Last updated: 2021-07-25
Your submission must:
- follow the formatting style of the existing entries
- include either a link to your source code or support server1
- be placed in the proper modloader category
- be up-to-date with the current upstream
branch - update the
Last updated
date using the ISO 8601 as defined here
Your submission must not:
- be a skid2
- already exist in the index
- have spelling or grammar errors
1 A "support server" can be any of:
- Website
- Subreddit or other forum
- Discord/Guilded server
- others may be accepted; if in doubt, try it, and you'll be asked to change it if it's a problem
2 We define a "skid" as:
taking others code and passing it off as your own and not crediting the original work
Please note that a skid should not be confused with a port or a fork. Some mods may include the term "skid" in their title, but this is not an official indicator of a skid.