiple PlayerEntity objects:

    POST http://localhost:7071/api/StorePlayersWithCollectorTableOutput
    Content-Type: application/json
          "id": "{{$guid}}",
          "nickName" : "Grace",
          "email" : "[email protected]",
          "region" : "United States of America"
          "id": "{{$guid}}",
          "nickName" : "Ada",
          "email" : "[email protected]",
          "region" : "United Kingdom"
          "id": "{{$guid}}",
          "nickName" : "Margaret",
          "email" : "[email protected]",
          "region" : "United States of America"

    Question - Now use the Storage Explorer and look at the players table. Is there a new record? If so, open it to inspect it.

4. Using a TableEntity Table input binding

In this exercise we'll be using a TableEntity type as the table input binding where we specify both the PartitionKey and the RowKey to retrieve one PlayerEntity from the players table and return it in the HTTP response.


  1. Create a copy of the StorePlayersWithCollectorTableOutput.cs file and rename the file, the class and the function to GetPlayerByRegionAndIdPlayerEntityInput.cs.

  2. Change the return type from async Task<IActionResult> to IActionResult since the method will not be asynchronous.

  3. Update the HttpTrigger as follows:

       Route = "players/{region}/{id}")] HttpRequest request,

    🔎 Observation Notice that we only accept GET requests. In addition, a custom route is now specified which contains a region and id. These correspond to the PartitionKey and RowKey of the entity we will retrieve.

  4. We can't use the region and id from the route unless we add these as separate parameters to the method:

    string region,
    string id,
  5. Now update the Table binding to:

       "{id}")] PlayerEntity playerEntity

    🔎 Observation In this table input binding three parameters are used: the table name, the PartitionKey, and the RowKey. This binding allows us to retrieve exactly one entity from the table.

  6. Replace the contents of the function method with this single line:

    return new OkObjectResult(playerEntity);
  7. Make sure the storage emulator is running, then build & run the AzureFunctions.Table Function App.

  8. Ensure that there is at least one PlayerEntity in the players table and make note of the PartitionKey and RowKey of this record.

  9. Make a GET call to the StorePlayersWithCollectorTableOutput

    @region = United States of America 
    @id = 2c847c33-1c54-4c21-aa1a-a5c0a40f755a
    GET http://localhost:7071/api/players/{{region}}/{{id}}

    🔎 Observation The region and id fields need to match with an entity in your players table.

    Question - Did the function return with a 200 OK, including the player data?

5. Using a TableClient Table input binding

In this exercise we'll be using a TableClient type as the table input binding, and retrieve multiple PlayerEntity objects from the playerstable and return it in the HTTP response.


  1. Create a copy of the GetPlayerByRegionAndIdPlayerEntityInput.cs file and rename the file, the class and the function to GetPlayersByRegionCloudTableInput.cs.

  2. We won't be using route parameters so remove the /{region}/{id} part of the Route:

       Route = "players")] HttpRequest request
  3. Remove the region and id parameters from the method parameters.

  4. Update the table input binding to it only uses the table name:

    [Table(TableConfig.Table)] TableClient cloudTable

    🔎 Observation Note that we're using the TableClient type, ensure that this type comes from the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table namespace. This type refers to a Table in either a Storage Account, or in CosmosDB.

  5. Replace the contents of the functions method with this:

    string region = request.Query["region"];
    var playerEntities  = cloudTable.QueryAsync<PlayerEntity>(a=>a.PartitionKey == region);
    return new OkObjectResult(playerEntities);

    🔎 Observation The region is extracted from the query string. The region is also the PartitionKey and will be used to query the PlayerEntity objects within the region.

  6. Make sure the storage emulator is running, then build & run the AzureFunctions.Table Function App.

  7. Ensure that there are a couple of PlayerEntity objects in the players table and decide which PartitionKey you'll use for querying.

  8. Make a GET call to the GetPlayersByRegionCloudTableInput

    @region = United States of America
    GET http://localhost:7071/api/players?region={{region}}

    🔎 Observation The region field needs to match with an entity in your players table.

    Question - Did the function return with a 200 OK, including the player data?

6. More info

For more info about the Table Bindings have a look at the official Azure Functions Table Binding docs.

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