For complete reproduction, please go to
- python 3.7 (Anaconda recommended)
pip install -r requirements.txt
run sudo apt-get install python3.7-dev
first if you don't have python3.7 dev package.
download (need to be unzipped) and ASE_features2_bert.pickle from data in Zenodo, accordingly change the absolute path of these two files in experiment/ of this repository as below.
- self.path_patch ---> ASE2022withTextUnique. Original dataset with patches text and commit messages text.
- self.path_ASE2020_feature ---> ASE_features2_bert.pickle. The feature from Tian et al.'s ASE2020 paper for our RQ3 DL experiment.
Execute the following command to see if you can successfully obtain RQ1 results (Figure 6 & Table 2).
python RQ1
To predict the correctness of your custom patches, you are welcome to use the prediction interface.
BERT model client&server: 24-layer, 1024-hidden, 16-heads, 340M parameters. download it here.
Environment for BERT server (different from reproduction)
- python 3.7
- pip install tensorflow==1.14
- pip install bert-serving-client==1.10.0
- pip install bert-serving-server==1.10.0
- pip install protobuf==3.20.1
- Launch BERT server via
bert-serving-start -model_dir "Path2BertModel"/wwm_cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16 -num_worker=2 -max_seq_len=360 -port 8190
- switch the port in BERT_Port in case your port 8190 is occupied.
Bug report text: developer-written bug report.
Patch description text: generating patch description for your plausible patches with commit message generation tools, e.g. CodeTrans. Github and API.
Let's give it a try!
python predict $bug_report_text $patch_description_text
For instance: python predict 'Missing type-checks for var_args notation' 'check var_args properly'