Install CityData 2.8 using Ansible.
Ansible control machine running:
- boto3
- ansible 2.6 or greater
Check if boto3 is installed:
python -c "import boto3"
If this gives no output message, boto3 is installed.
If needed, install boto3:
pip install boto3
Check Ansible version:
ansible-playbook --version
If older than 2.6, upgrade Ansible:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible
On the AWS EC2 Console, under NETWORK & SECURITY > Key Pairs:
- Create a key pair called
Download and save the pem file.
If working on Windows, use PuTTYGen to convert the pem to a ppk for use in PuTTY.
Now create the stack, including EC2 instance, volumes and security group:
ansible-playbook stack.yml -i localhost_ENV --ask-vault-pass
where ENV = dev, test or prod. E.g. localhost_test
When prompted, enter the Ansible vault password for your project.
If successful this step will print the private IP address of the CityData EC2 instance created.
Copy this IP address into the relevant inventory and group_vars files for the environment you are creating (dev, test or prod).
Use PuTTY or similar to SSH from your laptop into the new CityData server. You will need a local copy of the key file CityData.ppk (or CityData.pem for Macs).
For PuTTY use the following settings:
- Session > Host name: CityData's private IP
- Session > Connection type: SSH
- Connection > Seconds between keepalives: 120
- Connection > Data > Auto-login username: ubuntu
- Connection > SSH > Auth > Private key file for authentication: path/to/CityData.ppk
The first time you SSH to the new server you will be asked to confirm.
On the Ansible control machine:
cat ~/.ssh/
Copy the content of to your clipboard.
On the CityData server:
vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Paste from the clipboard to a new line at the end of the file.
Now test the connection. On the Ansible control machine:
ssh <CityData private IP>
You will see a warning that the authenticity of the host can't be established.
Type yes
when prompted to permanently add the IP address of the CityData server to the list of known hosts.
You should now be logged into the CityData server.
Type exit
to return to the Ansible control machine.
The prep.yml
playbook sets the hostname and timezone and installs python2.7 on both servers. It then mounts the large disk on the CityData server and installs Nodejs on the NODE server.
Make sure your inventory file (dev, test or prod) contains the IP addresses of the server.
Run the playbook with:
ansible-playbook prep.yml -i ENV_py3
where ENV = dev, test or prod.
If you see:
TASK [prep_server : Set hostname] **********************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "Timeout (12s) waiting for privilege escalation prompt: "}
to retry, use: --limit @/home/ubuntu/ansible/geonode_install/prep.retry
This means the server is timing out trying to set the hostname because the current hostname is not recorded in /etc/hosts
Easiest response is to SSH into your new server and:
- Click on the current hostname which will be part of your shell prompt, e.g. the bold part of the prompt string below:
- Edit the hosts file with
sudo vi /etc/hosts
- Once in
, add (or change) second line to: CityData-ENV
where ENV is your target environment: dev, test or prod.
ansible-playbook geonode.yml -i ENV_py2 --ask-vault-pass
- ENV = dev, test or prod
If you see the message below, you''ve installed CityData and can now test the endpoints and continue configuration (below):
Geonode installed on http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS
where YOUR_IP_ADDRESS is the IP address of the server.
Now login to http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS
/geoserver as admin using the Geoserver admin password.
Change Master Password db store password in:
- Security > Passwords > Active master password provider > Change password