diff --git a/web/changelog.md b/web/changelog.md index 6ab622a101..1a21156a07 100644 --- a/web/changelog.md +++ b/web/changelog.md @@ -18,7 +18,36 @@ and start a new "Upcoming" section. {% include changelog_header.html version="Upcoming" %} -* Add: Pollidisiac can feed flowers to brown mooshrooms so they produce suspicious stew +{% include changelog_header.html version="1.20.1-442" %} + +* Relaxed forge version requirement to 47.1.3 + * This is for compatibility with many other mods who have this as their highest supported version +* Add: Vitreous pickaxe can now silk touch glass panes (Wormbo) +* Add: Mystical flowers can now be composted (Wormbo) +* Add: Improved rotation support for various blocks. This makes the following blocks able to be rotated by wand of the forest better, as well as by other mods' wands (Wormbo): + * Manatide Bellows + * Fel Pumpkin + * Incense Plate + * Mana Pump + * Tiny Potato +* Add: Bowl of water now has a crafting remainder of empty bowl +* Add: Pollidisiac can feed flowers to brown mooshrooms so they produce suspicious stew (Wormbo) +* Add: Soul soil can be made from soul sand with an alchemy catalyst +* Change: Updates to Chinese translation (Dawnwalker666) +* Change: Reduced narslimmus mana output to 25% in Garden of Glass (Wormbo) +* Change: Rewrote how wand of the forest rotates blocks, more details in [this commit](https://github.com/VazkiiMods/Botania/commit/3dc86fe79ea4f67325a50b6da65337a3735d08b4) (Wormbo) +* Change: Runic altar and mana pool-spawned items no longer have a cooldown before they can enter the pool/altar again, and instead do not re-enter the altar or pool until picked up. +* Change: Hopperhocks' 5 tick pickup delay now applies to items spawned from alfheim portals and petal apothecaries, not just runic altars and mana pools. +* Change: The mana pool recipe HUD is now above the crosshair if holding a wand of the forest in your off-hand, to not collide with the wand HUD (Wormbo) +* Change: Garden of Glass pebbles now drop 100% of the time, instead of 80% +* Change: Living root now drops 4 instead of 2-4 +* Change: Fel blazes now always drop 10 blaze powder when killed by a player (up to 16 with looting), and 6 when not +* Fix: Change gold to copper in the elven mana description (Elitemagikarp) +* Fix: Force relay fixes (Wormbo): + * Fix the force relay pushing the wrong way if it is part of a retracting sticky piston's block structure + * Don't assume that the location where the force push seemingly originates from contains an unmovable block +* Fix: Corporea crystal cube crash (Wormbo) +* Fix: Bad link to orechid entry in Garden of Glass entry ---