大对象(large object)(>32kb)直接从 Go 堆上进行分配,不涉及 mcache/mcentral/mheap 之间的三级过程,也就相对简单。
// 大对象分配
var s *mspan
systemstack(func() {
s = largeAlloc(size, needzero, noscan)
s.freeindex = 1
s.allocCount = 1
x = unsafe.Pointer(s.base())
size = s.elemsize
可以看到,大对象所分配的 mspan 是直接通过 largeAlloc
func largeAlloc(size uintptr, needzero bool, noscan bool) *mspan {
// 对象太大,溢出
if size+_PageSize < size {
throw("out of memory")
// 根据分配的大小计算需要分配的页数
npages := size >> _PageShift
if size&_PageMask != 0 {
// 从堆上分配
s := mheap_.alloc(npages, makeSpanClass(0, noscan), true, needzero)
if s == nil {
throw("out of memory")
s.limit = s.base() + size
return s
从堆上分配调用了 alloc
方法,这个方法需要指明要分配的页数、span 的大小等级、是否为大对象、是否清零:
func (h *mheap) alloc(npage uintptr, spanclass spanClass, large bool, needzero bool) *mspan {
var s *mspan
systemstack(func() {
s = h.alloc_m(npage, spanclass, large)
if s != nil {
// 需要清零时,对分配的 span 进行清零
if needzero && s.needzero != 0 {
memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(s.base()), s.npages<<_PageShift)
// 标记已经清零
s.needzero = 0
return s
func (h *mheap) alloc_m(npage uintptr, spanclass spanClass, large bool) *mspan {
_g_ := getg()
_g_.m.mcache.local_scan = 0
_g_.m.mcache.local_tinyallocs = 0
s := h.allocSpanLocked(npage, &memstats.heap_inuse)
if s != nil {
s.state = mSpanInUse
s.allocCount = 0
s.spanclass = spanclass
if sizeclass := spanclass.sizeclass(); sizeclass == 0 {
s.elemsize = s.npages << _PageShift
s.divShift = 0
s.divMul = 0
s.divShift2 = 0
s.baseMask = 0
} else {
s.elemsize = uintptr(class_to_size[sizeclass])
m := &class_to_divmagic[sizeclass]
s.divShift = m.shift
s.divMul = m.mul
s.divShift2 = m.shift2
s.baseMask = m.baseMask
// Mark in-use span in arena page bitmap.
arena, pageIdx, pageMask := pageIndexOf(s.base())
arena.pageInUse[pageIdx] |= pageMask
// update stats, sweep lists
h.pagesInUse += uint64(npage)
if large {
mheap_.largealloc += uint64(s.elemsize)
return s
func (h *mheap) allocSpanLocked(npage uintptr, stat *uint64) *mspan {
var s *mspan
// 从堆中获取 span
s = h.pickFreeSpan(npage)
if s != nil {
goto HaveSpan
// 堆中没无法获取到 span,这时需要对堆进行增长
if !h.grow(npage) {
return nil
// 再获取一次
s = h.pickFreeSpan(npage)
if s != nil {
goto HaveSpan
throw("grew heap, but no adequate free span found")
if s.npages > npage {
t := (*mspan)(h.spanalloc.alloc())
t.init(s.base()+npage<<_PageShift, s.npages-npage)
s.npages = npage
h.setSpan(t.base()-1, s)
h.setSpan(t.base(), t)
h.setSpan(t.base()+t.npages*pageSize-1, t)
t.needzero = s.needzero
start, end := t.physPageBounds()
if s.scavenged && start < end {
memstats.heap_released += uint64(end - start)
t.scavenged = true
s.state = mSpanManual
t.state = mSpanManual
h.freeSpanLocked(t, false, false, s.unusedsince)
s.state = mSpanFree
if s.scavenged {
sysUsed(unsafe.Pointer(s.base()), s.npages<<_PageShift)
s.scavenged = false
s.state = mSpanManual
h.scavengeLargest(s.npages * pageSize)
s.state = mSpanFree
s.unusedsince = 0
h.setSpans(s.base(), npage, s)
if s.inList() {
throw("still in list")
return s
从堆上获取 span 会同时检查 free
和 scav
func (h *mheap) pickFreeSpan(npage uintptr) *mspan {
tf := h.free.find(npage)
ts := h.scav.find(npage)
var s *mspan
// 选择更小的 span,然后返回
if tf != nil && (ts == nil || tf.spanKey.npages <= ts.spanKey.npages) {
s = tf.spanKey
} else if ts != nil && (tf == nil || tf.spanKey.npages > ts.spanKey.npages) {
s = ts.spanKey
return s
free 和 scav 均为树堆,其数据结构的性质我们已经很熟悉了。
func (h *mheap) grow(npage uintptr) bool {
ask := npage << _PageShift
nBase := round(h.curArena.base+ask, physPageSize)
if nBase > h.curArena.end {
// Not enough room in the current arena. Allocate more
// arena space. This may not be contiguous with the
// current arena, so we have to request the full ask.
av, asize := h.sysAlloc(ask)
if av == nil {
print("runtime: out of memory: cannot allocate ", ask, "-byte block (", memstats.heap_sys, " in use)\n")
return false
if uintptr(av) == h.curArena.end {
// The new space is contiguous with the old
// space, so just extend the current space.
h.curArena.end = uintptr(av) + asize
} else {
// The new space is discontiguous. Track what
// remains of the current space and switch to
// the new space. This should be rare.
if size := h.curArena.end - h.curArena.base; size != 0 {
h.growAddSpan(unsafe.Pointer(h.curArena.base), size)
// Switch to the new space.
h.curArena.base = uintptr(av)
h.curArena.end = uintptr(av) + asize
// The memory just allocated counts as both released
// and idle, even though it's not yet backed by spans.
// The allocation is always aligned to the heap arena
// size which is always > physPageSize, so its safe to
// just add directly to heap_released. Coalescing, if
// possible, will also always be correct in terms of
// accounting, because s.base() must be a physical
// page boundary.
memstats.heap_released += uint64(asize)
memstats.heap_idle += uint64(asize)
// Recalculate nBase
nBase = round(h.curArena.base+ask, physPageSize)
// Grow into the current arena.
v := h.curArena.base
h.curArena.base = nBase
h.growAddSpan(unsafe.Pointer(v), nBase-v)
return true
func (h *mheap) growAddSpan(v unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) {
// Scavenge some pages to make up for the virtual memory space
// we just allocated, but only if we need to.
s := (*mspan)(h.spanalloc.alloc())
s.init(uintptr(v), size/pageSize)
h.setSpans(s.base(), s.npages, s)
s.state = mSpanFree
// [v, v+size) is always in the Prepared state. The new span
// must be marked scavenged so the allocator transitions it to
// Ready when allocating from it.
s.scavenged = true
// This span is both released and idle, but grow already
// updated both memstats.
通过 h.sysAlloc
从已经保留的 arena 中获得内存,无法获取到合适的内存后,才会正式向操作系统申请,而后对其进行初始化:
func (h *mheap) sysAlloc(n uintptr) (v unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) {
n = round(n, heapArenaBytes)
// 优先从已经保留的 arena 中获取
v = h.arena.alloc(n, heapArenaBytes, &memstats.heap_sys)
if v != nil {
size = n
goto mapped
// 如果获取不到,再尝试增长 arena hint
for h.arenaHints != nil {
hint := h.arenaHints
p := hint.addr
if hint.down {
p -= n
if p+n < p { // 溢出
v = nil
} else if arenaIndex(p+n-1) >= 1<<arenaBits { // 溢出
v = nil
} else {
v = sysReserve(unsafe.Pointer(p), n)
if p == uintptr(v) {
// 获取成功,更新 arena hint
if !hint.down {
p += n
hint.addr = p
size = n
// 失败,丢弃并重新尝试
if v != nil {
sysFree(v, n, nil)
h.arenaHints = hint.next
if size == 0 {
v, size = sysReserveAligned(nil, n, heapArenaBytes)
if v == nil {
return nil, 0
// 创建新的 hint 来增长此区域
hint := (*arenaHint)(h.arenaHintAlloc.alloc())
hint.addr, hint.down = uintptr(v), true
hint.next, mheap_.arenaHints = mheap_.arenaHints, hint
hint = (*arenaHint)(h.arenaHintAlloc.alloc())
hint.addr = uintptr(v) + size
hint.next, mheap_.arenaHints = mheap_.arenaHints, hint
// 检查不能使用的指针
// 正式开始使用保留的内存
sysMap(v, size, &memstats.heap_sys)
// 创建 arena 的 metadata
for ri := arenaIndex(uintptr(v)); ri <= arenaIndex(uintptr(v)+size-1); ri++ {
l2 := h.arenas[ri.l1()]
if l2 == nil {
// 分配 L2 arena map
l2 = (*[1 << arenaL2Bits]*heapArena)(persistentalloc(unsafe.Sizeof(*l2), sys.PtrSize, nil))
if l2 == nil {
throw("out of memory allocating heap arena map")
if l2[ri.l2()] != nil {
throw("arena already initialized")
var r *heapArena
r = (*heapArena)(h.heapArenaAlloc.alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(*r), sys.PtrSize, &memstats.gc_sys))
if r == nil {
r = (*heapArena)(persistentalloc(unsafe.Sizeof(*r), sys.PtrSize, &memstats.gc_sys))
if r == nil {
throw("out of memory allocating heap arena metadata")
// 将 arena 添加到 arena 列表中
if len(h.allArenas) == cap(h.allArenas) {
size := 2 * uintptr(cap(h.allArenas)) * sys.PtrSize
if size == 0 {
size = physPageSize
newArray := (*notInHeap)(persistentalloc(size, sys.PtrSize, &memstats.gc_sys))
if newArray == nil {
throw("out of memory allocating allArenas")
oldSlice := h.allArenas
*(*notInHeapSlice)(unsafe.Pointer(&h.allArenas)) = notInHeapSlice{newArray, len(h.allArenas), int(size / sys.PtrSize)}
copy(h.allArenas, oldSlice)
h.allArenas = h.allArenas[:len(h.allArenas)+1]
h.allArenas[len(h.allArenas)-1] = ri
- 首先会通过现有的 arena 中获得已经保留的内存区域,如果能获取到,则直接对 arena 进行初始化;
- 如果没有,则会通过
为 arena 保留新的内存区域,并通过sysReserveAligned
正式使用所在区块的内存。 - 在 arena 初始化阶段,本质上是为 arena 创建 metadata,这部分内存属于堆外内存,即不会被 GC 所追踪的内存,因而通过 persistentalloc 进行分配。
是 sysAlloc
func persistentalloc(size, align uintptr, sysStat *uint64) unsafe.Pointer {
var p *notInHeap
systemstack(func() {
p = persistentalloc1(size, align, sysStat)
return unsafe.Pointer(p)
func persistentalloc1(size, align uintptr, sysStat *uint64) *notInHeap {
const (
maxBlock = 64 << 10 // VM reservation granularity is 64K on windows
// 不允许分配大小为 0 的空间
if size == 0 {
throw("persistentalloc: size == 0")
// 对齐数必须为 2 的指数、且不大于 PageSize
if align != 0 {
if align&(align-1) != 0 {
throw("persistentalloc: align is not a power of 2")
if align > _PageSize {
throw("persistentalloc: align is too large")
} else {
// 若未指定则默认为 8
align = 8
// 分配大内存:分配的大小如果超过最大的 block 大小,则直接调用 sysAlloc 进行分配
if size >= maxBlock {
return (*notInHeap)(sysAlloc(size, sysStat))
// 分配小内存:在 m 上进行
// 先获取 m
mp := acquirem()
var persistent *persistentAlloc
if mp != nil && mp.p != 0 { // 如果能够获取到 m 且同时持有 p,则直接分配到 p 的 palloc 上
persistent = &mp.p.ptr().palloc
} else { // 否则就分配到全局的 globalAlloc.persistentAlloc 上
persistent = &globalAlloc.persistentAlloc
// 四舍五入 off 到 align 的倍数
persistent.off = round(persistent.off, align)
if persistent.off+size > persistentChunkSize || persistent.base == nil {
persistent.base = (*notInHeap)(sysAlloc(persistentChunkSize, &memstats.other_sys))
if persistent.base == nil {
if persistent == &globalAlloc.persistentAlloc {
throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory")
for {
chunks := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(persistentChunks))
*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(persistent.base)) = chunks
if atomic.Casuintptr((*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&persistentChunks)), chunks, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(persistent.base))) {
persistent.off = sys.PtrSize
p := persistent.base.add(persistent.off)
persistent.off += size
if persistent == &globalAlloc.persistentAlloc {
return p
可以看到,这里申请到的内存会被记录到 globalAlloc
var globalAlloc struct {
type persistentAlloc struct {
base *notInHeap // 空结构,内存首地址
off uintptr // 偏移量
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