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84 lines (54 loc) · 3.58 KB

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84 lines (54 loc) · 3.58 KB



Bug fixes

  • Split user and internal commands buffers


Added support for RabbitMQ 3.13, with Route, Partitions and SuperStreams support.

0.4.0 Features

  • Support for :consumerupdate, :exchangecommandversions, :streamstats, commands.
  • Serialization options for encoding and decoding messages.
  • TLS Support
  • Functional single-active-consumer.
  • Initial support for :filter_value consumer parameter, and :createsuperstream, :deletesuperstream, :route, :partitions commands.
  • Initial support for SuperStreams, with RabbitMQStream.SuperConsumer and RabbitMQStream.SuperPublisher.
  • Added handle_message/1 callback for processing messages individually, ignoring messages happened before the minimal :offset exepected by the consumer, and the messages that don't match the :filter_value, as documented on the blog post

0.4.0 Changes

The 'Message' module tree was refactored to make all the Encoding and Decoding logic stay close to each other.

  • Improved the cleanup logic for closing the connection.
  • Publishers and Consumers now expects any name of a GenServer process, instead of a Module.
  • Added checks on supported commands based on Server version, and exchanged commands versions.

0.4.0 Breaking Changes

  • Renamed RabbitMQStream.Subscriber to RabbitMQStream.Consumer
  • Renamed RabbitMQStream.Publisher to RabbitMQStream.Producer
  • Each Deliver action made by the connection is now done with a `{:deliver, %RabbitMQStream.Message.Types.DeliverData{}} tuple
  • Offset Tracking now prefers to use CommitedOffset when available
  • The handle_chunk/1 callback no longer receives decoded messages. It must be done manually by the user.


Added an implementation for a stream Consumer, fixed bugs and improved the documentation.

0.3.0 Features

  • Added the :credit command.
  • Added RabbitMQStream.Subscriber, which subscribes to a stream, while tracking its offset and credit based on customizeable strategies.
  • Added the possibility of globally configuring the default Connection for Publishers and Subscribers

0.3.0 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where tcp packages with multiple commands where not being correctly parsed, and in reversed order

0.3.0 Changes

  • RabbitMQStream.Publisher no longer calls connect on the Connection during its setup.
  • Moved RabbitMQStream.Publisher's setup logic into handle_continue, to prevent locking up the application startup.
  • RabbitMQStream.Publisher no longer declares the stream if it doesn't exists.
  • RabbitMQStream.Publisher module now can optionally declare a before_start/2 callback, which is called before it calls declare_publisher/2, and can be used to create the stream if it doesn't exists.
  • RabbitMQStream.Connection now buffers the requests while the connection is not yet :open.

0.3.0 Breaking Changes

  • Subscription deliver messages are now in the format {:chunk, %RabbitMQ.OsirisChunk{}}.


Documentation and Configuration refactoring

  • It is now possible to define the connection and subscriber parameters throught the config.exs file
  • Documentation improvements, and examples


The main objective of this release is to remove the manually added code from rabbitmq_stream_common's Erlang implementation of Encoding and Decoding logic, with frame buffering.


Initial release with the following features:

  • Opening connection to RabbitMQ server
  • Declaring a Stream
  • Creating a Stream Publisher
  • Subscribing to Stream Messages
  • Initial Hex Release