PR for tracking changes for the x.x.x release.
Target release date: DOW MONTH DAY YEAR.
Actions marked with ** only need to be executre for "cherrypick" releases (develop
is the next minor/major and not ready for release).
- Check if any dependencies need updating.
- ** Create a
branch. - ** Cherrypick any relevant commits from
to the release branch, including commits related to CI updates. - Update the version constant in
- PR #xxx. - Add changelog for the release - PR #xxx ** In case of a short-lived release branch, add the changelog as the last commit to the release branch and pull the release branch.
- Merge the changelog/release PR.
- Make sure all CI builds are green.
- Tag the release against
and push the tag. - Review the automatically created PR with the GH Pages docs update.
- Create a release from the tag (careful, GH defaults to
!) & copy & paste the changelog to it. Make sure to copy the links to the issues and the links to the GH usernames from the bottom of the changelog! - Merge the GH Pages PR. Note: it is important to do this after the release as otherwise the information about the latest release in the site will not be updated correctly from the GitHub API.
- Verify that the website regenerated correctly and is in working order.
- Close the milestone.
- Open a new milestone for the next release.
- If any open PRs/issues which were milestoned for the release did not make it into the release, update their milestone.
- Tweet about the release.
- Post about it in the WP #core Slack channel.
- Open a Trac ticket for WordPress Core to update their copy.
- Submit for "Month in WordPress":