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Homework: Hadoop Distributed Sort with YARN and HDFS

VM Provisioning

Set up 3 VM instances on Softlayer: master, slave1, slave2.

Please add your public key while provisioning the VMs (slcli vs create ... --key KEYID) so that you can login from your client without a password.

Please note, Hadoop 2.7.4 updated how resources are enforced. The default configuration requires at least 8 CPUs/cores and 8G of RAM per node. You may choose to deploy with the increased ammount of resources or make some additional configuration updates that will be called out.

Get 2 CPUs, 4G of RAM, 1G private / public NICS and two disks: 25G and 100G local the idea is to use the 100G disk for HDFS data and the 25G disk for the OS and housekeeping.

Please note, Hadoop 2.7.4 updated how resources are enforced. The default configuration requires at least 8 CPUs/cores and 8G of RAM per node. You may choose to deploy with the increased ammount of resources or make some additional configuration updates that will be called out.

For the master, you might do something like this:

slcli vs create --datacenter=sjc01 --hostname=master --billing=hourly --key=<mykey> --cpu=2 --memory=4096 --disk=25 --disk=100 --network=1000 --os=CENTOS_LATEST_64

VM Configuration

Note: Instructions in this section are to be performed on each node unless otherwise stated.

Hosts file

  • Edit /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and change or remove the value of 'manage_etc_hosts'

  • Log into VMs (all 3 of them) and update /etc/hosts/ with each system's PRIVATE IP addresses, example hosts file: localhost.localdomain localhost master slave1 slave2

Note that the admin UIs for Hadoop create hyperlinks using hostnames and not IPs; if you want to use all features of the UIs, add the private IPs of the systems to your workstation's hosts file too.

100G Disk Formatting

  • You need to find out the name of your disk, e.g

      fdisk -l |grep Disk |grep GB
      - OR -
      cat /proc/partitions

Assuming your disk is called /dev/xvdc as it is for me,

mkdir /data
mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdc
  • Add this line to /etc/fstab (with the appropriate disk path):

      /dev/xvdc /data                   ext4    defaults,noatime        0 0
  • Mount your disk and set the appropriate perms:

      mount /data
      chmod 1777 /data

System setup

Note: Instructions in this section are to be performed on each node unless otherwise stated.

Install packages (installing the entire JDK rather than the JRE is necessary to get jps and other tools):

yum install -y rsync net-tools java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

User setup preparation

  • Create a user hadoop

      adduser hadoop
  • Set a password for the hadoop user (you'll need this in the ssh-copy-id step in a moment):

      passwd hadoop

Hadoop Download

Download hadoop the latest v2.9.x from to /usr/local and extract it. Assuming 2.9.1 is the latest:

curl| tar -zx -C /usr/local --show-transformed --transform='s,/*[^/]*,hadoop,'

Make sure your key directories have correct permissions

chown -R hadoop.hadoop /data
chown -R hadoop.hadoop /usr/local/hadoop

Switch to hadoop user

From now on, you're working as user hadoop. If you logout of your system and log back in again, you'll need to re-run this step.

su - hadoop

Configure passwordless SSH between systems

Create a keypair on master and copy it to the other systems (when prompted by ssh-keygen, use defaults):

for i in master slave1 slave2; do ssh-copy-id $i; done

Still on the master, accept all keys by SSHing to each box and typing "yes" and, once you're logged into the remote box, typing CTRL-d:

for i in master slave1 slave2; do ssh $i; done

If the above command logged you in on each box without being prompted for a password, you've succeeded and you can move on. If not, investigate problems with your SSH passwordless configuration.

You should do this step to avoid problems starting the cluster, and to add the slave nodes to the known hosts.

Configure Hadoop environment, storage, and cluster

On each system, update the hadoop user's environment and check it:

echo "export JAVA_HOME=\"$(readlink -f $(which javac) | grep -oP '.*(?=/bin)')\"" >> ~/.bash_profile

cat <<\EOF >> ~/.bash_profile
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop

source ~/.bash_profile
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version

Hadoop configuration

Edit these configuration files on the master only initially; an instruction to copy these files to the slave systems is provided later.

Edit Configuration Files

  • Go to the hadoop home directory /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop

      cd $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop
  • Create JAVA_HOME variable in

      echo "export JAVA_HOME=\"$JAVA_HOME\"" > ./
  • Write this content to core-site.xml:

      <?xml version="1.0"?>
  • Write this content to yarn-site.xml:

      <?xml version="1.0"?>

REQUIRED: use you private IPs for your cluster, add this property also (where 10.XX.XX.XX must be the private IP of the master node)

If you are using the 2 CPU/4G node configuration, you will need to add the following properties as well:

  • Write the following content to mapred-site.xml.

      <?xml version="1.0"?>
  • Write the following content to hdfs-site.xml.

      <?xml version="1.0"?>
  • Copy all your files to the other machines since you need this configuration on all the nodes:

      rsync -a /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/* hadoop@slave1:/usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/
      rsync -a /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/* hadoop@slave2:/usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/
  • Write the following content to the file slaves (note that you want to remove the values that are already there):


Create an HDFS filesystem

  • On the master node, format your namenode before the first time you set up your cluster. If you format a running Hadoop filesystem, you will lose all the data stored in HDFS.

     hdfs namenode -format

Starting The Cluster

(Note that not all links in these control UIs will work from your workstation; some

Log files are located under $HADOOP_HOME/logs.

You can check the java services running once your cluster is running using jps.

To connect to the cluster over the private network IP, you must be connected to IBM Cloud VPN, please use this instructions to do so:

Run Terasort

On master, execute the terasort job.

  • The example below will generate a 10GB set and ingest it into the distributed filesystem:

Note that the input to teragen is the number of 100 byte rows

cd /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce
hadoop jar $(ls hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2*.jar) teragen 100000000 /terasort/in
  • Now, let's do the sort:

      hadoop jar $(ls hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2*.jar) terasort /terasort/in /terasort/out
  • Validate that everything completed successfully:

      hadoop jar $(ls hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2*.jar) teravalidate /terasort/out /terasort/val
  • Clean up, e.g.:

      hdfs dfs -rm -r /terasort/\*

To Turn In:

  • A document with the output of the Terasort run.

Optional: Build Hadoop native libs

Hadoop has native lib replacements for some Java libs. Your system may print warnings like these to the console if your system is not using the native libs:

15/09/27 16:24:51 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable

You can safely ignore these warnings. However, if you're interested in building Hadoop native libs on your system and configuring Hadoop to use them, follow the directions below.

  • If you're using the hadoop user account, exit it such that you're executing commands as root.

  • Install build tools:

      yum install -y epel-release git && yum install -y protobuf-compiler cmake gcc gcc-c++ zlib-devel openssl-devel
      curl | tar xz -C /usr/local --show-transformed --transform='s,/*[^/]*,maven,'
  • Become the hadoop user again and update the environment:

      sudo su - hadoop
      echo "export MAVEN_HOME=\"/usr/local/maven\"" >> ~/.bash_profile
      echo "export PATH=\"\$MAVEN_HOME/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bash_profile
      source ~/.bash_profile

If the foregoing commands have succeeded, git --version and mvn -version should report version information.

  • Download the source code for the Hadoop version you have installed as ~hadoop/hadoop. You might try the following Bash/grep insanity (note the output of hadoop version as of this writing contains the silly output string Subversion -r 15ecc87ccf4a0228f35af08fc56de536e6ce657a, which contains useful information but is misleading).

      HADOOP_CO=($(hadoop version | grep -oP '(?(?<=Subversion )[^ ]+|(?<=-r )(.+))')); \
      git clone ${HADOOP_CO[0]} && cd hadoop && git checkout ${HADOOP_CO[1]}
  • Build Hadoop with the native option (note: this takes several minutes to complete, you might fetch some coffee or a snack while it compiles):

      mvn package -Pdist,native -DskipTests
  • Copy the newly-built native libs to your Hadoop installation directory on each system running Hadoop:

      for i in master slave1 slave2; do rsync -avz --stats --progress ./hadoop-dist/target/hadoop-*/lib/native/* $i:$HADOOP_HOME/lib/native/; done
  • If running, restart Hadoop: && && &&


  • To debug connectivity problems, try connecting over SSH as the hadoop user from the master node to the others, each in turn.

  • To inspect open ports and services running on them, execute netstat -ntlp.