Axiline is a framework for synthesizing small ML algorithms, creating efficient Verilog-based implementations by directly synthesizing the sr-DFG. Axiline support multiple modes that can transfer the small ML algorithm into RTL including non-template-based directly transferring, and templated based pipeline design. This document will help you get up and running.
The following dependencies must be met by your system:
- python >= 3.7 (For PEP 560 support)
- Polymath compiler is required to transfer the small ML algorithm from .onnx into sr-DFG
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd public/axiline
Step 2: Create a Python virtualenv
Note: You may choose to skip this step if you are doing a system-wide install for multiple users. Please DO NOT skip this step if you are installing for personal use and/or you are a developer.
$ python -m venv general
$ source general/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install pip --upgrade
Step 3: Install PolyMath
As a framework comprised of both a high-level language and an embedded Python language for compilation on heterogenous hardware, PolyMath is used for generating the DFG from ONNX in Axiline compiler.
Axiline has three mode of transferring small matrix/vector multiplication-based ML algorithm into Verilog:
Typical small matrix/vector multiplication-based ML algorithms include logistic regression
, linear regression
, recommender systems
, backpropagations
(less or equivalent to 2 FC layer)
- Directly transfer DFG into combinational Verilog
- Use predefined pipeline architectures to implement the ML algorithm (inference/training)
- Template-based design
Call "axiline_compiler" to initiate Verilog generation and select one mode out of three.
axiline_compiler(<mode>, <onnx_path>, <bandwidth>, <template_path>, <output_path>)
python3 -m mode -op <onnx_path> -b <bandwidth> -tp <template_path> -o <output_path>
should be a integer 1,2,3 corresponding to 3 listed modes
should be a integer used to determined parallelism, which is in number of bit per cycle.
should be a string of path to the folder containing Verilog for all template, only optional for template design. If not specified, compiler will use default templates.
should be a string of path for output files.
Axiline is able to transfer decision tree inference algorithms into pipelined designs, supporting user-defined parallelism and number of pipeline stages. Call "axiline_dt_compiler" to run the scheduling for decision tree.
axiline_dt_compiler(<decision_tree>, <num_unit>, <output_path>)
should be a path of string to output directory.
indicate number of unit which should be an integer or a list of integers. Integer means all pipeline stage has the same units,
A list of integers indicate the number of units in stages. If number of unit more than needed will be ignored.
If there is not enough stages/units, the compiler will exit with an Error.
In current version, Axiline decision tree compiler only support an interface to sklearn DecisionTreeClassifier.
should be a sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier objective in current version.
- Some testing examples are in
- Generated Verilog for
logistic regression
,linear regression
,recommender systems
are in/axiline/hardware
- Some script used to generate RTL are in
. E.g, are used to generate Verilog module (Fixed-point, LUT-based) for sigmoid function.
If you use this work, please cite our paper.
Z. Zeng and S. S. Sapatnekar, "Energy-efficient Hardware Acceleration of Shallow Machine Learning Applications," 2023 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.23919/DATE56975.2023.10137232.