Added method to write KDE.dat file. Added default filenames for the h…
Added method to write KDE.dat file. Added default filenames for the h…
Removed gmsh from testing CMakeLists
Removed gmsh from testing CMakeLists
Fixed tests with new custom exceptions. Custom exceptions restructure…
Fixed tests with new custom exceptions. Custom exceptions restructure…
Reformatted with black and linted with flake8 successfully
Reformatted with black and linted with flake8 successfully
Added custom exceptions to all the code components, renamed header gu…
Added custom exceptions to all the code components, renamed header gu…
Improved showing git changes animation using 'gource'
Improved showing git changes animation using 'gource'
TODO: Fix recording particle movements (file is empty), check settled…
TODO: Fix recording particle movements (file is empty), check settled…
Fix main modeling loop for the CUDA
Fix main modeling loop for the CUDA
Added Cursor IDE rules for the c++ and python code + project description
Added Cursor IDE rules for the c++ and python code + project description
Fixed tests according to new types and updated source code
Fixed tests according to new types and updated source code
Added example of the mesh file and config for simple case - two plates
Added example of the mesh file and config for simple case - two plates
Removed unnecessary endline in success message with observer
Removed unnecessary endline in success message with observer
Omitting already settled particles by checking their availability in set
Omitting already settled particles by checking their availability in set
Removed unnecessary output
Removed unnecessary output
Implemented simple sputtering model and using new static methods from…
Implemented simple sputtering model and using new static methods from…
Using new PICEngine class static methods to work with sputtering model
Using new PICEngine class static methods to work with sputtering model
Suggested approach to decrease memory usage of json file and lookup e…
Suggested approach to decrease memory usage of json file and lookup e…
Added doxygen description to the getCellsByPhysicalGroupName()
Added doxygen description to the getCellsByPhysicalGroupName()
Added new method to collect cells info and refactored sputteringmodel…
Added new method to collect cells info and refactored sputteringmodel…
Added 2nd step - uniformly generating particles on target surface
Added 2nd step - uniformly generating particles on target surface
1st step completed: Creation of 3D model + AABB for the surface mesh
1st step completed: Creation of 3D model + AABB for the surface mesh
Added additional checking to the main.cpp and created dir for the Two…
Added additional checking to the main.cpp and created dir for the Two…