- Fix issue which could cause unexpected behaviour in OpenGL hosts after a texture output was resized
- Fix issue which prevented users launching TouchDesigner while TouchEngine was in use on macOS (requires TouchDesigner 2023.11629 or later)
- Add TEInstanceSetPreferredEnginePath(), TEInstanceGetPreferredEnginePath() and TEInstanceGetConfiguredEnginePath()
- Fix issue which prevented GPU selection working for Vulkan hosts in some circumstances
- Fix issue which caused TEInstanceGetSupportedTextureTypes() to return bad values for some older TouchDesigner versions
- When TouchDesigner 2023.11600 is in use on a user's system, output textures will always be IOSurface-backed to avoid a bug with Metal texture output in that version
- Add TELinkTypeSequence and TEInstanceLinkSetSequenceCount() Sequences are repeating groups of parameters. The number of repetitions is user configurable.
- Add TEInstanceLinkHasValue() and TELinkValueUIMinimum, TELinkValueUIMaximum
- Add support for some more sRGB compressed texture formats
- Fix issue which could prevent TEObjectEventEndUse being sent in some circumstances
- Fix issue which prevented linking when using Xcode 15
- Fix an issue which could cause unexpected behaviour for texture inputs or outputs following a crash in the TouchEngine process
- Add TEOpenGLContextSupportsTexturesForInstance()
- Improve error reporting in cases where the TouchEngine process crashes
- Add TEInstanceSetAssetDirectory() and TEInstanceGetAssetDirectory()
- Fix crash which could occur handling component errors during loading
- Add TEInstanceLinkHasUserTint() and TEInstanceLinkGetUserTint()
- Add detailed reporting for component errors via TEInstanceGetErrors()
- A subsequent call to TEInstanceConfigure() before a previous configuration has completed now completes the initial configuration with TEResultCancelled
- Check for presence of TOUCHENGINE_APP_PATH environment variable to specificy a TouchDesigner installation to use
- Fix an issue which could cause lost CHOP or DAT values when running in independent mode
- Fix an issue which could leave a TEInstance in an inconsistent state if the TouchEngine process crashed
- Fix an issue which could cause a crash releasing a TETable or TEFloatData
- Other fixes for stability
- Initial macOS public release