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File metadata and controls

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运行 Utopia_App_Editor 即可启动 Editor



Utopia 还处于快速开发中,因此其功能在易用性上还是极度欠缺的


底层框架是用 ECS 构成的,在 Unity 中通过编写组件实现功能的扩展,这里也类似,通过编写组件和系统实现对引擎的功能扩展。

编辑器由 3 个 World 构成(Game,Scene,Editor),所有的引擎功能皆由组件,系统和一些辅助类实现。Editor 类将三个 world 都暴露出来了,用户可以通过修改 world 内的 E、C、S 来定制自己的功能。


ECS 的编写方式,参考 UECS 的使用示例和源码注释,也可以看看 Unity 的 ECS 文档了解大致思路

目前的 ECS 图如下

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ECS graphviz source code gravizo_mask_ecs digraph G { node [ fontcolor = "white" fontname = "consolas" style = "filled" ] subgraph "Component Nodes" { node [ color = "#6597AD" shape = "ellipse" ] "struct Ubpa::Utopia::LocalToParent" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Children" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Rotation" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Roamer" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::LocalToWorld" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::WorldToLocal" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Parent" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::RotationEuler" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Scale" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Translation" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Camera" } subgraph "Singleton Nodes" { node [ color = "#BFB500" shape = "ellipse" ] "struct Ubpa::Utopia::WorldTime" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Input" } subgraph "System Function Nodes" { node [ color = "#F79646" shape = "box" ] "WorldTimeSystem" "LocalToParentSystem" "WorldToLocalSystem" "RotationEulerSystem" "TRSToLocalToParentSystem" "TRSToWorldToLocalSystem" "CameraSystem" "InputSystem" "RoamerSystem" } subgraph "LastFrame Edges" { edge [ color = "#60C5F1" ] } subgraph "Write Edges" { edge [ color = "#F47378" ] "TRSToLocalToParentSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::LocalToParent" "WorldTimeSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::WorldTime" "CameraSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Camera" "LocalToParentSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::LocalToWorld" "WorldToLocalSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::WorldToLocal" "RotationEulerSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Rotation" "TRSToWorldToLocalSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::LocalToWorld" "InputSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Input" "RoamerSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Translation" "RoamerSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Rotation" } subgraph "Latest Edges" { edge [ color = "#6BD089" ] "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Translation" -> "TRSToLocalToParentSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Children" -> "LocalToParentSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::LocalToWorld" -> "WorldToLocalSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::RotationEuler" -> "RotationEulerSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Scale" -> "TRSToLocalToParentSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Rotation" -> "TRSToLocalToParentSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Scale" -> "TRSToWorldToLocalSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Translation" -> "TRSToWorldToLocalSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Rotation" -> "TRSToWorldToLocalSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Roamer" -> "RoamerSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::WorldTime" -> "RoamerSystem" "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Input" -> "RoamerSystem" } subgraph "Order Edges" { edge [ color = "#00A2E8" ] "TRSToLocalToParentSystem" -> "LocalToParentSystem" "TRSToWorldToLocalSystem" -> "LocalToParentSystem" } subgraph "All Edges" { edge [ arrowhead = "crow" color = "#C785C8" style = "dashed" ] } subgraph "Any Edges" { edge [ arrowhead = "diamond" color = "#C785C8" style = "dashed" ] } subgraph "None Edges" { edge [ arrowhead = "odot" color = "#C785C8" style = "dashed" ] "LocalToParentSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::Parent" "TRSToWorldToLocalSystem" -> "struct Ubpa::Utopia::LocalToParent" } node [ color=".0 .0 .0" ]; } gravizo_mask_ecs


Utopia 使用了 ImGui 作为 UI 框架,并且为每一个 world 都实现了一套 imgui 的 context,用户可以在 ECS 的同步点(World::AddCommand())处实现对 UI 的处理(未来可能将 UI 逻辑放到 Job System 中执行,通过一个ECS 的“写组件”机制实现,一方面避免了写冲突,另一方面可以跟其他 job 并行)


Utopia 采用了类似 Unity 的资产管理方案,目前通过 GUID (在同名的 meta 文件内)来实现对资产的引用,这样用户可以随意修改文件名,挪到文件位置,而不会造成引用失效(通过路径方式指定就会依赖于文件名)。

Utopia 目前支持的资产分以下几种

  • 模型:目前支持 *.obj, *.ply,仅用于提供网格,目前只支持三角网格,如果模型不自带纹理坐标,法向,切向量这些,引擎会自动生成,并且不可修改。支持在系统中生成动态网格,但相应的 GPU 资源的释放目前还没做,用户也需要手动释放这个动态网格。
  • HLSL:内含 shader 代码
  • shader:类 ShaderLab,新增了对根参数的描述,要求将函数实现写在一个 HLSL 内,目前不支持跨平台跨特性
  • material:材质,用于对 shader 的各 property 进行赋值
  • image:支持 *.jpg, *.png, *.bmp, *.hdr,目前引擎内部直接把所有图形都转成 float 的形式,没有压缩,所以内存显存占用比较大,后续再做好图像压缩问题
  • texture 2D:对 image 的引用,用于给 material 内的 property(2D)赋值
  • texture cube:对 6 个 image / 1 个 image 的引用,用于给 material 内的 property(Cube)赋值
  • script:支持 lua,但目前整个脚本方案还不够完善,不使用


  • 启动时导入在 assets 文件夹内的所有资产
  • 在编辑器内可以浏览资产,并可以拖动资产以在 inspector 内赋值


  • 将资产放到文件夹内
  • 如果是贴图或HLSL,还需要编写相应的 texture 文件或 shader 文件(由于这些文件需要引用其他文件,所以还需要手动为需要引用的文件编写相应的 meta 文件)
  • 启动编辑器,完成新资产导入


目前,仅支持 DX12,也就意味着目前只支持 Windows

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Frame Graph graphviz source code gravizo_mask_fg digraph G { node [ fontcolor = "white" fontname = "consolas" style = "filled" ]; subgraph "Resource Nodes" { node [ color = "#F79646" shape = "box" ]; "GBuffer0" "GBuffer1" "GBuffer2" "Defer Lighted" "Defer Lighted with Sky" "Scene" "Present" "Defer Depth Stencil" "Forward Depth Stencil" "Irradiance Map" "PreFilter Map" } subgraph "Pass Nodes" { node [ color = "#6597AD" shape = "ellipse" ] "GBuffer Pass" "IBL" "Defer Lighting" "Skybox" "Forward" "Post Process" } subgraph "Read Edges" { edge [ color = "#9BBB59" ] "GBuffer0" -> "Defer Lighting" "Irradiance Map" -> "Forward" "GBuffer1" -> "Defer Lighting" "GBuffer2" -> "Defer Lighting" "Defer Depth Stencil" -> "Defer Lighting" "Irradiance Map" -> "Defer Lighting" "PreFilter Map" -> "Defer Lighting" "Defer Depth Stencil" -> "Skybox" "PreFilter Map" -> "Forward" "Scene" -> "Post Process" } subgraph "Write Edges" { edge [ color = "#ED1C24" ] "GBuffer Pass" -> "GBuffer0" "GBuffer Pass" -> "GBuffer1" "GBuffer Pass" -> "GBuffer2" "GBuffer Pass" -> "Defer Depth Stencil" "Defer Lighting" -> "Defer Lighted" "IBL" -> "Irradiance Map" "IBL" -> "PreFilter Map" "Skybox" -> "Defer Lighted with Sky" "Forward" -> "Forward Depth Stencil" "Forward" -> "Scene" "Post Process" -> "Present" } subgraph "Move Edges" { edge [ color = "#F79646" ] "Defer Lighted" -> "Defer Lighted with Sky" "Defer Lighted with Sky" -> "Scene" "Defer Depth Stencil" -> "Forward Depth Stencil" } node [ color=".0 .0 .0" ]; } gravizo_mask_fg

椭圆的是 pass,矩形的是 resource,绿边是读,红边是写,橙色边代表 move(仅起到换名作用)

一个资源,生命期为 move in -> write -> multi-read -> move out

由此,pass 的执行顺序可由 resource 的生命期而确定

Utopia 提供了类 ShaderLab 的声明语言(文件后缀为 shader),你可以在里边提供多个 pass,每个 pass 通过 LightMode 来决定其在 pipeline 的位置(Deferred 表示处于 Defer Lighting,Froward 表示处于 Forward),然后可以用 Queue 指定其在 pipeline pass 内的渲染顺序(0-2499 为非透明物体,2500以上为透明物体,同 queue 则从后往前绘制)


我们支持使用 log 来帮助开发者进行调试,我们采用了开源库 spdlog,使用简单,使用方法可参考