This project aims to run reinforcement learning models on a real Atlas.
- Python version: 3.7.11
- Run the simulated Atlas model in
. - Wrap it into an OpenAI-Gym environment.
- Run low pass filter or simulation with 100hz and action sampling with 30hz
- Retarget motion files to AtlasEnv and see how it looks
- Create a second backend for the OpenAI-Gym that connects to the real Atlas.
- Train a very basic machine learning model with
in the virtual Gym and run it in the real Gym. Fix most of the joints to zero, except, for example, the right arm. - Encode rotations as 2 unit vectors (x and y)
- Remove sim-time from observation
- Remove horizontal components from observation
- chosenDifference should be difference between actual joint angles and reference joint angles
- actionSpeedDiff should also be difference between actual joint angles and reference joint angles
- Sample start position uniformly between first and last reference motion frame
- do sanity check on eulerDif. Set robot to fixed angle diff, check if its valid
- Tune exponents: Starts at .2 and spreads between .5
- Change batch_size=512
- Use hyperparameters from
- Set friction on ground plane to a higher value
- Add low pass filtering to joint motors. Low pass filter on the actual angles instead of the normalized action space
- See how the model behaves and decide on further steps.
- Use IK to better match reference motion
- Use reward for relative end effector difference
- Use motion from real atlas as reference
- Debug without ground plane and figure out why the simulations still diverge
- Sample from uniform instead of normal distribution
Install Python 3.7. Create a virtual env (or something else).
which python3.7
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.7 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt -f
For the env explorer
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libxcb-xinerama0
sudo apt-get install qtcreator
Run the following command to play around with the Atlas Robot in PyBullet.
python3 atlasrl/simulator/
For training the model, run
python3 -m atlasrl
For testing the remote, run
python3 -m atlasrl.robots.AtlasRemoteEnv_test
For exploring the env, run
python3 -m atlasrl.robots.AtlasEnvExplorer
- Observed state is not clear yet.
- Actions are the pd-controller targets for the 30 joints of the simulated Atlas.
- Rewards depend on the specific task.
- 1st is dT in secs
python -m atlasrl.simulator.ShowReferenceMotion
source ~/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2021.1.1/python_samples/