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Javascript application to interactuate with max services. This is presented as a standaolne jQuery plugin that autoloads asyncronously on any web page.

Development environment setup

To use the develop version of the widget, you need a full-stack max development environment. You can set up one following instructions on, using the devel.cfg setup.

Using the development widget

If you just set up your environment, you will have a running development widget at http://localhost:8081/maxui-dev/. This widget has been configured with a default timeline preset during the previous steps, and is ready to use.

You can change to context preset by accessing http://localhost:8081/maxui-dev?preset=context. To use this preset, you need to create contexts(s) and subscription(s):

./bin/max.devel add context contexturi contextname
./bin/max.devel add subscription username http://contexturi

where contexturi can be anything (usualy a valid URL) and username is an existing user on max. If you need more users, you can create them:

./bin/max.devel add user restricted

Now you can setup this new created context by filling the readContext option on src/max.ui5.js/presets/context.json with the contexturi you used to create the context.

There's one last preset, named conversations, that is a clone of the default timeline preset, that shows the conversations UI at loading instead of the timeline UI.

Bypass oauth authentication

It's useful to configure max to bypass oauth authentication, to be able to test and debug the widget with several users in the same environment/browser. To do so, modify this setting on file customizeme.cfg:

oauth_passtrough = true

Once modified, re-run buildout and restart max:

./bin/buildout -N -c devel.cfg
./bin/supervisorctl restart max


Each time you run the buildout, the changes on presets will be lost.

Now you can load several browser tabs with diferent users, by appending the parameter user=<username> in the url.

Developing instructions


Releasing a new widget version