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Acronyms used

A list of useful acronyms used in deep learning and music sorted alphabetically.

Acronym Full name
ADT Automatic Drum Transcription
AE AutoEncoder
AMT Automatic Music Transcription
ANN Artificial Neural Network
ARNN Anticipation Recurrent Neural Network
BILSTM Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory
BPTT Back-Propagation Through Time
BRNN Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network
CDBN Convolutional Deep Belief Networks
CEC Constant Error Carousel
CLNN ConditionaL Neural Networks
CNN Convolutional Neural Network
ConvNet Convolutional Neural Network
CRBM Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine
CRNN Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network
DAE Denoising AutoEncoder or Deep AutoEncoder
DBM Deep Boltzmann Machine
DBN Deep Belief Network
DeconvNet DeConvolutional Neural Network
DL Deep Learning
DNN Deep Neural Network
DSN Deep Stacking Network
DWT Discrete Wavelet Transform
ELM Extreme Learning Machine
FC Fully Connected
FCN Fully Convolutional Network
FC-CNN Fully Convolutional Convolutional Neural Network
FC-LSTM Fully Connected Long Short-Term Memory
GBRCN Gradient-Boosting Random Convolutional Network
GFNN Gradient Frequency Neural Networks
GLCM Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix
HAN Hierarchical Attention Network
HHDS HipHop Dataset
LSTM Long Short-Term Memory
MCLNN Masked ConditionaL Neural Networks
MER Music Emotion Recognition
MGR Music Genre Recognition
MLM Music Language Models
MLP Multi-Layer Perceptron
MRS Music Recommender System
MSDAE Modified Sparse Denoising Autoencoder
MSE Mean Squared Error
MSR Music Style Recognition
NN Neural Network
NNMODFF Neural Network based Multi-Onset Detection Function Fusion
ODF Onset Detection Function
PNN Probabilistic Neural Network
PReLU Parametric Rectified Linear Unit
RANSAC RANdom SAmple Consensus
RBM Restricted Boltzmann Machine
ReLU Rectified Linear Unit
RICNN Rotation Invariant Convolutional Neural Network
RNN Recurrent Neural Network
RTRL Real-Time Recurrent Learning
SAE Stacked AE
SDAE Stacked DAE
SGD Stochastic Gradient Descent 
SVM Support Vector Machine
SVD Singing Voice Detection
SVS Singing Voice Separation
VAD Voice Activity Detection
VAE Variational AutoEncoder
VPNN Vector Product Neural Network
WPE Weighted Prediction Error