Using as a test the OpenAI LunarLanderContinuous-v2 environment
This is an implementation of the A3C (Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic) algorithm introduced by the deepmind team in 2016.
The implementation is in file
- tensorflow ver. 1.12.0
- python ver 3.x
policy_net_args = {"num_Hlayers": 2,
"activations_Hlayers": ["relu", "relu"],
"Hlayer_sizes": [100, 100],
"n_output_units": 2,
"output_layer_activation": tf.nn.tanh,
"state_space_size": 8,
"action_space_size": 2,
"Entropy": 0.01,
"action_space_upper_bound": action_space_upper_bound,
"action_space_lower_bound": action_space_lower_bound,
"optimizer": tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.0001),
"total_number_episodes": 5000,
"number_of_episodes_before_update": 1,
"frequency_of_printing_statistics": 100,
"frequency_of_rendering_episode": 1000,
"number_child_agents": 8,
"episodes_back": 20,
"gamma": 0.99,
"regularization_constant": 0.01,
"max_steps_per_episode": 2000
valuefunction_net_args = {"num_Hlayers": 2,
"activations_Hlayers": ["relu", "relu"],
"Hlayer_sizes": [100, 64],
"n_output_units": 1,
"output_layer_activation": "linear",
"state_space_size": 8,
"action_space_size": 2,
"optimizer": tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.01),
"regularization_constant": 0.01}
The performance is quite noisy, but still respects the conditions for it to be considered solved. The noisy solution may be due to early stopping, but it seems that the reward structure does not translate itself into landings that would be considered safe. For example, landing with just a leg inside the landing zone seems to be as good as landing with both legs inside. Landing in very few time steps is also considered better, encouraging maneuvers performed with high acceleration.