Welcome to Realty Homes, a mobile-responsive real estate web application built with React, Redux, and Tailwind CSS. This application allows users to browse real estate listings and stay updated with the latest real estate news.
- Project Overview
- User Stories
- Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Configuration
- Usage
- Deployment
- Contributing
Realty Homes is a real estate web application designed to provide users with a seamless experience of exploring available properties and staying informed about the latest real estate news. The project aims to integrate a Django-based API for property listings and utilizes a third-party API for real estate news.
As a user of Realty Homes, I can:
- View a list of available real estate properties.
- Click on a property to view its details, including price, location, images, and description.
- Search for properties based on location, price range, and property type.
- Access a blog section with the latest real estate news.
- Read detailed news articles with images and descriptions.
- Click on a news article to view its full content.
- Navigate easily using a responsive navigation bar and footer.
To complete the project within a week, we will focus on the following MVP features:
- Property Listings:
- Display a list of real estate properties fetched from a Django REST API.
- Implement a basic card layout to show property details (e.g., price, location).
- Enable clicking on a property card to view more details.
- Property Details:
- Show detailed information about a property, including price, location, images, and description.
- Provide a back button to return to the listings.
- Search Functionality:
Create a search bar to filter properties based on location, price range, and property type. 4.Real Estate News:
Fetch and display real estate news articles from a third-party API.
Show article previews with images and descriptions.
Allow clicking on an article preview to view the full article.
- Navigation:
- Implement a responsive navigation bar for easy site navigation.
- Include a footer with essential links and information.
- Styling and Responsiveness:
- Apply a visually appealing design using Tailwind CSS.
- Ensure mobile responsiveness for a seamless experience on different devices.
Follow these instructions to get a local copy of the project up and running on your machine.
Install my-project with npm
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/tishshaw/realty-homes.git
- Navigate to the project:
cd realty-homes-frontend
- Install project dependencies:
npm install
Before running the application, you may need to configure environment variables or API endpoints depending on your specific setup for the Django API and the third-party real estate news API.
Start the devleopment server
npm start
Visit http://localhost:3000 in your web browser to access the application.
To deploy the Realty Homes web app to a production environment, you can follow these general steps:
- Build the production-ready version of the app:
npm run build
Deploy the build artifacts to a web hosting platform of your choice (e.g., Netlify, Vercel, AWS Amplify).
Configure any necessary environment variables for the production environment.
Contributions are always welcome!