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AVideo Platform API

Daniel Neto edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 9 revisions

We build an application program interface (API) for AVideo, which is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for third-party applications.

For example, we use our API plugin in our mobile application, which means you also can develop any other application using the same API

  1. First thing, make sure you enable your API plugin.
  2. We provide an Info button on this plugin, to help you understand the resources we have. To access this info you must be an admin. For example, the demo site API info is



Most of the resources require you to submit a user and password, so it can return the proper response.

For example, to add a like, you will need also to provide what the user is requesting it.

you can provide an encoded or a raw password, The encodedPass parameter means you will send an encrypted password (Hash), the password hash is different per website, if you want to know what is a hash for a specific password you can use the encryptPass URL. On the demo site, the URL is the following:

You will need to provide the password, so the raw password will be 123 and the hash will be returned in a JSON response

So you have 2 options to submit a Like to a video:

  1. (Raw)

  2. (Encoded)

Upload Video

You can also submit videos from third parties apps to the Streamer, so the Streamer will manage all Security and permissions and send them to the encoder.

We prepare a guide to show you how to do it.

Sample API call video response

The example below is the output for the call

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