Crossbow Wear
Crossbow Gson
Current Version Number -
All Crossbow Libraries
######Base Crossbow Library
compile 'com.twistedequations.crossbow:crossbow:'
######Crossbow Wear
compile 'com.twistedequations.crossbow:crossbow-wear:'
######Crossbow Wear Receiver
compile 'com.twistedequations.crossbow:crossbow-wear-receiver:'
######Crossbow Gson
compile 'com.twistedequations.crossbow:crossbow-gson:'
Extension to the Volley library adding an easy to use wrapper around Volley. Supports android 2.3 and up on phones and 4.3 and up for the wear module
Also provides an easy Picasso inspired image loading system based on the ImageLoader.
Crossbow does not modify the Volley library in any way so if you already use Volley then this library can replace it with no changes to your code.
Crossbow will use OkHttp if it finds it in the project. You can force the use a custom OkHttpClient by using a custom CrossbowComponents or by extending the DefaultCrossbowComponents.
Crossbow is hosted on jcenter
buildscript {
repositories {
Add the Crossbow dependency to your build.gradle in your wear project
dependencies {
compile 'com.twistedequations.crossbow:crossbow:'
Crossbow does all the heavy setup lifting for you including setting up the Request Queue, Image Caches, Image Loaders and Http Clients.
A default Crossbow singleton can be obtained using
CrossBow.get(Context context);
Adding a request to the queue is easy and simple.
StringRequest request = new StringRequest("", new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
//Handle response
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
//Error handling
This will execute the request asynchronously and the callbacks will be invoked when the request has finished on the main thread.
If you want to execute a request synchronously then use the sync method. The callbacks will not be invoked and it is safe to pass null for the callbacks.
GsonGetRequest<List<Repo>> requestRepos = new GsonGetRequest<List<Repo>>("", null, null){};
SyncResponse<List<Repo>> response = Crossbow.get(context).sync(requestRepos);
If you need to get a reference to the RequestQueue then simply use
RequestQueue requestQueue = Crossbow.get(context).getRequestQueue();
If you wish you can write a CustomRequest by extending thr Request class to handle any custom parsing, headers etc that the library does not support directly.
Crossbow also has rich image loading api based in volleys image loader. Crossbow sets up an ImageLoader and a Memory Cache for the decoded and scaled bitmaps. Using this is very easy using the Crossbow.loadImage().
The bitmaps are automatically scaled down to the size of the ImageView if the image is larger than the ImageView to reduce memory usage and improve cache performance.
CrossbowImage also supports placeholders
and separate scaling for placeholders drawables, error drawables and the loaded image.
Crossbow can load from http/https network urls, File Uri, File paths and drawable resource ids.
Crossbow will automatically detect ImageView reuse and cancel the old requests so it safe to use in adapters.
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(context);
return imageView;
If you need custom network image loading/handing then you can use the standard Volley ImageLoader. This shares the same Threads, Cache and ImageLoader that CrossbowImage uses. Getting a reference to the ImageLoader uses the same method as the RequestQueue.
ImageLoader imageLoader = Crossbow.from(this).getImageLoader();
imageLoader.get("", new ImageLoader.ImageListener() {
public void onResponse(ImageLoader.ImageContainer response, boolean isImmediate) {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
File image loading is done with the FileImageLoader
FileImageLaoder imageLoader = Crossbow.from(this).getImageLoader();
imageLoader.get("", new ImageLoader.ImageListener() {
public void onResponse(ImageLoader.ImageContainer response, boolean isImmediate) {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
If you want to use your own components you can implement CrossbowComponents or its simpler subclass DefaultCrossbowComponents which has hooks to override the default components. If you wanted to use a custom network of a different OkHttpClient
public class CustomCrossbowBuilder extends DefaultCrossbowComponents {
public Network onCreateNetwork(HttpStack httpStack) {
return new CustomNetwork(httpStack);
public OkHttpClient onCreateHttpClient() {
return new CustomOkHttpClient();
And register it using in the application class
Crossbow.initialize(context, components);
or any where before calling
for the first time.
If you want to manage the crossbow singleton yourself you can use
Crossbow crossbow = new Crossbow(crossbow, components);
and store it manually in the application for a singleton wrapper.
Note: If you use dagger2 you can extend the CrossbowComponents interface and annotate it with a module to use dependency injection
Copyright 2015 Patrick Doyle
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.