- 👋 Hi, I’m Utsav Kashyap
- 👀 I’m interested in Software Development and Data Science
- 🌱 I’m currently learning System Design
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects and innovative data science solutions
- 📫 How to reach me
- Linkedin Profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/utsav-kashyap-1aaaa4267
- Codechef Profile - https://www.codechef.com/users/optimal_solver
- CodeForces Profile - https://codeforces.com/profile/Utsav_Kashyap
- Leetcode Profile - https://leetcode.com/u/Utsav_K19
- GeeksforGeeks Profile - https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/user/utsav_17
- CodingNinjas Profile - https://www.naukri.com/code360/profile/BEAST_17
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I’ve traveled to many different places and am always on the lookout for my next adventure.