- Removed some more references of private API's(We previously added those non-public API's for workarounds #865).
- Fixed a text alignment issue with IQTextView (Thanks to @yurihan)
- Fixed an issue where _kbSize variable wasn't clearing when library is disabled.
- Splitted storyboard into multiple storyboard to improve demo performance.
- Removed isAskingCanBecomeFirstResponder because this no longer useful now.
- Fixed an issue where Apple rejected apps using libray due to referencing some non-public API's (We previously added those non-public API's for workarounds #865).
- Added registerAllNotifications & unregisterAllNotifications methods to completely disable library at developer risk
- Deprecated isAskingCanBecomeFirstResponder because this no longer useful now.
- Removed shouldHidePreviousNext in favor of previousNextDisplayMode.
- Fixed an issue where enabledDistanceHandlingClasses for a class with enabled=NO configuration wasn't working well.
- Added touchResignedGestureIgnoreClasses property to ignore resigned touches for specific view classes.
- Updated to support Swift 3.1.
- Fixed some warnings about deprecations.
- Updated README.md documentation.
- Fixed an issue with keyboard long delay on first keyboard appearance.
- Disabled library in UIAlertController.
- Fixed an issue where shouldResignOnTouchOutside wasn't working with UITableViewController.
- Fixed isKeyboardShowing bool value when library is disabled.
- Fixed an issue where textField was hiding when orientation occurs with formSheet or pageSheet presentation style.
- Added previousNextDisplayMode for better handling of previour/next buttons.
- Added ability to detect textField left/right view, if they can also become first responder.
- Improved delgate callback behaviour with IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler class.
- Deprecated shouldHidePreviousNext in favor of previousNextDisplayMode and this will be removed in future releases.
- Added CHANGELOG.md.
- Added Carthage Documentation in README.md file.
- Fixed an issue where keyboard was dismissing by touching on UIWebView but layout doesn't change and user see blank area at bottom.
- Added .swift-version file for CocoaPods to know swift version of library.
- Updated swift library to swift 3.0.
- Added new next/previous icons for iOS10.
- Fixed an issue with iPad Form Sheet where view was pulling down.
- Fixed next/previous ordering issue when textFields are in header of UITableView.
- Moved library files to development pods.
- Added method execution time print with debugging logs.
- Moved keyboardShowing readonly property for public use.
- Added movedDistance readonly property to get adjustment distance by library.
- Updated MANUAL MANAGEMENT.md with more examples.
- Fixed an issue with custom done button/image dynamic updation.
- Fixed an issue with Form Sheet where Form Sheet was resetting view frame internally.
- Fixed an issue where navigation controller sometimes return wrong frame when applied pop gesture recognizer.
- Fixed an issue where customized keyboardDistanceFromTextField property wasn't working UISearchBar.
- Fixed an issue where view was misplaced when In Call Status Bar show/hide.
- Added setTitleTarget:action: to use toolbar title as button to enhanced textField features.
- Added enableDebugging property to print logs.
- Added shouldFixInteractivePopGestureRecognizer property to fix a bug with navigation controller pop gesture recognizer.
- Added shouldHidePreviousNext property.
- Replaced shouldHideTitle with shouldHidePlaceholderText.
- Added Carthage support for Objective-C version.
- Removed canAdjustTextView property since this now internally handled by adjusting contentInset of UITextView.
- Removed shouldAdoptDefaultKeyboardAnimation property.
- Removed disableDistanceHandlingInViewControllerClass, removeDisableDistanceHandlingInViewControllerClass, disableToolbarInViewControllerClass, removeDisableToolbarInViewControllerClass, considerToolbarPreviousNextInViewClass, removeConsiderToolbarPreviousNextInViewClass methods.
- Removed IQKEYBOARDMANAGER_DEBUG preprocessor macro.
- Enhanced Settings Controller.
- Updated iOS NSNotification Mechanism documentation mechanism.
- Fixed an issue with UIScrollView where scrollView.isEnabled was set to false but library was still scrolling UIScrollView.
- Added reloadLayoutIfNeeded to adjust position on the fly.
- UIAccessibility support for next/previous/done buttons.
- Removed manual contentSize adjustment and this should now be calculated by user with their own logic or with Autolayout.
- Added registerTextFieldViewClass, didBeginEditingNotificationName, didEndEditingNotificationName method.
- Removed addTextFieldViewDidBeginEditingNotificationName:didEndEditingNotificationName method.
- Fixed a compilation issue with carthage due to recently added IQPreviousNextView.
- Removed shouldFixTextViewClip because this no longer needs since we dropped support for iOS7.
- Updated swift library to swift 2.2.
- Optimized movement calculation when hardware keyboard is attached.
- Added reloadInputViews method.
- Added RTL language direction support for next/previous images.
- Added support for third party customized textView/textField by adding addTextFieldViewDidBeginEditingNotificationName:didEndEditingNotificationName method.
- Added disabledDistanceHandlingClasses, enabledDistanceHandlingClasses, disabledToolbarClasses, enabledToolbarClasses, toolbarPreviousNextAllowedClasses, toolbarPreviousNextDeniedClasses, disabledTouchResignedClasses, enabledTouchResignedClasses properties.
- Added IQPreviousNextView class to Improve Next Previous experience for all inner deep responder subviews.
- Deprecated disableDistanceHandlingInViewControllerClass, removeDisableDistanceHandlingInViewControllerClass, disableToolbarInViewControllerClass, removeDisableToolbarInViewControllerClass, considerToolbarPreviousNextInViewClass, removeConsiderToolbarPreviousNextInViewClass methods and replaced with NSMutableSet properties.
- Updated README.
- Updated swift library to swift 2.1.1.
- Dropped iOS7 support.
- Removed deprecated disableInViewControllerClass, removeDisableInViewControllerClass methods.
- Removed deprecated shouldRestoreScrollViewContentOffset property.
- Fixed a compilation issue with Carthage.
- Added toolbarDoneBarButtonItemImage property.
- Fixed an issue where done button was showing smaller than usual.
- Added disableDistanceHandlingInViewControllerClass, removeDisableDistanceHandlingInViewControllerClass method.
- Added toolbarDoneBarButtonItemText, toolbarTintColor property.
- Added shouldRestoreScrollViewContentOffset to UIScrollView category.
- Deprecated disableInViewControllerClass, removeDisableInViewControllerClass and replaced with new one for better name understanding, this will be remove in future release.
- Deprecated shouldRestoreScrollViewContentOffset of IQKeyboardManager class, this will be remove in future release.
- Fixed a bug with Pass through touches when resigning on touch outside.
- Fixed an issue where contentSize of UIScrollView doesn't restored to it's original size.
- Loading Appearance proxy to load at app start to improve performance for showing keyboard first time.
- Dropped iOS6 support.
- Updated swift library to swift 2.1.
- Removed toolbarManageBehaviour from IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler, now this will read from IQKeyboardManager property.
- Fixed an crash where some custom view's doesn't support to call setInputAccessoryView.
- Fixed some more critical crashes happened due to latest updates.
- Fixed some appearance proxy related issues with toolbar and toolbar buttons.
- Added Travis CI for build status.
- Dropped iOS5 support.
- Updated swift library to swift 2.0.
- Added different movement logic for bottomLayoutGuide and topLayoutGuide.
- Fixed an issue with iOS8 where toolbar arrows were missing with CocoaPods when used with user_framework! option.
- Added UI Test cases.
- Fixed a condition when UITextView is inside UIScrollView.
- Fixed an issue with wrong title on toolbar.
- Added Carthage Support.
- Fixed an issue with adjusting UiTextView height.
- Added isDisableInViewControllerClass, isDisableToolbarInViewControllerClass, isConsiderToolbarPreviousNextInViewClass methods.
- Added keyboardDistanceFromTextField customization property to set for specific UITextField/UITextView.
- Added layoutIfNeededOnUpdate property.
- Added IQLayoutGuideConstraint property with UIViewController category.
- Enhanced README.md with more examples.
- Fixed placeholder text position with IQTextView.
- Fixed an issue where hidden UITextFields were not skipping.
- Fixed a contentInset issue with UIScrollView support.
- Updated swift library to swift 1.2.
- Added to go next/previous programmatically, added canGoPrevious, canGoNext properties and goPrevious, goNext methods.
- Fixed an issue with iOS8 where toolbar arrows were missing with CocoaPods installation.
- Added shouldRestoreScrollViewContentOffset.
- Added disableInViewControllerClass, disableToolbarInViewControllerClass, considerToolbarPreviousNextInViewClass methods.
- Adopted KeyboardAppearance style for keyboard toolbar.
- Fixed some toolbar caching and next/previous enable/disable related issues.
- Added shouldFixTextViewClip property.
- Added custom previous/next/done call methods registration.
- Removed support for Framework, now developer needs to compile for framework if they need.
- Fixed an issue where textField was hiding behind keyboard when textField was in UIScrollView and it's contentSize is less than it's height.
- Fixed an issue where shouldResignOnTouchOutside preventing tap to UIControl subclasses.
- Fixed some next/previous issues related to UITableView.
- Fixed an issue for UIPageViewController internal scrollView.
- Enhanced logging by printing all internal calculation in console.
- Improved swift version with recommended style guide.
- Fixed an issue with UIAlertView's internal UIViewController.
- Added isAskingCanBecomeFirstResponder for a workaround with textFieldShouldBeginEditing delegate method.
- Fixed an overflow crash with textFieldViewDidChange.
- Fixed an issue where some textField refuse to resign specially when textFields were on UITableView and tableView reload on textFieldShouldEndEditing.
- Fixed an scrolling issue with UIScrollView and it's subclasses.
- Instance variable name changes.
- Restructured project.
- Added support for UICollectionView.
- Added preventShowingBottomBlankSpace property.
- Added IQAutoToolbarByPosition.
- Fully updated Swift version to match Objective-C version.
- Improved README and added some more documentation on how to use library.
- Fixed some bugs with UIScrollView handling.
- Fixed an issue where previous/next enable/disable was not working properly.
- Fixed some issues where UIViewController's view wasn't restoring to initial position.
- Fixed an issue where return key wasn't updated by IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler.
- Fixed some issues with canAdjustTextView for iOS8 due to orientation API changes.
- Improve distance calculation logic with status bar frame.
- Fixed some issues with UiAlertSheetTextField in iOS8.
- Fixed an issue with inputAccessoryView cache.
- Fixed an issue where keyWindow doesn't get updated if application keyWindow change.
- Fixed an isssue where keyboard get dismissed with resetting textView frame.
- Migrated syntax to Modern ObjC.
- Added UIView hierarchy debugging methods.
- Added Swift version support.
- Optimized for iOS8.
- Fixed UIToolbar resizing issue finally.
- Added delegate support in IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler.
- Updated documentation regarding IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler.
- Added IQKeyboardReturnKeyHandler.
- Fixed tintColor issue with IQToolbar UIBarButtonItem's.
- Reverted UIToolbar resizing related fixes done with 3.0.6.
- Fixed an issue with detecting UISearchBar textField.
- Fixed an issue with iOS7 UITableViewCell internal UIScrollView.
- Fixed an issue with UIToolbar resizing bug. (Later this fix introduce another bug)
- Enhanced demo app.
- Added overrideKeyboardAppearance, keyboardAppearance property.
- Added shouldHideTitle property in IQUIView+IQKeyboardToolbar.
- Fixed IQTextView placeholder update issues for older iOS versions.
- Fixed a bug with UIScrollView contentOffset restoration.
- Fixed a bug where any toolbar added by user is removed by library.
- Added placeholderFont property.
- Improved documentation for Manual Management.
- Fixed a bug with resetting textView frame when orientation.
- Fixed an issue with resetting textView frame to it's original position when resigning.
- Added shouldAdoptDefaultKeyboardAnimation property.
- Disabled toolbar for UISearchBar and UIAlertView inner textField'.
- Fixed toolbar resizing issue on orientation change.
- Fixed buggy animations when keyboard show/hide.
- Replaced UIBarButtonItem with IQBarButtonItem to overcome with appearance proxy related bugs.
- Added shouldPlayInputClicks, shouldToolbarUsesTextFieldTintColor property.
- Overrided +(void)load method to load IQKeyboardManager on class load.
- Added easy category methods to UIView+IQKeyboardToolbar.h file.
- Added IQTextView for placeholder support.
- Updated README.md with video link.
- Added shouldShowTextFieldPlaceholder property.
- Fixed a contentOffset bug with UITextView in iOS7.
- Added IQKEYBOARDMANAGER_DEBUG preprocessor for debugging purposes.
- Added UITableView support.
- Fixed an issue with a case where textView height is too big.
- Added shouldResignOnTouchOutside property.
- Added canAdjustTextView property.
- Added how to use example.
- Added UIScrollView support.
- Added UIView category methods to easily add Next Previous button toolbars.
- Added iOS7 style previous/next button images.
- Added enableAutoToolbar support by Subviews and Tag.
- sharedInstance support.
- Fixes framing bug with ModalViewController when presentation style is FormSheet/PageSheet in iPad.
- fixed some issues with LandscapeLeft offset calculations.
- Optimized for iOS7.
- Basic distance handling of UITextField and UITextView.
- Added Previous/Next UISegmentControl for moving between textFields.
- Added enableKeyboardManager, disableKeyboardManager methods.
- Added keyboardDistanceFromTextField, enabled properties.
- Added Device Orientation support.
- Added README.md.
- Added iOS NSNotification Mechanism chart.