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310 lines (217 loc) · 11.7 KB

Documentation with Sphinx

We use Sphinx for most documentation in the UBC-MOAD projects and repositories. Sphinx provides:

  • direct rendering to HTML for online publication
  • easy inclusion of LaTeX math syntax with in-browser rendering via MathJax
  • easy inclusion of figures, graphs, and images
  • easy inclusion of Jupyter Notebooks
  • deep linkability
  • high search engine discoverability for docs that we publish to readthedocs
  • optional PDF rendering

LaTeX should be used for manuscripts of papers and theses, and for reports for which PDFs must be rendered, uploaded, and linked into other documentation to make them available online.

All documentation is under :ref:`vc-with-git` and stored in either docs repositories (e.g. UBC-MOAD/docs, SalishSeaCast/docs , and MIDOSS/docs) or in the :file:`docs/` directory of :ref:`code repositories <team-repos>` (e.g. UBC-MOAD/moad_tools, or SalishSeaCast/NEMO-Cmd).

Most of our repositories are configured so that when changes that have been committed and pushed to GitHub a signal is sent to to automatically rebuild and render the docs at a sub-domain. There is a very good chance that you are presently reading the result of that processing pipeline at

Links to a repository's docs can generally be found in the :file:`README`.

Sphinx uses reStructuredText (reST), a simple, unobtrusive markup language. The Sphinx documentation provides a brief introduction to reST concepts and syntax. Sphinx extends reST with a collection of directives and interpreted text roles for cross-referencing, tables of contents, code examples, and specially formatted paragraphs like notes, alerts, warnings, etc.

Slides notebook from 11-Mar-2021 group tutorial about writing documentation with Sphinx:

Installing Sphinx

To use Sphinx you need to have the sphinx and sphinx_rtd_theme packages installed in your :program:`conda` environment. If you want to include Jupyter Notebooks in your docs you also need the nbsphinx package.

Our docs and code repositories docs all have a section about contributing or package development that includes details of how to setup up a :program:`conda` environment to work in, and how to build, preview, and link-check the repository's docs. For this repository please see :ref:`MOAD-DocsContributing`. :ref:`moadtools:moad_toolsPackagedDevelopment` is an example of a code repository package development docs sections that includes information about working on its docs.

Building and Previewing Documentation

As you are writing and editing Sphinx documentation you can build the HTML rendered docs locally and preview them in your browser to ensure that there are no reST syntax errors and that the docs look the way you want them to.

In the top level :file:`docs/` directory (e.g. :file:`docs/` in this repository, or the :file:`docs/` sub-directory in a code repository) use the command:

make clean html

to build the docs. You will be notified of any syntax or consistency errors.

The HTML pages produced by the :command:`make clean html` command are stored in the :file:`_build/html/` sub-directory. You can use your browser to open the :file:`index.html` file in that directory to preview them. The command:

firefox _build/html/index.html

will probably do the right thing. You can keep a browser tab open to the rendered docs and refresh after each build to see updates.


The top level :file:`docs/` directory contains (at minimum) the files :file:``, :file:`Makefile`, and :file:`index.rst`, and the directory :file:`_static/`. After the docs have been built it will also contain the :file:`_build/` sub-directory.

The result of running :command:`make clean html` should look something like:

Removing everything under '_build'...
Running Sphinx v3.5.2
making output directory... done
loading intersphinx inventory from
loading intersphinx inventory from
loading intersphinx inventory from
loading intersphinx inventory from
building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date
building [html]: targets for 20 source files that are out of date
updating environment: [new config] 20 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [100%] zzz_archival_docs/index
looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... done
preparing documents... done
writing output... [100%] zzz_archival_docs/index
generating indices... done
writing additional pages... search done
copying static files... done
copying extra files... done
dumping search index in English (code: en)... done
dumping object inventory... done
build succeeded.

The HTML pages are in _build/html.

Link Checking the Documentation

You can also check the documentation for broken links with the command:

make clean linkcheck

Look for any errors in the output or in the :file:`_build/linkcheck/output.txt` file.

Writing Style

Please consider using semantic line breaks in your Sphinx files. Doing so makes it easier to quickly rearrange clauses and ideas as you edit and revise. It also makes it so much easier to see changes in context when you use :command:`git diff` or look at commits on GitHub.

Links and Cross-references

External Links

The preferred way to including external links is via markup like:

This is a paragraph that contains `a link`_.

.. _a link:

If the link text should be the web address, you don't need special markup at all, the parser finds links and mail addresses in ordinary text.

Internal Links

To support cross-referencing to arbitrary locations in any document, the standard reST labels are used. For this to work label names must be unique throughout the entire documentation. There are three ways in which you can refer to labels:

  1. If you place a label directly before a section title, you can reference to it with :ref:`label-name`. Example:

    .. _my-reference-label:
    Section to cross-reference
    This is the text of the section.
    It refers to the section itself, see :ref:`my-reference-label`.

    The :ref: role would then generate a link to the section, with the link title being "Section to cross-reference". This works just as well when sections and references are in different source files.

    Labels also work with figures. Given:

    .. _my-figure:
    .. figure:: whatever
       Figure caption

    a reference :ref:`my-figure` would insert a reference to the figure with link text "Figure caption".

    The same works for tables that are given an explicit caption using the table directive.

  2. Labels that aren't placed before a section title can still be referenced to, but you must give the link an explicit title, using this syntax: :ref:`Link title <label-name>`.

    The same syntax can be used to change the link text from what it would be automatically to something different that you want in a specific context. Example:

    :ref:`the section above <my-reference-label>`

    makes a link to the Section to cross-reference section with the section above as the link text.

  3. The intersphinx extension automatically generates links to labels and objects in Sphinx docs in other repositories. Example:


    creates a link to the :ref:`moadtools:moad_toolsPackagedDevelopment` section in the UBC-MOAD/moad_tools docs.

Using :rst:role:`ref` is advised over the :ref:`SphinxExternalLinks` style whenever possible because it works across files, and when section headings are changed.

Links to Rendered Jupyter Notebooks

To link to a rendered representation of an Jupyter Notebook that has been pushed to a GitHub repo use markup like:

* `SalishSeaBathy.ipynb`_: Documents the full domain bathymetry used for the Salish Sea NEMO runs.

.. _SalishSeaBathy.ipynb:

Forcing Line Breaks

In most cases your should just let Sphinx take care of inserting line breaks in the rendered docs; it will almost always do the right thing by putting breaks between paragraphs, between list items, around block quotations and code examples, etc.

Occasionally though you may need to force line breaks. The most common case for this is to add line breaks within table cells so as as to avoid excessive sideways scrolling of the rendered table. You can force a line break in the HTML that Sphinx renders by defining a substitution that will insert a break tag (<br>). Here's an example of doing that and using the substitution in a table cell:

.. |br| raw:: html


===========  ===================================================  ==============  ==================
 Date                       Change                                New Value       Changeset
===========  ===================================================  ==============  ==================
27-Oct-2014  1st :file:`nowcast/` run results                     N/A
20-Nov-2014  1st :file:`forecast/` run results                    N/A
26-Nov-2014  Changed to tidal forcing tuned for better |br|       see changeset   efa8c39a9a7c_
             accuracy at Point Atkinson
===========  ===================================================  ==============  ==================


The |br| substitution needs to be defined once (but only once) per file.